The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 94

"The Lord is wise!"

Long history Yang Hong stroked the mouse beard under his chin and smiled.

"In that case, Mr. Yang Hong will go for my official and send a letter to all the leaders of the yellow scarf thieves. Be sure to make it profitable and persuade them to send troops."

Kong Fu nodded and laughed, and his narrow eyes cast a dangerous light.

Hearing that Kong Fu asked him to deliver the letter, Yang Hong was sweating hard behind his back and his legs were soft. Fortunately, his mind turned quickly and he immediately came up with a refusal:

"Cough, my Lord, you can\'t use me to send a departure letter to the yellow scarf thief. If there is a rumor that I have contact with the yellow scarf thief, my Lord\'s reputation will be ruined."

Yellow scarf thieves are always unscrupulous.

After entering the city, the bee pupae rob and kill indiscriminately. It\'s unreasonable at all!

Hell wants to deal with them!

Kong Zhuo was right to think about it. He hummed, "then send a shameful man to deliver the letter. Things should be done better!"

"Yes, sir, do you have anything else to say?"

Yang Hong took the order and was about to leave, but Kong Fu still lay on the cloud couch and sneered:

"Hum, Liu Hao is really arrogant. No wonder I made such a bad decision..."

It has to be said that those who can climb to the position of governor of a state (equivalent to later governors) are not fuel-efficient lamps.

Kong Fu turned his eyes and continued: "well, Yingchuan County house has already been emptied by our official. Liu Hao\'s child must be short of food. First send someone to send 10000 stone grain, and then drive thousands of refugees to distract his attention. When the army is coming to the city, we will see how he should cry!"

The civil and military under his command changed color when they heard Kong Fu\'s words.

Poison trick!

It\'s so poisonous!

This is to kill Liu Hao!


At the intersection of Yingchuan and Runan, there is a place called Yangshan.

This place, with a dangerous terrain, is the headquarters of Huang Jin thief Qu Shuai He Yi.

In the cottage.

He Yi sat high in the first chair and said to the uninvited guest in the Juyi hall, "I heard you are the envoy of Kong Fu, the assassin of Yuzhou. What are you doing here? Does Kong Fu want to understand and surrender to our brother?"


The mountain bandits in the hall burst into laughter and looked at the emissary sent by Kong Fu with ill intentions.

Kong zhe led his troops to fight with the yellow scarf army in Yuzhou for several times. They were defeated by a large number of bandits. They lost several battles. Now they both know their roots.

Kong Fu\'s confidant made a strong effort to calm down and said in a trembling voice:

"He Shuai, listen to me. My Lord still has 50000 elite soldiers, all of whom are capable of fighting. If we really fight, we will lose both sides."

"Now the governor of Yingchuan has killed my Lord\'s wife and brother. He has a grudge against my Lord. As long as the king sends troops to attack and rob Yingchuan, my lord promises not to send troops to help. At that time, all the food, grass, money and grain in Yingchuan government will belong to the king“


He Yi\'s eyes flashed greedy light and said, "how many people are there in Yingchuan county now?"

The messenger said, "Yingchuan now has only 2000 people at most. There are no powerful generals. Where can he Shuai be stopped? Tens of thousands of people have been recruited."

"If you dare to tell a lie, I\'ll cut your heart and drink!"

He man, a member of He Yi\'s men, was vicious.

He man, known as tianyasha, is eight feet tall and majestic.

With a yellow scarf wrapped around his head and a green jacket, the iron bar in his hand weighs 30 or 40 kilograms, which is also regarded as Wu Yong.

At the sight of the messenger, his heart was cold.

Jietian yecha usually kills countless officers and soldiers. He is the most powerful general in Runan area of Yingchuan. He is afraid to fight.

"General he knows everything. If half a sentence is false, he is willing to die under the general\'s stick. I have to send a letter to Liu qushuai and say goodbye!"

The messenger finished his words and ran away directly.

After the messenger left, he Mancai said in a hurry: "Qu Shuai, Han officials in Yuzhou are like Kong Hui. They are goods without eggs. He said that there are only 2000 people, which is a good time for us to forge ahead in Yingchuan County!"

"Heaven is dead, and the yellow sky should stand!"

Thinking of the wealth of Yingchuan County, the Yellow scarves and thieves were moved one after another. The group was so excited that they couldn\'t immediately send troops to rob Yingchuan.

He Yi pondered for a while and finally failed to overcome her greed. He nodded and said, "what general he said is very reasonable. Yingchuan is the richest place in Yuzhou. There is plenty of oil and water. At this time, it is almost the season of grain harvest."

"It\'s easy to rob Yingchuan county with tens of thousands of our troops. It\'s enough to grab all the food from the government for several years. It\'s better to lay a base area than to hide in the mountains and suffer from hunger and cold."

"Hey, you\'re right. It\'s said that the women in Yingchuan county have tender skin and can drip water. I\'ll play ten at that time!"

Herman grinned and salivated. A group of thieves were also excited and screamed.

He Yi patted the table and shouted, "send someone to inform Liu PI and Huang Shao. Come to Yangshan quickly. The three armies are one. Gather all the brothers and send troops towards Yingchuan County!"

"Heaven is dead, and the yellow sky should stand! Break Yingchuan County, rob money, rob food and rob women!"

"Heaven is dead, and the yellow sky should stand! Break Yingchuan County, rob money, rob food and rob women!"

In the stronghold, the sound is like thunder.


The detective horse of Yingchuan County galloped from a distance, knelt down in front of Liu Hao and said, "Lord, the yellow scarf thief of Yingchuan county is urgent!"

Liu Hao looked a little moved and said in a deep voice, "speak!"

"My Lord, the yellow scarf thief under He Yi near Yangshan has made moves recently."

"More than 15000 yellow scarf thieves under Liu PI quickly approach Yangshan!"

"The Yellow napkin thief Qu Shuai Huang Shao, led by his 10000 yellow napkin thieves, gathered in the direction of Yangshan!"


"Yellow scarf thief, have action so soon?"

In the conference hall of Yingchuan County, Xu Shu, Xun Yu and Lin Chong looked solemn.

Liu Hao\'s expression was very calm and calm. He said, "Liao Hua, Zhou Cang, among the yellow scarf thieves in Yingchuan County, do you know?"

Liao hualue pondered and bowed: "Lord, the yellow scarf thieves in Yingchuan county are roughly He Yi, he man, Liu PI and Huang Shao."

"There are almost more than 10000 people in each unit, and there are more than 40000 troops in total."

"The number is ten times more than that of Yingchuan County!".,,.