The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 98

"Check... Have you found out how many people have been lost?"

Even her teeth trembled when he Yi spoke.

Herman looked sad and said in the same voice as his dead father: "Marshal... My subordinates lost a total of 6000 Brothers last night, and at least tens of thousands of stones were burned... Hateful..."

"Damn... So many losses..."

He Yi patted her forehead, hissed and took a breath, and continued to ask, "what about the Han army?"

People always have the psychology of self comfort. If the Han Army has suffered a lot of losses, He Yi can balance it a little.

"The scene... Only dozens of Han Army bodies were found..."

Liu Bixin has a lingering fear.

He Yi, directly petrified

He jumped and scolded: "a group of fools were beaten like this by Liu Hao\'s children, damn..."


He man\'s face was so black that he could drip water, bite his teeth and scold, "the Han Army thief general under Liu Hao is crafty. Let\'s send troops during the day and fight head-on with the Han Army!"

"General, I swear to take the head of Liu Hao\'s child to comfort the spirit of my 6000 brothers in heaven“

Liu PI comforted: "yes, he Shuai, don\'t be angry. Winning or losing is a common thing for soldiers, but we have lost more than 6000 people. Our military strength still has a great advantage."

He Yi took a deep breath, nodded and said, "what the two brothers said is very reasonable. Pass on my military order, close the camp today, clean up the bodies of the brothers, have a good meal at night and guard the camp. Whoever dares to drink and delay things will be killed!"

"Tomorrow, the whole army will attack, which is bound to break Liu Haojun and avenge his brothers!"

He Yi said with a overcast face.


In the camp, the yellow scarf thieves responded with fists.


"Military division, the atmosphere seems a little strange?"

With Dianwei, Zhoucang and others, Liu Hao led the Chinese army to March quickly, and finally was about to reach the Yangshan battlefield.

Xu Shu stood on a mountain bag, the feather fan shook gently, watching the situation of Yangshan.

There was a wise light flashing in his eyes. He pointed his finger and said, "Lord, I think the camp of Yangshan bandits is scattered, distorted and skewed. It\'s not proper at all. It seems that it has gone through a big war!"

"Is there such a thing?"

Liu Hao also climbed up the hill and looked in the direction of Xu Shu\'s fingers. His eyes lit up:

"OK, ok... It seems that Lin Chong and Hua Rong must have launched a raid last night and robbed the bandit camp. Go to the camp and ask the truth quickly!"


Lin Chong and Hua Rong, with their chests high, met Liu Hao outside the camp bravely and high spirited.

His young soldiers lined up and waited, shouting, "Lord!"

"Ha ha, go in and talk!"

Liu Hao looked at the army\'s appearance and morale. He was energetic and bloody.

He knew it in his mind, waved and took the people directly into the camp.

Compared with the gloomy atmosphere of yellow scarf thieves, Liu Hao\'s camp is quite the opposite.

The first battle was won. The morale of his soldiers was like a rainbow. Lin Chong and Hua Rong counted the casualties and found that only dozens of people were killed.

The number of casualties of yellow scarf thieves is at least thousands!

Liu Hao was shocked when he heard this incredible war damage ratio.

However, robbing the camp at night is a very dangerous thing. Of course, the reward should be great.

"Lin Chong and Hua Rong led the vanguard army to make great achievements. They can make such achievements in robbing the camp. They are all promoted to a higher level!"

For meritorious officials, Liu Hao did not hesitate to praise and reward, and directly promoted Lin Chong and Hua Rong to the next level.

It made several other generals very jealous.

"Thank you, Lord. Don\'t you dare to repay me!"

Lin Chong and Hua Rong are elated. They look excited. They want to rush into the enemy camp and kill again to earn another wave of credit.

"After today, don\'t rush to risk and rob the camp!"

Xu Shu, the military division, saw the look of several generals in the account and said hurriedly.

"What the military Master said is right. Even if you rob the camp, there will be a war soon. Your credit is absolutely indispensable..."

Liu Hao looked at the rise of worship value, and his heart was also unspeakable joy.

This kind of sword can only be used once.

If the camp robbery is successful this time, no matter how stupid the yellow scarf army is next time, it will be on guard.

Lin Chong and Hua Rong didn\'t really kill so many people. Most of the casualties were caused by the yellow scarf thief\'s stampede in panic.

During the discussion, the cold prompt sound of the system suddenly sounded in Liu Hao\'s ear:

"Ding, congratulations to the host\'s troops for launching a forced raid, robbing the camp successfully, boosting morale, and slightly improving the loyalty of their soldiers. An additional 668 points of worship value will be awarded to the host. The current worship value is 4800 points.

Current hidden task progress: wipe out the yellow scarf * *, subordinate troops * *. "

"The fourth step is to hide the reward of the task. It\'s almost finished. I don\'t know what will be rewarded!"

Liu Hao was overjoyed.

These soldiers are all brave and powerful soldiers.

Among them, many people\'s attribute points have naturally broken through the 60 point mark. It doesn\'t matter to increase their loyalty. It\'s beautiful to increase their worship value!

Since the last lottery, Liu Hao couldn\'t help but secretly chop his hands for several random sweepstakes. As a result, he drew a pile of garbage.

"It doesn\'t take much to kill this time. It\'s time to hold back a big move to exterminate the yellow towel thief in Yangshan!"

Liu Hao thought to himself, will he get a Li Yuanba or a Li cunxiao?

Not to mention Liu Hao\'s dream, time passed like a white horse, and a few days passed in the blink of an eye.

Liu Hao, Xu Shu and others were discussing business in the camp. Suddenly, a scout rushed in from outside to report:

"Report to the Lord, the yellow scarf thief is shouting outside!"

Liu Hao smiled and said, "well come, send orders, bury the pot and cook, and the whole army will have a full meal. Today, we must work hard to completely eliminate this group of yellow scarf thieves!"

"Broken yellow scarf thief, only today!"

"Broken yellow scarf thief, only today!"

His generals roared like thunder.,,.