The Tang Dynasty's Female Forensic Doctor

Chapter 342

"Lady." A hoarse voice sounded at the door.

Ran Yan and Wanlv are both stunned. Looking back, they can see a young woman in a dark blue Ru skirt, with a bun on her head and beautiful eyes, but it is Ge Lan.

After a moment's silence, the evening green suddenly responded and quickly stepped forward to grab her hand and said happily, "Ge Lan, you can speak!"

"Well." Because of the injury, Ge Lan's voice sounds neutral, deep and hoarse, which makes people feel a little tired.

"I just talked about you!" Green smile in the evening.

Song LAN clapped her hand and bowed to ran Yan, "lady, the maid is back."

Song Lan's vocal cords have already returned to normal. Ran Yan has always attributed her inability to speak to psychological reasons. Even if she suddenly starts to speak, ran Yan will not feel too surprised, so she reaches out to support her as usual and says, "don't be too polite. Is Suzhou OK?"

"Don't worry, madam. Everything is fine in Suzhou, but Mrs. Gao is very anxious about her daughter. She is not very well recently." Ge Lan understood that ran Yan asked this was meaningful. She wanted to know whether there was any flaw in Ran's death.

When it comes to the body is not good, there is a glimmer of pleasure in Ge Lan's eyes.

As soon as you can see, this is what she did.

"Gao's pregnant." Ge Lan's voice was flat and gave a startling news.

Ran Yan jaw head, ran Wen is only in his early 40's, and Gao's family is only in his thirties. It's normal to have a baby.

Late green hate hate way, "the old God is kind-hearted, such a wicked woman, how can you treat her like this! She... "

Although she has not finished, she has not finished

That is to say, in the days of Ran Meiyu's seventh birthday, Gao's crying passed out. The doctor found out that she had been pregnant for nearly two months. She gave a glimmer of light to the desperate Gao. She felt that the child must be a daughter, and she wanted to continue with her mother and daughter. Therefore, she was born again, so she also comforted a lot of heartache, and the baby's tightness in daily life.

Ge Lan is to take advantage of the chaos of Ran Meiyu's funeral day and soak a large amount of Musk on the paper. Gao is very alert. She almost just got the paper and smelled it. She quickly lost it. However, she was too sad during this period, which led to the instability of the fetus. In addition, she cared too much about the child, and when she smelled musk, she was too frightened and nervous, which eventually led to the flow Production.

Ran Yan is silent for a moment. Compared with Ge Lan, she is really a kind person. Sufu is right. You don't need to teach the skill of killing. As long as you hate that person enough, you will try every means to get rid of him. Gelan was destroyed by Gao's family and died. She had accumulated hatred for more than ten years, and only waited for this time to vent.

"What was the result?" Ran Yan asked.

Ge Lan slightly pursed her lips and knelt down in front of Ran Yan, "I am damned, because I know that Liu Zishi will cover up, I dare to do it."

Ran Yan sighs. She is a doctor who provides evidence for solving a case. Naturally, she knows that anything can't be done without any trace. There are only two kinds of secrets. Ge Lan is secretive enough, but she can't stand Ran's request for strict investigation. However, if Liu pinrang finds out the truth, it will be easier to find another murderer out of Ran Yan's face 。

"You have the ability to know people." Ran Yan drooped her eyes and said, "get up."

Liu pinrang seems to be an official of the common people, but he is not a man of integrity.

Ge Lan didn't get up. "I didn't intend to do it, but at that time, I heard that Liu's transfer book came down. He was a Beijing official. His wife's marriage was Xiao's servant. It was inevitable that he would have to deal with each other in the future. At the beginning, the lady also gave Liu a lot of benefits. Between ran and his wife, I bet that he would help his wife."

"I didn't blame you. As long as you and I can't help you, you can't help me Ran Yan knelt down on the mat by the window, reached out and poured a cup of water for himself, "I also feel recently that cutting grass does not remove the roots, and the wind blows again."

Song LAN Leng for a moment, just stand up, light voice way, "the lady said is."

So Ge Lan took advantage of Gao's miscarriage and weakness, secretly cast a poison, although not to death, but the damage is not small.

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Song strides in.

Song blue and evening Green Qi bowed to salute, "Lang Jun."

Xiao Song gave a faint hum, went to ran Yan and knelt down on the opposite table, "Liu Sheren may come to visit Ran's house in a few days."

"Liu she Ren?" Ran Yan stopped to react, "Liu Cishi?"

"Well." Xiao Song side head to song blue and evening greenway, "you go out first."

Evening green is in the joy of reunion, go out just as she wants, so joyfully salute, and song LAN together out of the door, conveniently put the door.

"Since last year, there have been sudden death or death of officials in Jiangnan generation. Do you still remember the first corpse, judge Yang of Suzhou?" Xiao Song asked in a deep voice.Ran Yan, of course, remembers that Liu pin asked her to perform an autopsy mysteriously at that time, and preferred to dissect to find out the cause of her death. She nodded, "Yang Jue Si was attacked in the lower body before his death, leading to instant loss of resistance ability, and then was stabbed into the brain from the top of the head with a three inch silver needle."

