The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 96

Xun Yu got up and said in a loud voice, "Lord, Kong Yu is just a dead bone in the grave!"

"I think this man has some tricks, and there are more elite soldiers in Yuzhou. However, he is weak in courage and guilty. He must only dare to defend Qiaojun and will never risk fighting the Lord."

"At present, it is still necessary to comfort the refugees who came to Yingchuan County, completely win over the people of Yingchuan County, and then integrate the strength of the whole army to eliminate the yellow scarf thieves in Yingchuan county."

Xun Yu\'s plan is well-organized. It can be said that it is the best way to solve the problem at present.

"As Wen Ruo said, it is already the best plan at present!"

Xu Shu agreed with this. On this basis, he added: "Lord, Kong Fu cares for his own life, but ignores all the people in Yingchuan county. At that time, he can go to the court and dismiss him for questioning. I\'m afraid he will only come to a miserable end!"

"What the two military teachers said is very reasonable!"

Liu Hao smiled and nodded. In fact, he had already made a decision in his heart!

"Where are Xun Yu, Pei yuanshao and Zhang zhenniang?"

"But obey the Lord\'s orders!"

Xun Yu, Zhen Niang and others are listed together.

"Order you to lead a thousand young people, appease the refugees and assist in guarding the city without mistakes!"


"Lin Chong, Hua Rong and Zhou Cang will listen to the order!"

"The end will be here!" Lin Chong and others responded with a roar.

"Order you to clean up the army within three days. Lin Chong and Hua Rong led 1500 people from the headquarters to camp in Yangshan. Xu Shu, Dianwei, Zhanzhao, Liao Hua and others led the rest of the soldiers as the Chinese army and rushed with me to the battlefield of Yangshan today!"

Liu Hao\'s eyes flashed, his long sword was held high, and he laughed and said, "let\'s try it with the blood and fire of the yellow scarf thief! Look at these strong recruits, whether they are Jackie Chan or adults!"

"Willing to kill the thief with the Lord!"

His generals roared in unison. Their murderous spirit pierced the sky!


In the Council hall, the generals took orders and dispersed.

Liu Hao turned into the back hall, waved and said, "Dian Wei, Zhan Zhao, you two come with me."

Cao Zhengchun has been sent to Luoyang by Liu Hao. Dianwei and Zhan Zhao are the two commanders of Liu Hao\'s personal bodyguards.

They understood and followed Liu Hao to the back hall. When they saw Liu Hao\'s footsteps, they stood in awe.

"Kong Fu dares to plot against me. He must not stay. When the urgent need of the Yangshan bandits is solved, he is ready to use a knife against him. Tooth for tooth, blood for blood!"

Liu Hao said with a trace of evil spirit and a sneer: "at that time, you can choose a team of people, disguise as the Yangshan yellow scarf thief who fled to Qiao County, and take him..."

Liu Hao\'s face was expressionless and made a beheading gesture.


Dianwei and Zhanzhao took the promise!

Lin Chong and Hua Rong, with 1500 cavalry troops under Liu Hao, cleared the way and set up a camp 50 miles away from Yangshan.

At this time, only more than 15000 people led by the yellow scarf thief Qu Shuai Liu PI successfully merged with He Yi in Yangshan. The remaining Huang Shao troops were still hundreds of miles away.

He Yi participated in the war in the yellow scarf army earlier. At this time, He Yi also sent scouts to explore the way.

The scouts found that Lin Chong came from a thousand riding winds and clouds. They were so scared that they hurried back to the stronghold to report: "he Shuai, it\'s bad. The officers and soldiers have killed him!"

"What, how could it come so fast?"

"How could it be? We haven\'t moved yet. How dare they take the initiative?"

The yellow scarf thieves are almost wondering if their ears have auditory hallucinations.

Liu PI frowned and said, "can\'t all the soldiers under Liu Hao have wings?"

Herman was irritable and shouted angrily with an iron rod: "how dare you lie about the military situation!"

The scouts shouted, "little injustice, these more than 1000 people are cavalry. They are tall and powerful, and they are very angry. As soon as they see clearly, the little ones rush back to report."

"Unexpectedly, Liu Hao came to the door before we went to trouble them."

He Yi sat on the main seat, hummed and said, "Liu Hao is crazy. He comes to attack the strong with weakness. It seems that he doesn\'t know how to use troops at all and will kill himself!"

"Ha ha!"

He man was also careless and said: "brother is right. The scouts said that there were only a thousand Han Army forwards. It must be a Death Squadron sent. Liu Hao, listen to people blowing into the sky. See me kneel down and beg for mercy!"

"It\'s like dying. When our 35000 brothers in Yangshan are vegetarian?!"

The number advantage was dozens of times that of the other party. The yellow scarf thieves relieved themselves and laughed: "since this boy is eager to die, why doesn\'t Qu Shuai help him“

With 1000 to 30000, is this war still fought by hand?

It\'s a foot sling!

According to the routine of the yellow scarf army, if you push it directly, you can also put out the ashes that Liu Haojun stepped on.

"Is Liu Hao stupid? Is there any fraud?"

Liu PI, the handsome of Huangjin canal, muttered, "he Shuai, do you want to wait for Huang Shao to come and make plans?"

He man said with a big grin: "boss, I heard that Liu Hao is only under the age of 20. He is still wet behind the ears and doesn\'t know how to lead soldiers at all."

"I don\'t need a big head to lead the horse. I\'d like to make a military order to capture Liu Haosheng!"

Seeing that the mood of his subordinates to fight was very high, He Yi had long inflated and forgot the existence of Huang Shao. With a big hand, he ordered: "the Han army came to seek death. Is there any reason why they can\'t fulfill them? He man and Liu PI, quickly point together their troops and follow our commander down the mountain to fight against the enemy!"


They took orders with a bang.


In the camp of Liu Haojun\'s vanguard army, Hua Rong is sitting opposite Lin Chong to discuss the military situation.

This time, Lin Chong was the commander of the cavalry, while Hua Rong was Lin Chong\'s deputy.

Hua Rong said solemnly, "brother Lin, according to the scouts, there are countless camps near Yangshan, and more than 30000 yellow scarf bandits have been stationed. Shall we wait for the Lord to lead the army in person, or make another plan?".,,.