The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 88

Zhang Shiping observed the change of Liu Hao\'s look and said, "my brothers, I only wish adults could clear Yingchuan bandits and return peace to the people!"


Liu Hao was finally moved.

In the face of such temptation, there is no doubt that he is moved.

Five hundred good foals, plus hundreds of horses captured from yellow scarf thieves, can directly form eight hundred cavalry.

If there are 800 elite cavalry, who can stop Yingchuan?


"Host trigger task: ask the host to obtain a thousand good horses and build a cavalry of a thousand people."

A prompt came from the ear system. Liu Hao pondered for a while and asked, "Yuanzhi, what do you think?"

"Lord, I have a plan to ask him to ride thousands of horses and ride Yingchuan!"

Xu Shu chuckled, leaned over to Liu Hao\'s ear and whispered, "the Lord can treat poor students well, why not..."

Xu Shu\'s words, hearing the bright light in Liu Hao\'s eyes, nodded again and again.

"Please be sure to accept our brother\'s wishes!"

Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang bowed down again.

"Since you two come to the Central Plains to sell horses, why don\'t you do this? I\'ll decide to buy all your horses!"

Liu Hao thought for a while and said.

Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang were shocked!

It can\'t be true!

That\'s what Wang Zhong, a fat pig, said. As a result, he took it by force!?

Their looks changed dramatically. Where did they hide from Liu Hao.

"You two don\'t have to worry."

Liu Hao said calmly, "if I took your horses for nothing, what\'s the difference between me and Wang Zhong? You may also see that in today\'s Yuzhou, there are rogues everywhere, the people are miserable, and there will be a war in the future!"

"I want to set up a cavalry. I don\'t have enough food at present. I can pay for your silk, satin, cloth and silk, or mortgage it with rare treasures such as gold, silver and coins. The price is up to you!"

"This kind of resources must also be in demand."

According to the market price, one stone rice is almost the same. You can change a horse, but ten stone rice may not be able to change such a good horse.

The value of these hundreds of horses is at least thousands of stones or even tens of thousands of stones of grain. Of course, Liu Hao will not be foolish to exchange his long-standing grain for it.

Cloth, silk, satin and tea are rare materials in Youzhou and the grassland, but there is nothing strange in the Central Plains. They are just used to exchange for war horses driving vertically and horizontally.

Liu Hao made a lot of money in this business.

"This... Please let our brothers think about it."

Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping looked ashamed and were ashamed of thinking Liu Hao wrong.

They looked at each other, and a glimmer of light flashed in their eyes. They went into the stable together to discuss.

They are brokers who travel from south to north. They smuggle the war horses and pig iron from the north into China, sell them at a sky high price, and then transport the tea and fine silk from the south of the Central Plains to the north, so as to earn huge profits.

Businessmen\'s intuition tells them that if the business is done, they will also make a lot of profits.

After half a ring, they left the stables. Zhang Shiping said, "our brother has nothing else. I was saved by adults. I should have given all the horses to adults. I don\'t want adults to treat me so well. I have to exchange silk and silk. Alas, it\'s a shame to accept it!"

"If your brother has any ideas about this business, you can also tell him."

Liu Hao said with a smile.

"According to what adults say, if you have a chance in the future, you must cooperate with adults again, and report your kindness sooner or later!"

Su shuanggong said.

It\'s done!

Liu Hao was delighted to bring a thousand horses into his hands.

Task completion means reward. I don\'t know what kind of reward the system will give this time?

At this time, Xu Shu suddenly said, "you two can make a profit between 10 and 20 times the principal?"

"Well, this... This... How does Mr. know..."

Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang were surprised and looked at Xu Shu inconceivably. Liu Hao also looked at Xu Shu incomprehensibly.

"This... Is just a small profit."

Xu Shu shook his head and said with a smile, "you are also rare talents in the world. Can\'t you see a real business with a huge profit“

Faced with such a powerful person, Zhang Shiping was completely convinced.

He wiped the sweat on his forehead and asked modestly, "our brothers are stupid. Please make it clear."

Liu Hao quietly watched Xu Shu perform. Xu Shu waved a feather fan and said with a smile:

"My Lord is thirsty for talents. The two are wizards in the world. Why don\'t you join my Lord and establish some achievements?"

Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping didn\'t think about this possibility. They were stunned.

"The Lord is the emperor\'s servant. The emperor\'s uncle is wise and decisive, and is highly trusted by the emperor and the Empress Dowager. Now, at the age of a weak crown, he has been appointed as the governor of Yingchuan. The two businessmen have a way to make money. Under the Lord\'s command, they can control the money and food of a county. They will certainly be able to show their strengths. In the future, they will be rewarded on merit, promoted to the rank of nobility, and granted wives and children. Isn\'t it really a matter of money and money "Buying and selling?"

Listening to Xu Shu\'s impassioned words, Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang suddenly realized and were palpitating.

Think about it.

If you sell the horse to Liu Hao, you can get only about ten times the benefit at present.

But as long as they take refuge in Liu Hao, they are officials under Liu Hao.

Today\'s Liu Hao, the name of the emperor\'s uncle has been publicized. Who doesn\'t give a bit of face to the state\'s assassins? In a few years, he will definitely be a vassal!

At that time, Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang changed from smugglers to important officials working for princes!

Where is the difference that money can measure!

"Xu Yuanzhi, indeed, can be resourceful!"

Liu Hao quietly observed them and knew that it was more than half.

The reason is four words:

scholar , farmer , artisan and merchant.

In ancient feudal society, the class concept was deeply rooted and unshakable.,,.