Ran Yan poured a glass of water to him, and then asked, "is it the death of Yang Jue si..."

Xiao Song took the water. "You may not know the origin of Yang Jue Si. He was a Jinshi in Zhenguan for ten years, but he was born in a poor family. He was not a brilliant scholar in the imperial court. Usually, he could only get an official position in a remote place. However, he was very smart. Before the imperial examination, he did not pass the examination papers to the ordinary scholars The famous scholar gave it to King Wei's mansion. "

The imperial examination system of the Tang Dynasty was not as perfect as that of the Song Dynasty, nor did it implement the name paste system. Moreover, the reputation of candidates would affect the final ranking of the examination. Therefore, candidates preparing to take part in the imperial examination would carry with them two articles that they thought were more satisfied with. The papers submitted to the Ministry of rites were called public papers, while those prepared to seek comments from famous scholars were called Xingjuan.

"That is to say, Yang was sent to Suzhou as an official only by Li Tai's relationship?" Ran Yan vaguely understood why Liu pin let so much care about the death of Yang Jue Si. In officialdom, you can pretend to be confused, but you can't be really confused. You must know the inside information in private.

Xiao Song nodded, "yes, it can be said that Yang Jue Si has been on Li Tai's ship since the beginning, and I have only recently thought of the real cause of his death."

Ran Yan cast a questioning look at him, and Xiao Song saw that she was interested, and then said, "these outsiders will worry about being sacrificed as chess pieces. Therefore, they may leave evidence about Li Tai's bad intentions. Li Tai will not kill him easily until he has used up Yang Jue. It is very likely that Wu Wangke sent someone to look for him in order to overthrow him Evidence. "

"It makes perfect sense to think so." Ran Yan took up the teapot to help him add some water, but suddenly a picture flashed through his mind.

On that rainy day in Suzhou, a graceful husband, a plain faced oil paper umbrella in front of her

The boy's sharp and mean words: pharmacist Su is the husband of my wife. He can afford many umbrellas

The lady It's aunt Yang.

"Maybe your guess is close to the truth." Ran Yan slowly put down the teapot. At the beginning, Sufu was under the command of Li Ke, which was extended according to Xiao Song's inference. It was Sufu who was ordered to seek evidence and kill Yang Jue Si.

According to Liu pinrang, Yang pisi usually practices martial arts and wants to be good at martial arts. Therefore, Su Fu is not sure to kill him. If there is a flaw, Li Tai will be on the alert. Therefore, Li Ke may ask that the God of Yang Pai Si's death be unaware of the ghost. In addition, he needs to know Yang's house to search for evidence, so Su Fu goes into Yang's house to cure aunt Yang.

Su Fu once said that he did not promise to be the son-in-law of Yang's house. He was afraid that Aunt Yang fell in love with him.

Ran Yan said these experiences with Xiao Song in detail.

"In this case, several things have something to do with the king of Wei." Xiao Song's slender fingers beat several sides rhythmically, and then he said, "it's hard to become a big climate."

In Li Shimin's eyes, Li Tai is a son of benevolence, righteousness, courtesy and filial piety, and he has extraordinary literary talent, so he dotes on him. As a son, he loves him more than Li Ke. He had already reached the age of fiefdom, but he was left in Chang'an for an exception. He was allowed to set up a literature museum and recruit talents. His annual expenses were more than that of the prince. Therefore, he also developed his arrogant and extravagant temperament, and constantly recruited talents. However, he did not know that such a high profile would easily lead to dissatisfaction from the powerful officials.

The rain is coming, and the wind is all over the building.

Ran Yan put these things aside and enjoyed the rare leisure time. According to Xiao Song's meaning, Liu pinrang's arrival means that she may be a step closer to entering the palace to treat Princess Jinyang.

Ran Yan got up and said faintly, "I understand now that there is no beloved prince and princess in all dynasties. No matter what they are, you can accompany me to see ten brothers. "

"Good." Xiao Song got up and took her hand. When she came to the door, she told the kitchen to prepare meals. They went down the corridor to ran Yunsheng's residence.

"Well, I've forgotten to talk about business. If there's nothing to say in Jiangnan, maybe I'll be sent to investigate once my filial piety period is over." Xiao Song said.

Ran Yan hummed, "is there no one in the Tang Dynasty? With such a big criminal department, can't we find one who can investigate? I have to let you come in person, but I'm still the county magistrate... "

Xiao Song listened to her words with a smile on her face. "Naturally, the Ministry of punishment will investigate many cases, but not everyone dares to bear this case. Everyone knows people in their hearts. After all, Zhang Shangshu and I should shoulder the responsibility But, ah Yan, I, you can't give me up? "

Ran Yan don't open his face, looking at the garden outside the corridor, "little farewell is better than newlyweds. It's better to take a leave for a while." (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!