The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 92

Liu Hao moved in his heart and said, "if Wen has anything to say, it doesn\'t hurt!"

"Lord, although these more than 4000 bandits belong to Lord, when it comes to people\'s hearts, there are absolutely no more than 300 subordinates of Lord!"

Xun Yu said: "Yu believes that the top priority at present is to break up all the more than 4000 people originally born as thieves and bandits and carry out differentiation and reorganization!"

Xu Shu also nodded and said, "if what Wen said is good, if they are arranged according to the original rules, these people must still stick together as usual and have loose discipline. It would be good for an army like that to fight without harming their own people!"

Liu Hao also realized that these thieves might have hidden dangers, and arranged Lin Chong to rearrange them.

Now it seems that it is far from enough!

"It seems that Yuan Zhi and Wen Ruo agree that the reorganization of the army is imminent. In that case, go back to the house immediately and discuss the matter..."

The party came back to the house and sat down. Liu Hao took a deep breath and said, "where are Lin Chong, Hua Rong, Zhou Cang and Liao Hua?"

"The end will come!"

Hearing Liu Hao\'s greeting, the generals looked awe inspiring and stood directly in front of Liu Hao without hesitation.

"I\'m going to divide the new 4000 into four parts. What do you think?"

Liu Hao said solemnly.

"But listen to the Lord!"

Lin Chong and Hua Rong roared, and Zhou Cang and Liao Hua responded loudly without hesitation!

"From among the 4000 people, 1000 elite and young people who can ride horses are selected to form a cavalry team of 1000 people. This one is led by Lin Chong and Pei yuanshao is the deputy general!"

"The end will surely live up to its mission!"

Lin Chong and Pei yuanshao accepted the promise.

"Hua Rong, you are responsible for selecting more than 400 people with good eyesight and excellent shooting skills from these 4000 people as archers!"

"Zhou Cang, the remaining 1300 people are unified into Dao Dun hands, under your command!"

"Liao Hua, the remaining 1300 people are unified into spears and PuDao infantry, under your command!"

After a series of orders, the division of responsibilities of Liu Hao\'s army for the future has been clear at a glance.

"Unexpectedly, the Lord has such profound attainments in the way of using troops!"

Xu Shu\'s feather fan shook gently, and when his eyes met Xun Yu, they could see the shock in each other\'s eyes.

In their hearts, they already knew that Liu Hao\'s army had many changes in tactics than the non famous army when it fought under the command of such a division.

When a war starts, first there are swords and shields in front, and the spearmen form an array to withstand it and advance layer by layer!

The archers quickly gathered and fired, and then the cavalry directly killed the enemy, harassed the enemy from the left and right wings and dispersed the enemy formation.

Then, under the command of Lin Chong, who is not brave enough, you can also wait for the opportunity to directly take the enemy\'s army!

Liu Hao made such a decision not only because of his advanced knowledge, but also because of the analysis and narration of the ancient battle array in the chapter of Xuanwu soldiers!

"By the way, my Xuanwu soldier seal, can you give it to the lower part of your hand?"

Liu Hao had a whim.

If you can use it for your subordinates, you\'ll really make a lot of money. It\'s good to add one or two commands to one person!

"Yes!" the system gave a positive reply.

Liu Hao was so happy that he raised his hand and said, "don\'t go yet. I have a Book of war to show you."

Xun Yuqi said, "the book of war? The Lord is really omnipotent..."

Liu Hao took out the "Xuanwu soldier chapter" from his arms and said with a smile, "this thing is quite mysterious. Come and have a look!"

"I\'ll come first..."

Pei yuanshao volunteered and solemnly took the Xuanwu soldier seal from Liu Hao. He looked at it solemnly.

In Liu Hao\'s expectant eyes, he asked such a question: "Hey, my Lord, what\'s this word? I don\'t seem to recognize any of them?"


Liu Hao was speechless directly.

Pei yuanshao doesn\'t recognize big words. He\'s blind!


It\'s really a waste of such a loser\'s military Book secret strategy as the Xuanwu soldier chapter!

"Usually free... Read more!"

Liu Hao took the Xuanwu soldier seal from Pei yuanshao and patted him on the shoulder. It hurt him first.

"Zhou Cang, what about you? You can\'t read?"

Zhou Cang scratched his head, and his face turned red. He said, "Lord, I can cut people\'s heads when I lead soldiers to fight. Of course, it\'s up to the military master to give advice. It doesn\'t matter if I can\'t read..."

Well, this is also a talent!

Liu Hao had nothing to say about Zhou Cang\'s truth. He waved him back directly. He really wanted to be alone.

"System, can the Xuanwu soldier chapter be read to others in the way of explanation, so that those who listen can also command?"

no way out!

Several of his generals are illiterate. Liu Hao wants to increase their command, but he is also powerless!

"Ding," Xuanwu soldier chapter "can only be read and understood. It can\'t be passed on orally or in other ways. Please know!"

As a result, the road was blocked all at once.

Liu Hao was so helpless that he recruited Liao Hua and asked, "general Liao, don\'t tell me you can\'t read."

Liao Hua said with a smile, "my Lord, when I was a child, I read with an old Confucian."

Liu Hao handed over the Xuanwu soldier chapter in his hand and said, "here is a volume of war books. Read it and see what you think."


Liao Hua readily took over the chapter of the Xuanwu soldier. What he saw was thought hard and scratched his ears and cheeks.

Liu Hao is not worried.

After reading it for half an hour, Liao Hua suddenly took a breath and sighed, "my Lord, this volume of military books involves many mysteries. Some experience!"

"Ding, Liao Hua has a sense of reading the Xuanwu soldier chapter, and the command has increased by 2 points!"

Liao Hua, yes!

Yes, it worked at last!

Liu Hao took a breath and recruited the remaining Lin Chong, Hua Rong and others.

Waiting quietly, I finally wait until a series of system prompts sound.,,.