The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 93

Liu Hao can\'t wait to lose an eye to everyone and know talents!

Lin Chong, force 95, intelligence 67, politics 68, command 91 (+ 3).

Hua Rong, force 88, intelligence 71, politics 46, command 86 (+ 3).


Xu Shu, force 75, intelligence 94, politics 92, command 89 (+ 4).

Xun Yu, current force 61, intelligence 95, politics 96, command 82 (+ 4).

High IQ means taking advantage!

Even if the two military masters did not have Liu Hao, they could increase by 4 points with lucky potion!

The light of wisdom flashed in Xu Shu\'s eyes and said, "Lord, this volume of military strategy is indeed a hidden mystery change, especially the battle mode close to this time. Who wrote it?"

Liu Hao said with a light smile, "Great Han Zhonglang general, Lu Zhi!"

"It\'s Lu Shuai. No wonder!"

Xun Yu also made great achievements, and his heart was filled with emotion.

Lin Chong and others were even more grateful and bowed down and said, "thank you, Lord, for giving someone a new understanding of the art of war!"

"Please get up..."

Liu Hao picked up several people and was satisfied.

With the help of such a counselor and general, why don\'t you worry about not achieving great things?


Yuzhou, among the residence of the assassin of Qiaojun.

Kong Fu, the governor of Yuzhou, is lying comfortably on the cloud collapse.

Around him, a rather enchanting woman leaned against him and stuffed the peeled fruit into his mouth from time to time.

"Well, Yang Changshi, is Liu Hao going to Yingchuan county?"

The hole was fat. As soon as he turned around, the cloud couch under him made a creaking sound. A pair of small eyes almost narrowed into a seam, and a trace of fine light flashed from time to time.

"Mr. assassin planned strategies and decided to win thousands of miles away. Liu Hao came out of Luoyang and went directly to Yingchuan county without much delay. It seems that he has taken in thousands of thieves along the way. It is estimated that he will arrive in these two days."

A man dressed as a counselor bows and flatters.

"Sir, since Liu Hao wants to be assigned by the imperial court to distribute your power, do you want to deal with him?"

The woman with heavy makeup on her side looks worried. In fact, she is coquettish.

"Women\'s view, women\'s view... It\'s really long hair and short insight. Do you know the identity of Liu Hao?"

Kong Fu looked contemptuously at the heavily made-up woman. If she hadn\'t seen her majestic mountains, he would have swept the idiot woman out of the door.

Han clan, can you move freely?

Moreover, Liu Hao\'s reputation in the Confucian clean stream has also reached the top.

Liu Hao\'s rash move is hard to get along with scholars all over the world.

The concubine really didn\'t obey. She was coquettish and coquettish. Kong Fu touched a handful of peaks and said with patience: "Hey, this boy really has some means to subdue those poor and ferocious yellow scarf thieves. However, he never thought that my official had already emptied all the money, grain, soldiers and horses in Yingchuan county. There is no food and grass. See what waves he can stir up."

"I have little knowledge, how can I be as wise as an adult."

Enchanting women wrongly act as spoilers, a little bird\'s attitude.

At this time, a man ran in from the door and shouted, "my Lord, it\'s bad... Lord Wang Zhong bought other people\'s horses in Yingchuan. Liu Hao cut off his head and hung them at the gate!"


The beautiful concubine\'s startled face faded, and Kong Zhuo\'s fat meat trembled and rolled down directly from the cloud collapse.

"My Lord, you must avenge my loyal son“

An earth shaking shrill cry broke out in the room. The fat and powder on the face of some pretty women who were crying turned red and white. Their face was distorted and ferocious: "Sir, why don\'t you mention the elite soldiers immediately, kill Yingchuan, kill this Liu Hao and avenge my innocent brother“

"My Lord, those who come are not good“

The middle-aged counselor looked vaguely frightened and said in a trembling voice: "Wang Zhong is the younger brother-in-law of the adult. Liu Hao took office, but he didn\'t even call, so he killed him directly. It\'s clear that it\'s a threat. Please make a plan early, or he will plot for him!"


Kong Fu frowned, his face was cloudy and sunny, and scolded: "shut up, fool, it\'s not your waste brother who provokes right and wrong. Where will this happen? Mr. Yang, hurry to call Wenwu!"

After half a ring, the civil and military forces under Kong Fu finally came together one after another.

Kong Fu snorted and said, "Liu Hao doesn\'t know what to do. Without my official\'s consent, he killed my concubine\'s brother. Don\'t give him some color to see. Do you think the majesty of the assassin of Yuzhou doesn\'t exist!?"

"You guys, what\'s your plan?"

His men found out the situation and kept silent.

Yang Hong, a middle-aged counselor, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and pondered for a while. Suddenly his eyes brightened and said, "Lord, there is!"

Kong Fu narrowed his eyes and said, "please speak, military master Yang!"

"Liu Hao is not good at coming. He kills Lord Wang Zhong when he comes. He is like a tiger. Yingchuan county is the richest place in Yuzhou. It is well known all over the world. There are tens of thousands of yellow scarf thieves wandering in the east of Yuzhou. The leader He Yi and others are all brave and good at fighting."

"These people are like ferocious wolves. Don\'t they have any idea about Yingchuan county“

"Since they are greedy for Yingchuan\'s money and food, it\'s easy to do. If they can say that they can directly send troops to attack Yingchuan while Liu Hao hasn\'t established his foundation, and fight more and less, they will certainly be able to avenge Lord Wang Zhong."

"This is... The plan to drive the tiger and swallow the wolf!"

Yang Changshi, a middle-aged counselor, shook his head and finally choked out such a sentence.

"This plan is wonderful!"

Kong Fu nodded frequently and laughed: "I don\'t blame my ruthlessness. It\'s all Liu Hao. If you don\'t give me face, he can\'t live well under my rule."

"Hey, there are only thousands of yellow scarves thieves in the imperial court. He wants to get credit. How can there be such a good thing! There are tens of thousands of yellow scarves thieves. These people invade Yingchuan county and kill this angry and smelly child. It\'s more than enough. I don\'t need to do it at all.".,,.