The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 89

Especially in the period of the Three Kingdoms, the gentry were the top people.

Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang can only be regarded as the bottom people.

Without promotion channels, their family will always be the bottom people!

Even their descendants can only mix at the bottom of society.

Xu Shu\'s proposal is tantamount to giving them an opportunity to change directly from a businessman at the bottom to a scholar official.

Like, carp jumped over the dragon\'s gate!

Liu Hao said faintly, "the opinion of the military division is the opinion of our official. You two are very talented. You can start in Yingchuan county and control the money of a county for our official. How about it?"

Damn it, pie fell from the sky!?

The two brothers, Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping, did not even think much. They hurriedly fell to the ground and said:

"Su Shuang, Zhang Shiping, meet the Lord!"

The two kowtowed repeatedly and thanked Xu Shu: "thank you for your advice. The Lord first saved our lives and treated our brothers so well. It\'s a pity that we were foolish and almost missed the great righteousness. If the Lord doesn\'t give up, we are willing to pay back with death!"


Insight knows talents, and use it successfully!

Zhang Shiping, force 68, intelligence 75, politics 73, command 41.

Stunt, first-class merchant: unique vision. When doing business, the probability of losing money is very small.

Su Shuang, force 62, intelligence 76, politics 74, command 37.

Stunt, Goodwill: good at management. When dredging relationships, it has the chance to improve the favor of powerful people.

"Please get up quickly. From now on, you will be in charge of money and food under our officials and be responsible for setting up a caravan. The rest depends on your abilities."

Liu Hao picked them up one by one, patted them on the shoulders, and felt happy.

Although the attributes of Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping are not too high, they don\'t need to fight.

The key is their skills. They are born businessmen!

Although it can\'t compare with Hu Xueyan, the Red Crowned businessman of later generations, he is also a good businessman in the Three Kingdoms.

In other words, Xu Shu was really powerful. Only then did he take effect, so he offered such a trick.

Not only did he get a thousand horses in vain, but he also solved his urgent need and persuaded Su and Zhang to help him make money. In the future, he can recruit troops and horses continuously!

Listening to the constant horse neighing in the stables, Liu Hao was full of pride and said, "Shiping, I\'ll take these horses first. I\'ll replace the cloth, silk and satin and other resources. You can talk to military division Yuanzhi."

"Lord, don\'t use it, don\'t use it!"

Zhang Shiping bowed and said, "since we eat your salary, we should also be loyal to you. These 1000 horses are dedicated to the Lord without taking a penny!"

Su Shuang also said: "the Lord wants to set up cavalry. We still have a lot of horses to give to the Lord! Just stay in Xuzhou, so I\'ll send a letter to MI Zhu, the Lord of MI family, and ask him to send someone to send it to me."

"Xuzhou, MI Zhu?"

Liu Hao was secretly pleased and asked, "do you two brothers still have business with the MI family in Xuzhou?"

"My Lord, not only the MI family in Xuzhou, but also the Zhen family in Hebei. Our brothers also have a way!"

Zhang Shiping patted his chest and promised: "Lord, it\'s a one sentence thing to buy grain and grass or caravans in the future!"

"Ding, Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang have increased their preference for the host to 95, and the additional reward worship value is 600!"


Liu Hao slapped his hands and laughed.

The MI family is the richest man in the Three Kingdoms, with more than 10000 soldiers.

The Zhen family, also the largest family in Hebei, is the family of Luo Shen Zhen Ji.

Two merchant families control a lot of wealth in both places.

Unexpectedly, the two brothers still have this network. Liu Hao is elated: I really found a treasure this time!

"Ding, Congratulations! The host not only got a thousand horses, but also accepted Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping with special skills. They overfulfilled the task. The reward calculation is in progress..."

"Hey, hey, the task this time is over fulfilled, and the reward will explode!"

Liu Hao was overjoyed. While waiting for the reward, he comforted them with good words and said, "with the help of two talents, why do you worry about the failure of Yingchuan? I\'ll leave it to you to set up a caravan."

"I have only one goal, to prepare as much food, grass, pig iron and horses as possible!"

Yingchuan drought, grain harvest plummeted, Liu Hao has surplus grain, but he also has to make another preparation.

Pig iron, of course, is to arm the young and strong of his men.

"Lord, the food eaten by the people in Yingchuan has become a problem. There must be no surplus to sell. We should buy it from the MI family in Xuzhou."

"As for horses, it\'s easy. Let brother Su go to Youzhou border again and pick up our family members by the way."

Zhang Shiping discussed with Su Shuang and made up his mind.

Even the family members are going to move here. Liu Hao nodded with satisfaction and continued to charge: "by the way, you go to Youzhou this time and bring me a letter on the way."

"My brother, a cavalry commander in Baima Yicong, called Zhao Yun, must deliver the letter to him in person."

In order to successfully attract Zhao Zilong, Liu Hao also tried his best.

"Please rest assured, Lord“

Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang took command.

At this time, Liu Hao suddenly heard the prompt sound of the system:

"Congratulations to the host. He has accepted the strange people Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang, and successfully established a caravan. He is rewarded for the task. He is an emperor level peerless foal. He is currently in Zhang Shiping\'s stable."

Sure enough, it is produced by the system and must be the best!

Liu Hao\'s eyes lit up and he couldn\'t express his expectation.

I happen to lack a decent mount!

Can a famous Imperial foal go to heaven?

While Liu Hao\'s heart water was rewarding, there was a sudden roar in the direction of the stables, and the horses in the stables began to scream in panic and low.

The earth seemed to tremble.

"Shit, what\'s the matter? It won\'t be an earthquake..."

Liu Hao was also startled.,,.