The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 99

Liu Haojun\'s cheers shook and his morale was like a rainbow.

His gang soldiers buried a pot to cook. They moved very quickly. They began to replenish their strength with the dried meat specially prepared by Liu Hao.

The yellow scarf thief, Qu Shuai He Yi, was startled by the roar of the Han Army: "what\'s the name of the Han army so loud? What are you doing?"

"I don\'t know what the hell is going on."

Herman spit hard.

He was braving the scorching sun and shouting abuse outside the Han Army camp.

When he was so angry that even he was thirsty, the drums of the Han Army camp rang, and Liu Hao finally led the army out of the camp.

The two armies of horse infantry have distinct formations, high banners, shining soldiers\' armor and heavy swords and guns.

Liu Hao handed over the command to Xu Shu. They rode out of the battle and were watching the yellow scarf thief array.

Xu Shu looked at it for a while, laughed on his horse\'s back and said, "I was not sure the day before. Now, I want to congratulate the Lord! I will be able to finish his work today!"

"The yellow scarf thieves are arrayed, disorganized, gathered around, and can\'t give consideration to the front and rear. The commander is incompetent. If he gives him 100000 troops, he can\'t escape the end!"

"What the military Master said is reasonable!"

Liu Hao smiled.

What kind of person is He Yi, the handsome yellow scarf thief?

Liu Hao thought for a while, but he didn\'t remember. He was probably a long suit.

He used his insight to know talents from a distance and observed them, and directly obtained the attributes of this guy.

He Yi, force 66, intelligence 42, politics 28, command 75.

"My Cao, these goods have hot eyes! Commander of the three armed forces of the yellow scarf thief, that\'s the level?"

Make complaints about Liu Hao\'s heart.

He Yi\'s attribute is worse than Pei yuanshao, the weakest under Liu Hao. At most, he is a third rate figure. Being a deputy general is almost the same. How can Liu Hao pay attention to him.

"Well, the dog officer of the Han army finally came out and died!"

In the yellow scarf thief formation, He Yi\'s strange eyes lit up, sat high on the horse\'s back and gave orders over there: "dog officer, dare to invade our Yangshan mountain. It\'s really a way to die. Who can take the head of Yingchuan prefect Liu Hao for me?"

"Big leader, fight alone, let me come! Look, the general went to the array and killed the dog officer!"

There was no one around to be the first bird. Only the general he man roared angrily and rode out with an iron bar.

In the yellow scarf army, a burst of cheers and strange cries broke out.

"General he is invincible!"

"Cut the sky yecha and fight all over Yuzhou!"

"Kill the Han Army official!"

Hearing the cry of the yellow scarf thief array, Liu Hao felt cold and thought there was a fierce general.

When I looked at him, he man was eight feet tall, square faced and big ears, strong, wrapped in a yellow scarf, wearing a green jacket and no leather armor, holding a big iron bar in his hand, weighing at least tens of kilograms.

"Han will not be afraid of death. Come and fight me for 300 rounds!"

Herman rode to the front of the battle, held up the big iron bar in his hand and roared. It looked like a figure.

Liu Hao saw through all his trousers as soon as he saw through his talents:

Herman, force 78, intelligence 21, politics 19, command 72.

Oh, good!

Liu Hao said with a faint smile: "since there is a thief who will challenge in the future, he will naturally meet him. Who dares to take his head for Ben Shuai?"

As the saying goes, soldier to soldier, general to general.

The yellow scarf thief is not handsome, and Liu Hao doesn\'t have to go out and compete with him.

Liao Hua, one of his men, asked for orders and said, "Lord, this guy is so arrogant that he asked the last general to kill him!"

"Lord, let me go. If I don\'t kill this guy, I\'m willing to commit suicide and apologize!"

Lin Chong, Zhou Cang and other generals refused to fall behind and went out to fight one after another.

Liu Hao thought for a moment that he must show momentum in this first single challenge, waved and ordered, "all generals have the opportunity to make achievements. I have made up my mind. Where is Dianwei?"

"The end will come!"

Dianwei, like an iron tower, lined up, urn sound channel.

The pair of iron halberds weighing more than 80 kg in his hand were held horizontally in his hand. They were awe inspiring and naturally flowed out.

"Go and take his head for me. You must frighten the enemy!"

Liu Hao waved his sword and pointed away. It was he man who swaggered in front of the battle, sneering.

"Lord, look at mine!"

With a grimace, Dianwei turned over and mounted the horse. The Yellow puma hissed and ran directly towards Herman.

"At last there\'s a character. Die!"

Looking at Dianwei\'s magnificent figure and extraordinary momentum, he man roared and ran up.

He stirred up all his strength and momentum. Sitting down, the horse galloped with its hooves and stepped out of the rolling smoke on the ground. At the beginning, he split Huashan with one move and knocked it hard on Dianwei\'s head!

"Hiss! General he has such a powerful staff technique. With his hand, this man will certainly lead his neck to be killed!"

"The name of the first fierce general of the yellow scarf in Yingchuan headquarters is not white!"

"Wrong, it\'s the invincible sky cutting night fork in Yuzhou!"

The battle between he man, the first fierce general in the yellow scarf army, and Dianwei attracted the attention of everyone on both sides.

I saw the stick falling down fiercely, but Dianwei suddenly mentioned the reins.

The Yellow puma\'s hooves are raised high!

Stand up suddenly!

Dianwei, however, was still towering like a mountain. He took the iron halberd of his right hand and gently pushed it towards the top.

The iron bar bombarded by Herman directly hit the iron halberd, and a golden iron roar broke out. Unexpectedly, it collapsed back quickly at a speed faster than the original speed!

Then, a cold light suddenly flashed!

"Die for someone!"

The iron halberd in Dianwei\'s right hand suddenly crossed the air like a ghost, like a comet!

He mangen couldn\'t respond. He howled miserably, and the whole head was directly cut off by Dianwei!


Dianwei held Herman\'s head in one hand and hit his chest with one hand, making a thunderous roar!

"I\'m Dianwei, the Great Han Yingchuan sheriff. I\'m sorry. Who dares to fight me?"

Sobbing law

The Yellow puma hissed endlessly!

In the ferocious laughter of Dianwei\'s tyranny, Herman\'s head was held high!

Who dares to fight with a horizontal halberd.,,.