The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 95

Ten times stronger than me?

Liu Hao frowned and said, "general Lin, how is the reorganization of our army going?"

Lin Chong hugged his fist and said, "Lord, apart from the 300 bodyguards under the two commanders of Dian Wei and Zhan Zhao, our army currently has more than 1000 cavalry and more than 3000 foot soldiers. Originally, the discipline was loose, but after the reorganization, after a few days of strict training, the military discipline has been significantly improved, and the spiritual appearance is somewhat different."

"Training like this... It\'s too slow!"

Liu Hao\'s eyes were dark, his heart moved, and suddenly he felt his hands and laughed!

Lin Chong and others were surprised.

It\'s not long since I came to Yingchuan county. I may encounter a large group of thieves attacking Yingchuan county. Why is the Lord laughing?

Xu Shu, the right military division, also said with a smile: "Congratulations, Lord. Good things are coming soon!"

Zhou Cang scratched his head and wondered, "Lord, the military division and the yellow scarf thief are coming to Yingchuan county. It\'s a good thing to burn his eyebrows."

"Can you speak clearly, I can\'t understand!"

Xun Yu smiled and said, "general Zhou, the Lord\'s heart hides the ambition of handling the sun and the moon. This yellow scarf thief in Yingchuan county is just a small grindstone. How can he pay attention to it?"

"The two military teachers really win my heart!"

Liu Hao said with a light smile: "yellow scarf thieves, even if they are 100000 people, what am I afraid of? If I can take advantage of this opportunity to quickly train my young soldiers into iron and blood soldiers, isn\'t it a good thing!"

There are so many awesome generals such as Wei, Lin Chong, Huarong and so on. If Liu Hao is still afraid of this yellow towel thief, then he won\'t need to compete for everything in the world, so he can go home to raise pigs.

"So it is!"

Zhou Cang patted his forehead and suddenly realized it.

Recruit army, do not see blood, light training, combat effectiveness can not go up at all!

Although he Yi is a large group of yellow scarves, his father\'s problem is that the combat effectiveness is low and there is no discipline.

It was originally a rebellion by a group of farmers who had not learned the art of war. After they went to the battlefield, they had to simply rush and run away.

If the number of people is dozens of times, and there is no solution to the soldiers on the opposite side, you can win the war inexplicably. If you meet a good general who can lead the troops, you basically have to break up and run away.

"It\'s really an excellent training object!"

Lin Chong and other generals had more respect for Liu Hao.

Liu Hao\'s eyes are not just on the city and pool of Yingchuan county.

Far from it, just a few months later, Dong zhuobing will invade Luoyang. Maybe he will have a fight with Xiliang iron cavalry!

A few days later, Yingchuan county.

"Lord, outside the city today, there are envoys sent by Kong Fu, the governor of Yuzhou, with 10000 stones, grain and grass, and thousands of refugees waiting outside the city."

Liao Hua reported the news outside the door.

"Summon all the generals to discuss!"

Hearing the name of Kong Fu, Liu Hao\'s face was dark and murderous.

In troubled times, people eat people!

Conspiracy and calculation exist all the time!

But Liu Hao is definitely not a scary person.

If a person doesn\'t commit me, I may not be a prisoner. If a person commits it, he will be doomed!

Before long, all the generals under his command had come. Liu Hao sat high on the throne and said faintly, "gentlemen, Kong Fu sent ten thousand stone grain outside the city. Thousands of refugees gathered outside the city. What do you think?"

Xun Yu got up and said, "Lord, he inquired about Guo Guang and more than a dozen other county magistrates in Yingchuan county. He concluded that Yingchuan county still had more than 100000 stones of grain before he took office. Now there is only enough food for a few days. The rest of the grain and property have been secretly transferred to Qiao County, where he is now."

Liu Hao was angry when he thought that the county magistrate of each county had sent people to ask the governor of Yingchuan for food, and the originally rich Yingchuan county was managed by Kong Fu to look like a bird.


Liu Hao pulled out his sword, cut it down ruthlessly, and cut a gap in the corner of the case directly.

This hole is greedy for life and afraid of death, but also greedy to a new height.

He took most of the valuable things that could be taken away and the soldiers who could fight to Qiaojun.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Yingchuan county that Liu Hao took over is almost an overhead shell, which can never stop the looting of tens of thousands of yellow napkin thieves.

"Kong Fu is greedy for life and afraid of death. He secretly moved all the money and grain of Yingchuan county to Qiao County. Now he sent someone to bring some grain and thousands of refugees. Is he deliberately humiliating the Lord?"

Lin Chong was so angry that he stepped out and said, "I would like to take 300 people and kill Qiao County on the starry night, and cut off the head of the dog officer for the Lord!"

"Lord, if you say a word, Zhao Heiniu will take his brothers directly to cut off the head of this dog official“

Lin Chong, Zhao Heiniu and other generals have been dead to Liu Hao after they got the horse rewarded by Liu Hao.

At this time, they all looked angry and muttered that they wanted to find Kong Fu for revenge.

Zhou Cang\'s eyes showed a fierce light and said, "Kong Fu, the governor of Yuzhou, is famous for his weakness and incompetence. Otherwise, there are so many yellow scarf thieves in Yingchuan and Runan counties. If the Lord wants to attack him, I Zhou Cang would like to be a pioneer and cut off his dog\'s head!"

"Send me!"


The generals present have begun to fight for the vanguard position.

Huarong said, "brother Heiniu, don\'t be impulsive first. The Lord has his own decision“

"Yes, what do the two military divisions think?"

Liu Hao looked at the civil and military forces sitting below, but the generals were bold and ruthless people. It was much simpler to start with. There was something strange about this. We should listen to the opinions of the military division more.

"Kong Fu is greedy for life and afraid of death, but he loves fame and power. He sent 10000 stone grain and thousands of refugees. I\'m afraid there are still many articles in it."

"Wen Ruo is right. I\'m afraid Kong Fu is ready to give up the people of Yingchuan and preserve himself."

Xu Shu frowned and said suddenly, "the Lord killed his brother-in-law first, and then he sent grain and refugees. At this time, the opportunity is too subtle..."

"If you don\'t expect it, it must be to hold the Lord\'s hands and feet and secretly send someone to contact the yellow scarf thief in Runan County to attack Yingchuan."

Liu Hao sneered, "the plan to drive the tiger and swallow the wolf?".,,.