The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 100

Dianwei Yiji went on a rampage. After killing Herman, he still has more to say!

He pinned Herman\'s head next to the Yellow puma, copied his hand and grabbed Herman\'s headless body in his hand!

Use your arms and pull hard!

Herman, he tore the whole person into two pieces!


Dianwei roared like a crazy tiger!

The blood spilled on Dianwei\'s ferocious smiling face, like a murderous God from Jiuyou ghosts!


Tens of thousands of gold thieves looked straight.

Too bloody, too violent!

"General Dianwei, invincible!"

Thousands of Han troops were excited and raised their weapons one after another, knocking on the ground, making a loud noise.

"Dian Wei, a real tiger general!"

In a howl, Liu Hao also smiled with his hands, and the outcome was not unexpected.

Dianwei has a force value of 99. It\'s natural to catch Herman, a general with more than 70 forces.

"Was I dreaming just now?"

"This guy is a monster!"

In the yellow scarf thief, everyone can see the two bodies of Herman on the ground.

In everyone\'s heart, they were wondering, "what the fuck... Is this guy still human?"

And Dianwei immediately tied Herman\'s big head and stared round, unwilling to show his horror.

Herman seemed to be unable to believe that he would die so miserably in the hands of others.

"Ah, this... How can it be!?"

He Yi nearly fell from his horse, and his back armor was completely soaked in cold sweat.

Even he man, the best martial arts among the yellow scarf thieves, was killed. Who else dares to fight like this murderer

"General he won the Third Army bravely... We can\'t even take the Dian Wei halberd. We don\'t want to die!"

A certain degree of commotion began to appear in the yellow scarf thief array, and many people began to shrink back towards their own array.

The failure of Doujiang led to a series of chain reactions.

The morale of the Han army was like a rainbow, but the morale of the yellow scarf thief army was low. No one dared to stand in line.

At this time, Xu Shu and Liu Hao looked at each other, directly seized the opportunity and waved the long sword forward.

"The Han army will win. All departments listen to orders and rush to kill the enemy in the array!"

"The Han army will win, kill!!"


War drums, roar!

"Shoot an arrow!"

Hua Rong raised his right hand and waved it off!

Whew, whew, whew!

The sound of bows and strings burst wildly, and the arrows flew like locusts. They fell towards the yellow scarf thief array, killing countless people on the spot, and the yellow scarf thief array was in chaos.


Dianwei, Liao Hua and other generals led their troops to attack the yellow scarf thief array.

The soldiers of the Han Army, with their swords and shields in front of them, knocked on the ground and roared!

The spearmen followed closely behind, and the team was in order, just like the usual training.

He began to tread on neat steps, shout loud slogans and crush the yellow scarf thief army all the way.

Lin Chong led a thousand cavalry, obeyed the orders of Xu Shu and Liu Hao, and rushed out from the left and right wings. More than a thousand cavalry gathered into an unstoppable rolling iron flow, and the yellow scarf thieves\' lives began to be scattered after continuous harvesting.

The soldiers in front of the yellow scarf thief made a little resistance, directly dispersed and fled back.

Defeat is like a mountain!

Defeat so thoroughly!

Liu PI turned his horse\'s head and said, "Liu Haojun, it\'s too powerful to resist!"

"He Shuai, go quickly. If you don\'t go again, you can\'t go away!"

"Liu Hao\'s men have such a powerful general! Good, good, good... Go first..."

He Yi was also scared to pee. His crotch was wet. Without saying a word, he directly dialed his horse to escape.

All of a sudden, even their own coach ran away. The yellow scarf thieves scattered without fighting, and degenerated from thieves to farmers.

Originally, more than 20000 people took advantage of Liu Hao\'s 3000 people, but the result turned into a unilateral defeat of the Yellow napkin army.

In the first battle of Yangshan, Liu Hao stopped fighting until it was dark and bleeding everywhere.


"Ding, congratulations to the host for leading the army and defeating the yellow scarf thief army. The morale has increased slightly again, and the loyalty of his soldiers has increased greatly. The host will be rewarded with an additional 928 worship points. The current worship value is 5728 points.

Current hidden task progress: wipe out the yellow scarf * *, subordinate troops * *. "

In this war, the yellow scarf thieves of Heyi group died at least more than 10000!

Some were killed by Han soldiers, and many were trampled to death by their own people during running. All over the mountains and fields were the bodies of yellow scarf thief soldiers.

On the contrary, it was Liu Hao\'s side. There were only a few hundred casualties. They were basically recruits. They didn\'t follow the military array and rushed blindly, but lost their lives in vain.

But it\'s worth the loss.

After this battle, the recruits under Liu Hao had blood in their hands and had a little more condensed evil Qi.

"The role of a fierce general is still great in war!"

Liu Hao deeply felt the role of a peerless general.

First of all, if we lose the battle before the war, it will easily lead to our own army\'s morale shaking and being chased and killed by others, and then it will directly evolve into a rout.

Today, Dianwei was like this. After killing he man with one move, he rushed into the array with several senior generals of Lin Chong, killed countless thieves, directly frightened the courage of the thieves, and also had a good incentive for his soldiers.


At this time, we can only use this word to describe Liu Hao\'s mood.

"Lord, the yellow scarf thieves were defeated today, and their momentum has plummeted. Do you want us to send troops all night and kill them all?"

Lin Chong tasted the sweetness of robbing the camp and never forgot to try again.

Zhou Cang said, "as long as the Lord orders, see if I don\'t pinch and explode He Yi\'s eggs!"

Hua Rong said, "He Yi ran away today. If you break in tonight, you can count one. See if I don\'t shoot this guy with an arrow!"

The other generals also had an eager expression.,,.