The Talented Doctor

Chapter 403

Feng Tianba was stunned when he heard the words. Then he shook his head and said, "can I help you? Ha ha... "

The words didn't go on, but the tone was full of self mockery.

Fengyunjing still need to ask again, fengtianba immediately waved his hand and said: "as long as you know, don't provoke Nangong Yu."

"as for the matter of Xi Yue, you secretly investigate, if you are sure, go quietly to contact him."

"In our position as Feng family, I don't believe that he is just a warrior in the period of building foundation. As long as Xi Yue is willing to submit to my Feng family, even Nangong Yu can't say anything? "

Feng Yunjing gritted his teeth, "but father, Nangong Yu's strength is getting stronger and stronger now, and he is not willing to marry my Feng family. I'm afraid that he will become a serious trouble for our Feng family in the future..."

"Well, don't worry about it!" Feng Tianba waved his hand to stop him from asking, "if it's all right, you should step back first."

Fengyun Jing's look changed for a while, but looking at Feng Tianba's dignified expression, she swallowed her words and left the room quickly.

Just after Feng Yunjing left for about a year, a white figure appeared at the door of Feng batian's study.

This is the man in white who appeared in the other courtyard of the Jiang family not long ago.

At this time, he was still carrying a bag in his hand. It seemed that something was wriggling in the bag, and even a slight hoarse voice could be heard.

As soon as he entered the study, he saluted Feng Tianba slightly and said in a deep voice: "patriarch, things have changed. It seems that the underground medicine testing room in the eastern suburb of Yanjing has been destroyed. My subordinates have checked it with their divine sense, and the dark system Lingzhi underneath has been completely destroyed. And this... "

The man in white loosened the bag in his hand. As soon as the bag was opened, a strong smell of blood came to his face.

Accompanied by a hoarse broken voice.

What appeared in front of me was a skeleton that adhered to broken meat. The viscera and blood in the skeleton were full of bags. But strangely, this man had become such a strange monster. The bloody head was still intact, and he could still cry bitterly.

This kind of scene is too horrible and weird.

Feng Tianba had been shocked for a long time before he could say: "this is Elder Jiang


as soon as Feng Yunjing came out of Feng Tianba's study, her face became gloomy.

His beautiful, delicate and cold face flashed before his eyes, but when it faced Nangong Yu, it showed a peach blossom like blush, which was more attractive than the Qionghua Yushu in Xianfu.

Feng Yunjing grew up with wind and rain. Which woman saw that he was not pasted up like a fly.

But only this Xi Yue!

He repeatedly refused his invitation and even drew his sword at him.

If it's not for Nangong Yu's support, she's a little warrior in the foundation period. How can she have the courage to refuse herself and the ability to refuse herself?

The secret desire and jealousy in his heart are burning, which distorts his cold face.

Feng Yunjing stood in the pavilion, holding the stone pillar tightly, murmuring: "Xi Yue, you are destined to be mine, you can't escape from my palm! When I kill Nangong Yu and make you my person, I will make you kneel down in front of me and ask me to love you! "

"Young master, you are back!" Suddenly, a delicate female voice interrupted Feng Yunjing's meditation.

Soon, a beautiful and beautiful woman jumped into Feng Yunjing's arms and said, "young master, you've been away for a long time. Yan'er misses you so much!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!