The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 87

Xu Shu solemnly bowed down, 99\'s loyalty, and decisively took Liu Hao as his Lord.

This time, Liu Hao hurried to help. Xun Yu smiled and said, "Yuan Zhi\'s talent is a hundred times better than Yu, and he is proficient in military affairs. The Lord has the help of Yuan Zhi, and Kuang Fu Han Dynasty is just around the corner."

"Congratulations, Lord, you have attracted talents!"

Xu county magistrate Guo Guanggong said that he also unconsciously approached Liu Hao and automatically changed his title.

"Hee hee, Congratulations, brother Taishou!"

Guo Huan also narrowed her eyes and smiled.

After soliciting Xu Shu, Liu Hao didn\'t have the mind to wander anymore.

He hurried back to the Imperial Palace set up in Yangzhai county.

Give a banquet and talk.

Liu Hao has thousands of years of cultural precipitation and his eyes are ahead, while Xu Shu and Xun Yu are both resourceful people.

Several people sat as nonvoting delegates and talked about the South and the north. From the spring and autumn and Qin Dynasties, they talked about the current situation, from the Shichang official party to the great general He Jin, they despised both these two groups, and from He Jin to Dong Zhuo, they were very similar. When it comes to the current situation in Yingchuan, someone outside the door suddenly reported:

"My Lord, the two businessmen brought by day asked to see me in the front hall."

"I was so happy to talk to yuan. I almost forgot this stubble!"

As soon as Liu Hao patted his forehead, he had to get up and say goodbye to the two military divisions and go to the front hall.

Liu Hao is also curious about Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang, two businessmen who have made great efforts and once sponsored Liu Bei to take up the army.

"Cao min, Su Shuang, Zhang Shiping, meet Lord Liu!"

The two tall men bowed down together. Liu Hao raised his hand to hold them up and said with a smile, "I\'m just taking office. I\'m busy. I really ignored your guests. Come and see tea."

Several servant girls came into the hall immediately and poured tea for them.

"How dare, how dare!"

Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping said they did not dare. They took the tea cup with both hands and had a very respectful attitude.

After half a ring, the two looked at each other. Zhang Shiping said, "our brothers, originally Zhongshan businessmen, travel north and south, make a living as businessmen, and come to Yingchuan to seek business opportunities. Unexpectedly, they almost lost their heads. Thank you for your help."

With a worried expression on his face, Su Shuang arched his hand and said, "we should have reported our life with death. However, we still have a wife and children to support in our brother\'s family. We only have a small heart. I hope adults don\'t dislike it."

"Yingchuan is under the rule of my official. Anyone who dares to ignore the king\'s law will be punished. I appreciate your kindness."

Liu Hao declined lightly.

On the contrary, Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping have bright eyes. Such a good official with high integrity is very different from Wang Zhong.

They said together, "if it weren\'t for Lord Liu and our brothers, they would already be two white bones on the side of the road. If we don\'t report this life-saving grace, how can we face the world in the future?"

"That gift is rare in the world. Please come and have a look with us!"

When they pushed the door out, Dianwei Weng said, "what gift can\'t you see here?"

Looking at Dianwei, who stood in front of the tower, Su Shuang said with a bitter smile: "hero, this gift is not small. With the strength of our brothers, we can\'t bring them completely. Please move."

Liu Hao raised his hand and motioned Dianwei not to make a mistake. He was also curious to see what the treasure was. He could ask the two valuable businessmen to treat it carefully.

He took Xu Shu and Dianwei several people and followed them out of the door.

Several people got on their horses and walked all the way to a stable outside the city.

Seeing hundreds of horses, Liu Hao suddenly realized that the two brothers were born to sell horses. The valuable things in their hands were indeed horses.

At this time, in the stable, the guys in Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang\'s caravan were feeding forage. Liu Hao looked at these tall horses and really had a refreshing feeling.

"If I am not mistaken, these horses are the horses produced by Wuhuan in the north?"

Liu Hao\'s eyes lit up. Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang had a very close trade with Beidi. They had a way to get such a good horse.

At this time, the horses produced in the south of the central plains were very short, and the sprint speed was not fast. They were almost used for camel goods, but the cavalry combat was slightly not enough.

"Adults\' eyes are like torches, and the grass people admire them very much!"

Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang bowed.

"Lord, the horses brought by Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang have strong bodies and strong limbs. All of them are fine horses with large forehead and long chest. Their limbs and joints are also very developed, which is very conducive to light riding and running. At first glance, they are the top grade of Wuhuan horses."

Xu Shu also followed up. He also dabbled in Xiangma and whispered in Liu Hao\'s ear.

"If you use these horses to form cavalry, it must be the most elite light cavalry force!"

No wonder Wang Zhong, a dead fat pig, gave birth to greed at the sight of horses.

Liu Hao suddenly realized.

Zhang Shiping said with a little complacency: "have you ever heard of the eight thousand white horses in Youzhou?"

"Gongsun Zan organized 8000 cavalry, known as white horse Yicong. He swept through the desert and killed Wuhuan people. How can I know?"

Liu Hao said with a slight smile, but he thought to himself: Gongsun Zan is more than brave, not resourceful, not afraid. It\'s my Changshan Zhao Zilong. I don\'t know if he is still white horse righteousness. Did he receive that letter?

Naturally, Su Shuang didn\'t know what Liu Hao was thinking. He continued: "my Lord also knows the reputation of white horses. These horses are the horses that Gongsun forcibly took from their leaders after he defeated the Wuhuan Huns“

"Hey, every horse is definitely one in a hundred. It\'s one level higher than the white horse Yicong\'s horse. If we hadn\'t spent a lot of money to get through the relationship between Gongsun and his brother Gongsun Yue, our brothers wouldn\'t have had a chance to get such a good horse."

Zhang Shiping looked generous, fell down on his knees and said, "the grace of saving lives is like rebuilding. Our brothers have a total of 1000 horses. Adults can choose half of them as gifts from our brothers!".,,.