The Talented Doctor

Chapter 404

A sweet and greasy fragrance of a woman pours into her arms, which is supposed to be warm, fragrant and soft.

But Feng Yunjing suddenly remembered that when the man was close to him, the faint fragrance of grass and medicine came to his face.

No woman's gorgeous, no artificial delicate, some even he can not control the strong and indifferent.

Feng Yunjing suddenly felt that the pungent smell of powder disgusted him. He threw away the woman and said coldly: "go away! I feel sick to see you! "

With that, the figure disappeared in the same place.

The woman was left in the pavilion for a moment, then her pretty face twisted into a ball.

She used to be just a maid of Feng family. Because of her excellent appearance and good talent, she was selected as Feng Yunjing's maid.

The servant girl of the little Lord, it means that one day she will be the woman of the little Lord.

Chen Yan'er has always been so proud that she is more beautiful and clever than all the women around him. Although he is cold-hearted, he occasionally treats her gently.

But today, today she clearly saw disgust in the eyes of the little Lord.

Chen Yan'er hit the stone pillar with a hard blow and whispered, "Xi Yue? Where is Xi Yue from? I'm going to have people check it out If you want to seduce the young master, I will let you know the shameless end! "


of course, there is no need to pay any price for the leapfrog outbreak of burning Dantian.

So as soon as he came back to another hospital, he fell into a coma before he even had time to let everyone move to the secret place.

Dan Dan and little Jinlong stayed by Hexi all night. They didn't dare to leave. Dan Dan was crying and his eyes were red and swollen.

Inadvertently, he explored the injury of tanhe river with his spirit, and also frowned.

Hexi was seriously injured, and his spirit power in Dantian was almost exhausted, but the most important thing was that he had a high fever after he was in a coma.

But this kind of high fever makes her unable to accept the foreign spiritual power, even feeding tonic elixir is useless.

Egg lay down beside Hexi, holding her hand, crying voice is dumb, "mother, you said clearly, it will be OK, you said you won't leave egg alone, wuwuwu..."

Xiaojinlong patted the little guy over and over again, but he was also worried and could not say any words of comfort.

When he was away from the yuan family in the eastern suburb, he also thought that the eldest brother's injury was not serious, especially the eldest brother was completely innocent and could punish the old man with a smile.

But how could he forget that the eldest brother's actual cultivation was only in the period of pulse freezing, and burst out the high-level power of the golden elixir. How could he not pay the price?

Night a little bit deep, he River has been a high fever, face flushed, unconscious.

Egg cried and fell asleep under the comfort of xiaojinlong. Xiaojinlong was restless at the head of the bed and kept looking for ways to save Hexi from inheritance and memory.

Suddenly, standing at the door of the unintentional look a Lin, immediately stood up, hands suddenly appeared a flying sword.

However, as soon as the flying sword was taken out, his dignified face turned into shock and blurted out: "master, you What are you doing here? "

Come a person all over dusty, the complexion is haggard, impressively is the South Temple Yu.

Nangong Yu didn't care at all. She quickly walked to the bed and gently picked her up.

The girl's cheeks were flushed with fever, but the pink and ruddy lips lost all their blood color and even showed dry lines. , the fastest update of the webnovel!