The Talented Doctor

Chapter 405

The long eyelashes hang tightly, covering the cold eyes of the Phoenix. The light silhouette is projected on the snow-white skin, so fragile and helpless.

It's totally different from her usual cunning, not being controlled by everything.

Nangong Yu gently exhaled a breath, holding the hands of He River slightly tightened, the heart surged up bursts of heartache and pity.

"Little girl, why are you so stubborn?" He lowered his head and whispered, "why don't you ask me for help? Why can't you rely on me? I'm just not worth believing? "

Said the words of reprimand, but his tone is full of doting and pity.

Slender fingers gently touch her messy hair, look and action are like in the care of the most important treasure in general.

Little Jinlong, who had been sitting at the head of the bed, suddenly woke up like a dream and yelled: "you Who are you? Who let you touch the boss's body? "

Xiao Jinlong's cry wakes the egg who had been sleeping in a daze.

He rubbed his red and swollen eyes and saw Nangong Yu holding Hexi in his arms for the first time. He immediately cried, "beautiful brother, your mother is injured. Please help her You are so powerful, let your mother wake up quickly, OK, Wuwuwuwu... "

Rao is to South Temple Yu's calm, at this time is also a Leng.

Is this crying pet a pink pig? And this little pig is called Heixi mother, but he is called beautiful brother?!

Nangong Yu's mouth twitched for a moment, and then quickly recovered calm, light way: "I come here naturally is to save the river son."

Finish saying, he finger volleys in the air on own wrist lightly a row, see very quickly the blood of thick red seeps out from which wound.

"Master, you - how can you waste your blood essence at such an important moment."

Unintentional face is full of anxiety, almost want to rush to stop Nangong Yu.

Just, South Temple Yu a cold look in the eyes, let him never dare to act rashly again.

"Don't forget what I'm planning ahead of time for." The voice of low magnetic contains the cold meaning of killing, "no heart, this time, next time, if Hexi is injured again, you don't have to go back to the underworld!"

When he heard the words, he was stiff all over, and his back was cold. After a while, he whispered "yes".

In fact, this time, he had the idea to teach Hexi a lesson.

So, He Xi let him stay in other courtyard, he really didn't follow, just gave a jade slip to protect his body.

During this period of time, although the unintentional person was in another courtyard, Shenzhi had been paying attention to the movement of the jade slips.

As soon as Hexi asked for help, he rushed to help.

He thought that Hexi was just a foundation building period, and the other side had at least a large group of high-level warriors. In any case, Hexi could not be an opponent, and she would certainly ask for help at that time.

However, I didn't expect that He Xi really killed everyone and even a master of Jindan period with his own efforts.

The foundation period vs. the golden elixir period!! This kind of completely unreasonable thing was actually done by her.

Until this moment, no doubt about the future Princess, only deep awe and admiration.

Nangong Yu snorted coldly. He didn't say anything more. Instead, he put the wound on his hand to Hexi's mouth and fed it a little bit.

Xiaojinlong grabs the eggs and looks at Nangong Yu with alert face, and whispers in the little guy's ear: "which onion and garlic is this man? You let him take advantage of the boss? You're not upset, are you? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!