The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 97

Lin Chong and Hua Rong, the two generals, were summoned by Liu Hao from the water margin.

Unexpectedly, when they came here, they became brothers at first sight.

The battle of Yangshan was also the first time that Liu Hao entrusted them with an important task and led the army to fight. Lin Chong and Hua Rong were excited and wished they could make great contributions immediately.

Lin Chong pondered for a while and said, "brother, the Lord told us to camp and act according to our circumstances. Do you have any ideas now?"

Hua Rong nodded and said with a smile, "brother, in my opinion, this battle is not trivial. Our vanguard army has only 1500 people, and the yellow scarf thief soldiers are dozens of times more than our army. We need to be careful. We can\'t go to war rashly. It\'s better to wait for the Lord and the military division to lead the army and defeat them in the first battle!"

"What my brother said is very true..."

Hua Rong is gentle and advocates being safe, but Lin Chong is unwilling. When he hesitates, a strange and dangerous method he saw in the Xuanwu soldier chapter a few days ago suddenly flashed in his mind!

"Brother, I have an idea. If I succeed, maybe I can call the yellow scarf thief morale and directly fall to the bottom!"

Lin Chong said excitedly, "although the number of yellow scarf thieves is dominant, the military discipline is loose and the commander is incompetent. If you don\'t pay attention to you and me, you will be careless and despise the enemy tonight. It\'s better to..."

He has trained yellow scarf thief soldiers and knows the urine of yellow scarf thieves deeply.

In war, we can only rely on more people and bully less people. The commander will not put up any military array, depending on who has a high momentum!

Hua Rong saw a strange light in his eyes and said in silence, "brother... Do you want to rob the camp at night?"


Lin Chong said with a smile: "at three o\'clock tonight, we will gather together and go to kick the camp. We must not call these local chickens and dogs. We underestimate you and me!"

"If we can succeed, our vanguard army will make great contributions!"

Hua Rong thought a little, made a decision immediately, and said, "brother, this plan is really wonderful. I am willing to rush to kill the thief camp with my brother and make such a great contribution!"

The night is as deep as ink, and the moonlight is covered by dark clouds.

At three o\'clock, it was time for people to sleep.

Especially the yellow scarf thieves under He Yi, many people are drunk at night.

Now, in twos and threes, the soldiers who took off their clothes fell to the ground and fell asleep. The soldiers on guard were also head-on, confused and constantly rushing forward.

Not to mention ordinary soldiers, even several leading figures in the yellow scarf thieves drank too much and slept like dead pigs.

The whole yellow scarf camp snored like thunder.

Just then, outside the camp, there was a roaring sound of horse hoofs.

Lin chongbao\'s eyes were murderous and said, "the front team\'s soldiers go to move away the antlers and just set fire. The archers are crazy and shoot rockets as much as possible. The cavalry headquarters will kill with me!"

"I\'ll take orders!"

The group soldiers with the lowest combat effectiveness were responsible for chores. They removed obstacles such as antlers in front, threw torches around the yellow scarf camp and directly burned many camps.

"Shoot an arrow!"

Hua Rong waved fiercely, took out the three stone strong bow to shoot the sun given to him by Liu Hao, put on several arrows burning fire oil, and shot at the yellow scarf thief\'s camp!

Five hundred archers seemed to get some encouragement. They raised their longbows and shot wildly!


The sharp sound of arrows breaking through the air can be heard all the time. In the dark night, pieces of feather arrows burning fire oil fall into the camp of yellow napkin thieves!

"No, it\'s on fire!"

"Ah, the camp where the baggage is stacked is on fire. Come quickly!"

"Wake up, wake up!"

"Damn it, the enemies are all killed in the camp and still sleeping... Are you a pig..."


A moment later, the yellow scarf thief opened his bleary eyes and suddenly woke up from his hazy dream.

It was a nightmare in reality that greeted them.

Hua Rong led the archers to put arrows everywhere, while Lin Chong, with a thousand cavalry, stormed into the yellow scarf army camp!


Lin Chong leopard\'s eyes are red. When he sees people, he raises his hand and shoots. He starts the crazy killing mode.


A thousand cavalry, like the God of death in the dark night, ruthlessly reap the lives of yellow scarf thieves.

In the tent of the yellow scarf military camp, the scream sounded again and again.

"He Shuai, wake up, it\'s bad..."

His own soldiers opened the tent curtain and shouted in a trembling voice.

He Yi, holding a concubine, was awakened from her sleep, wiped her saliva, and shouted angrily: "bastard, what\'s the noise, let Ben Shuai sleep?!"

"Hold your sleep, he Shuai, our camp has been robbed by the officers and soldiers!"

The soldiers are really full of tears.

My handsome, are you still in the mood to sleep?

The screams of the yellow scarf soldiers outside the door were mixed with the sound of rushing and killing from the distance. It was like a bolt from the blue. He Yi was so frightened that He Yi was sleepless and cold.

"What... What? How many people are coming from the enemy?"

He Yi trembled.

"I don\'t know... He Shuai, the officers and soldiers set fire and killed people. Many brothers were hacked to death before they even had time to respond..."

The sound of killing shook the sky. When it was twilight, the yellow scarf army finally assembled and was ready to fight back.

But at this time, Lin Chong and Hua Rong led their cavalry to withdraw from the yellow scarf camp cleanly, and did not love war at all.

The archers left the battlefield ahead of time, and the cavalry came and went like the wind.

He Yi led the Yellow scarves and big headed thieves out of the camp with red eyes, but they could only look at the back of the cavalry and eat ash.

"Ah... I\'m so angry!"

In the camp of Huang Jin Qu Shuai, He Yi and he man were so popular that they beat their chest and feet, and their faces were iron blue.

"OK, ok..."

Liu Pi\'s face was very painful. In fact, he was secretly glad to get lucky.

The yellow scarf thieves form a camp. They always pay no attention to it. They just follow suit!

Just this time, I was lucky. All my camps were tied inside.

The worst thing is Herman.

It\'s his turn to patrol and watch the night tonight. His camp is also the most outside, so most of the dead are his people.,,.