The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 90

"Lord, don\'t worry!"

Su Shuang patted his forehead and suddenly said, "I suddenly remembered that among the hundreds of horses, there are several wild horses that have not been tamed. It seems that these wild horses attack and disturb the Lord."

Zhang Shiping pointed to the last stable and explained, "Lord, look, these wild horses were brought from Youzhou to the Central Plains. Several guys died all the way."

At this time, the horses in the other stables were restlessly snorting and sobbing, as if they were avoiding the last stables in panic.

Some timid horses even fell on their knees to show their submission.

"Such a neighing, like a dragon singing, must be a god horse once in a hundred years, no doubt!"

Xu Shu gently shook the feather fan and his eyes lit up.

"Go and see what the reward is."

Liu Hao was more curious. What kind of wild beast was there?

When they arrived outside the stable, they heard a loud and deafening sound similar to the sound of a dragon.

Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping couldn\'t bear it and covered their ears in pain.

"Is it this horse that is the systematic imperial reward for the peerless foal?"

Liu Hao looked at the scene in front of him, and his eyes flashed.

There were three horses in the stable.

One of the most powerful horses is a head taller than ordinary horses.

Moreover, he was snow-white, couldn\'t find any miscellaneous hair, his forehead was nine feet high, his fist was like Lin, his horse\'s head was like a dragon, and his nose spewed out a white breath, which lasted for a long time.

Xu Shu\'s body was shocked and lost his voice: "Congratulations, Lord, you have won the peerless god horse!"

"Yuanzhi military division, why do you know it\'s a peerless foal at a glance?"

Liu Hao asked curiously.

Xu Shu said without delay: "in the spring and Autumn period, there was a peerless God foal with smoke in his nose and strong limbs. It is said that it was the embodiment of the Dragon King who went to sea and entered the earth. It could travel 19000 miles a day, run across the river and the sea, but the horse\'s hooves did not go into the water."

So awesome!?

Although Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang knew how to match horses, they also heard a confused beep.

With their knowledge, they only know that the wild horse is extraordinary and difficult to tame, but they don\'t want to have such a terrible origin.

"The military master is worthy of erudition and knowledge, ha ha."

Liu Hao was in a good mood. He knew the talents and threw them out in a series. Finally, he saw the information of the three horses in the stable.

Dark clouds chasing the wind (diamond rating): the king of ten thousand horses on the grassland runs like the wind. When the master rides and fights, the force value is increased by 1.

This dark king of horses is eight feet tall and looks rebellious. He is only a little shorter than the god horse, but he can also be called a peerless famous horse.

The other is a foal, red as blood. The system prompts,

Red dragon foal (female, King rating): the offspring of the king of horses in the purest sweat BMW can grow. When the female owner rides, the force value is increased by 1.

I really made a lot of money this time!

Liu Hao whispered: "commander Dianwei and the bodyguard protect me. Lin Chong is positioned as the commander of the cavalry. The dark cloud chasing the wind will be given to him first, and the red dragon foal will be given to Xiaoyu."

Liu Hao immediately distributed the two famous foals and continued: "Su Shuang, Shi Ping, you two brothers are good at horses. First select a batch of good horses and give them to the generals under my command."

"Yes, Lord!"

Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang answered and ordered the groom of his caravan to prepare.

Of course, Liu Hao will not favor one over the other. Hua Rong, Liao Hua and others can get a good horse.

And his goal, of course, is the God foal in this stable.

Snow treading Dragon Phoenix (emperor level): a peerless horse that follows the blood of ancient divine beasts. It treads snow through clouds, runs across rivers and seas. When the master rides and fights, the force value is increased by 3.

Special attribute, Long Wei: you have a chance to make a dragon howl, frighten ordinary horses and make ordinary horses panic.

No explanation, just a word.

A beautiful scene emerged in front of Liu Hao:

Riding the snow treading Dragon Phoenix to fight in all directions, he roared and directly dismounted the opposite general?


Liu Hao\'s clear eyes were also staring at Liu Hao when he was looking at the snow treading Dragon Phoenix.

It is very spiritual. It seems that it feels its fate. Its limbs start to tread disorderly. The iron chain on its neck vibrates wildly. The sound of hooves is like thunder. The dust in the shocked stable is flying. Even the dark clouds chasing the wind and the red dragon foal avoid it. They are faintly afraid.

"Pit father, the system doesn\'t mean the peerless foal rewarded to me. Why is it still hostile to me?"

Liu Hao make complaints about him in his heart.

In this state, if you rashly provoke the snow treading Dragon Phoenix, you will be ruthlessly trampled to death.

"Ding, gods have spirits. The hostility of snow treading Dragon Phoenix to the host has been reduced to the weakest. Please inform the host."

Well, it\'s the same as it wasn\'t.

Liu Hao was speechless, but on second thought:

The artifact has a spirit. The chosen owner can never be waste material, and the divine foal is the same. This can understand why it is difficult for long HUANGSHENG to get close to people.

"I\'ve experienced the crossing of Columbus. Can\'t I tame your horse?"

Thinking of this, Liu Hao suddenly became heroic and ready to subdue the Snow Dragon Phoenix.

"Lord, be careful. The white horse is irritable. If it goes down with one hoof, it will have at least ten million kilograms of strength. If it wasn\'t chained, I don\'t know how many people would die."

Seeing Liu Hao rolling up his sleeves, Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping actually wanted to tame the fierce white horse. They pinched a sweat for fear that the divine horse would hurt Liu Hao.

"Well, this peerless God foal is also spiritual. Once I agree with him, it will not harm me."

Liu Hao approached carefully, and the snow treading Dragon Phoenix shook her head. As expected, there was no attack. Liu Hao immediately sat on the snow treading Dragon Phoenix\'s back.

He obviously felt the white horse trembling under the seat, as if he had been stimulated.

The next moment, there was another howling sound like a dragon.

The horses fell and howled one after another.

The snow treading Dragon Phoenix leaped wildly. Liu Hao was on the horse\'s back, bumping wildly, and a kind of anger came into his heart.

The Yellow Emperor\'s Internal Classic and the holy virtual emperor\'s Dragon cutting formula are moving in an instant!

"Get down on your knees!".,,.