The Tang Dynasty's Female Forensic Doctor

Chapter 340

"Go to bed early!" Liu Qingsong made up a sentence, kneaded his waist and went back to the house to rub iron and make medicine.

Ran Yan took off her shoes in the corridor and went into the room.

Lying on the couch tossing and turning can not sleep, worry is one aspect, and she just after a short time, used to sleep next to a person, whenever nightmares will have a pair of powerful arms to pull her into the arms, to give warmth.

The moon rises in the East and sinks in the West. Ran Yan looks at the light of the lattice window on the ground and changes its position quietly. In his heart, he becomes more and more anxious.

Until the third watch, when she was about to fall asleep, the window made a slight noise, and someone quietly pried open the window and turned in.

Ran Yan could hear the sound of clothes. Soon, the man went to the couch with a cool breath, approached her, and reached out to help her caress the scattered hair on her face. It seemed that he had studied her for a while and then wanted to lie down.

Ran Yan knew it was Xiao song without looking at him. She turned over and put her arm around his strong waist.

"Not yet asleep?" Xiao Song pulled the pillow over and put it under her head.

Ran Yan didn't say anything, just hugged him tightly. After a long time, I opened my eyes and looked up at her with a faint smile.

"Ah Yan, are you worried about me?" Xiao Song asked softly.

"Well." Ran Yan answered.

"Is it worried about me more?" Xiao sang about the uncertain way. Ran Yan is a person who is not good at hiding his emotions. Xiao Song noticed her expression from the time he saw her in the Tibetan moon Pavilion. He knew that she had thought about Su Fu.

Ran Yan loosened his hand, sat up, and said in a flat voice, "you doubt me."

"Ah Yan, I have never asked you about sufu. I just want to know where I am in your heart and where I am." Xiao Song looked at her straight.

"I don't know where you are in my heart." Ran Yan's eyes did not evade.

The brilliance in Xiao Song's eyes was obviously dim. He lay down slowly, but listened to ran Yan's following way, "because since I chose you, I gave you my heart. You can't see it clearly."

Ran Yan lies down with his back to him and doesn't speak any more. She had been restless for half a night for him, but came back with such a problem. It was impossible not to be angry.

After hearing about Suo, ran Yan felt the warmth behind her. An arm encircled her in her arms. "Madam, don't let your body get angry."

Ran Yan broke away from him and moved to the side. Xiao Song then pasted it up. His voice called softly, "Yan Yan."

It was a bit of a coquettish taste. His charming and mellow voice, with a little flattery and coquetry, is destructive to ran Yan.

Xiao Song reached out to hold ran Yan's slender waist. Seeing that she didn't repel her, Xiao Song knew her tone just now. She liked it, so she moved forward, rubbed her cheek with the tip of her nose, and said again, "Yan Yan, don't be angry."

"Stop it, itch." Ran Yan pushed him away.

Although the tone is still not very good, but Xiao Song can clearly detect the change in her attitude, so he simply put out his hand to take her into his arms, and began to take the bitter line, "Yan Yan, I am hurt."

Ran Yan turned over, his voice tense, "where did you hurt?"

Xiao Song pointed to his thigh.

"I asked about the injury." Ran Yan gets up, lights up the lamp in the room, finds some medicine from the head of the bed, takes a clean cloth, and takes a look at Xiao Song. He is wearing a middle coat. His hair is wet. It seems that he has just bathed. The wound should not be too heavy.

She was a little relieved and said with a blank face, "my pants are off."

Although Chang'an woman has always been tough, but ran Yan is the most. Xiao Song coughed, "it's no big problem. Don't take it off, madam."

"It's no big deal. Tell me what to do." Ran Yan knelt down on the couch, holding it in his hand. Seeing that he was pulling his trousers, he would start to cut it off. Xiao Song stopped him and said, "I take off. I can only wear this middle coat."

Then he reached out and untied his trousers.

There is no underwear like that of later generations. As soon as you take off your pants, you only have half length clothes to cover it. Ran Yan glances at it and quickly turns her attention to her legs.

Left leg knee up three inches of the place with cloth, near the outside of the knee is still bleeding. Ran Yan cut the cloth gently with scissors, "does it hurt?"

"No problem." Xiao Song see ran Yan worried appearance, the lip corner slightly cocked up. He can't help but reflect that ran Yan is not a warm person, and all the feelings are very subtle. In addition, he knows that ran Yan has unusual feelings for Su Fu, so he is not confident. At the end of the day, he never asked about Sufu's affairs on the surface, and he seemed very generous. In fact, he still had a knot in his heart. Today, he found that Sufu was also there. He was very upset.

"Hurt by a sword? What happened? " Ran Yan frowned. The wound was not deep, but it was very long, but sometimes it hurt more.

"At last I got hold of the tail." Xiao Song had a smile on his face, but his eyes were cold. "Li Tai and Princess baling joined hands to give me a set. Princess baling ordered people to imitate my handwriting to lead Bai Yi and others into the trap, while Li Tai laid an ambush on Bai Yi's way. He not only made a pile of evidence, but also wanted to capture Bai Yi alive. "Xiao Song snorted coldly, "it's a pity that it's still tender. Although Li Tai's mansion has attracted many scholars, almost all of them are good at classics and history. Their advice is far less than those under Li Ke's hands. It's so naive and ridiculous to rely on those people who want to deal with me. "

However, ran Yan guessed that she was not far away from him. She helped Xiao Song bandage slightly. "Princess baling can really give up blood for you."

Xiao Song took a painful breath and said with a smile, "you want to murder your husband At the beginning, she was just interested in me. Later, I put it together and destroyed her virtue of hard working in front of the holy master. So she harbored a grudge. I'm afraid she would like to overthrow me in my dreams, trample on my feet and torture me severely. She has no love for me. "

Ran Yan hummed, "according to you, it turns out that Princess baling is disheartened by throwing a flying knife every day with your portrait on it!"

"Well, that's new. If not, what do you think she copied so many files? A confidant and confidant are invincible in a hundred battles, and she just wants to catch my mistake. " Xiao Song was wearing his pants and said.

Ran Yan sneered, "but I dare to be sure that Princess baling must have love for you, and she wants to conquer you."

"I smell old vinegar." Xiao song came close to her and sniffed, and then he approached her in a soft voice, "she can't conquer me, only you can."

He reached for ran Yan's hand and led her to touch the place which was already hot. Ran Yan is surprised that she has never teased him! What's more, his clothes are also well dressed. Does Xiao Song think about that when she sees her?

With this idea, Xiao Song's breath was sprayed on ran Yan's ear. The heat under her hand made her cheek hot and scolded, "it's not serious."

Xiao Song sighed, let go of his hand and lay down on the couch. He had no wife to endure before, but now he has, it is more painful to endure. In fact, he should be divided into two rooms, but he would rather bear it than divide it.

"How is your tail hiding?" Ran Yan no longer provokes her, lying in his not far place, talking to divert his attention. (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!