The Tang Dynasty's Female Forensic Doctor

Chapter 339

"No Ran Yan said.

It is not possible to erase the tail left in the princess's other courtyard in a moment and a moment ago, and Xiao Song's posture did not mean to return immediately. Therefore, ran Yan guessed that this man was not Xiao Song.

The visibility in the night is not high. If someone is watching, they will not dare to stare too close. As long as you find someone who is similar to Xiao Song and has one or two points of similarity, you can muddle through.

Xiao Song is simply using these stalkers to make an alibi: Xiao Da's servant and his wife are in conflict and are busy coaxing his wife. How can he have time to kill and set fire to his wife!

Since it was not Xiao Song, ran Yan didn't want to pay attention to him. He told his maid not to report any more. No matter what he said, he went to bathe and go to bed.

Lying on the couch, ran Yan tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. He recalled the killing technique of the man in black that he saw on the slope. It was very similar to sufu. However, ran Yan had not seen other killers kill people and was not sure it was him.

What's more, who will preach to Bai Yi? Even change the original plan of Xiao Song and turn to other doors?

According to ran Yan's understanding of Bai Yi during this period of time, I'm afraid that even if the Duke of the state of song sent a letter, he might not change his mind, unless it was Xiao Song himself! But Xiao Song clearly arrived later

Ran Yan's mind flashed over the handwriting in the Tibetan moon Pavilion, especially the three words "Xiao Yue Zhi" on the plaque, which could simply be taken as false. Ran Yan judged that the word was false because she knew that under any circumstances, Xiao song would never write down the meaning of "hidden Yue". He was so smart that he could see through the meaning at a glance.

That is to say, someone in the princess's courtyard can imitate Xiao Song's handwriting, and cooperate with the killer inside and outside, cheat Bai Yi to follow the route they set, leaving evidence of attacking the princess's other courtyard!

Ran Yan suddenly sat up. Those people planned carefully. Did they also conclude that Xiao song would find out the plot? You know he's going to finish it himself?

If the person who designed all this was Princess baling herself, would her goal be Xiao Song?

Thinking of this possibility, ran Yan could not lie down any more. He lit the lamp, sat down a few days ago, and then stood up and went to the window to comfort herself constantly. With his ability, even if Princess baling was plotting, he might not be able to do so.

However, even if Xiao Song is resourceful and resourceful, he is not a God, and people will always fail.

Two ideas in the heart to tear to tear, stir her restless, straight wish to rush back, to see him all right.

She suppressed the confusion in her heart and sat quietly for a while. After all, she still could not calm down, so she had to walk around the yard.

The air in the suburbs is very good, especially at night, with light dew, cool and refreshing. Ran Yan absentmindedly playing with mosquito repellent sachet, back and forth in the yard.

"Ran Yan." Liu Qingsong stretched out his head from the wall next door, "why haven't you been asleep?"

"I can't sleep." Ran Yanxin felt that she was crazy and would like to chat with Liu Qingsong, but she did lose her square inch at the moment, "I worry about him."

Ran Yan told Liu Qingsong what he was worried about.

"There is such a possibility." Liu Qingsong lies on the wall of the courtyard and yawns, "but don't worry, I watched him grow up He grew up with him. Even if he fails, he must be able to save himself. He is not the same as my uncle. If he is insulted and takes care of a set of poisons, Jiulang will be patient. The so-called keeping green hills is not afraid of no firewood burning. "

It's just where it hurts!

Ran Yan's face is more black, "are you comforting me?"

"It's so obvious that you can't hear it?" Liu Qingsong's serious manner does not seem to be joking.

"I don't feel comforted." Ran Yan voice flat way, "if he lost his life, I would rather he learn ten elder brothers, big deal I accompany him to die together."

Liu Qingsong chuckled a few times, "no, it has been said that she is a chaste and heroic woman all the time. No one who has a chaste and heroic man is just losing some dignity. With Jiulang's temperament, he will surely get back a hundred times. Besides, how do you know he hasn't been broken before

Ran Yan gazed at him for a long time and said coldly, "you have come specially to sow dissension."

Liu Qingsong was frightened by her expression, shrunk his neck and said with a smile, "I'm not wrong. Xiao Yue's defense is as good as jade. He is a chaste and strong man. Absolutely, who says it's not me who is in a hurry."

"How do you know I'm not sleeping?" Ran Yan changes the topic. If he continues, ran Yan is afraid that he can't help killing people.

"If the light is still on in your yard, I guess you're worried that Jiulang can't sleep." Liu Qingsong said with a smile, "forensic ran Da, you said you wanted to conquer the Tang Dynasty. I finally had a goal. You can't let me fight alone."

Ran Yan sighed softly and sat down on the porch. "Before conquering the Tang Dynasty, let me kill Princess baling first."

Liu Qingsong slipped at his feet and fell down. After a long time, he climbed up again, kneaded his waist and said, "you're not kidding. Although I don't have any class concept, I've lived in a society where monarchy is supreme for more than ten years. In this respect, I'm your predecessor. I advise you not to be impulsive. Do you think this is a fantasy story, princess It's so easy to solve. With Jiulang's temperament, she's not even left with ashes, and there are so many persecuted people who can't do it? ""I've been in forensic medicine for so many years, and this is the second time I have the urge to kill." Ran Yan drooped her eyes and said, "at the beginning, my good friend died in the hands of those dirty people. I wish I could torture them with the cruelest means in the world and make them regret coming to this world. But the captain of the criminal police team is right. It's not worth taking another person for the sake of those people. I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. However, in the Tang Dynasty, I'm sure I won't leave any traces. "

Ran Yan looked up at Liu Qingsong and said firmly, "this time, I don't want to wait for something to happen before I regret."

Although ran Yan is not kind-hearted, but out of respect for life, she will not easily take people's lives, but there is no equality at this time. In order to protect important people, she has to be vicious.

"You are right. It's a bit dangerous, but it's not impossible. " After a long time, Liu Qingsong answered. He said solemnly, and then showed that kind of not to beat smile, "and according to the law of the protagonist..."

Before he finished speaking, ran Yan Meng smashed the mosquito repellent sachet in his hand and hit his forehead accurately.

Liu Qingsong felt pain. He slipped and fell down again. "Is it easy for me to talk with you when I step on the water tank! Oh, Hello, my waist is shining Ms. ran, you're very accurate in this way! "

Listening to Liu Qingsong's wail, ran Yan suddenly felt much more comfortable. At least he could control his emotions. He could not help looking at the courtyard wall and smiling. Sometimes, Liu paopian was also useful. (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!