The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 86

This fleeting killing was still captured by Liu Hao.

The Heart Sutra of the Royal daughter of the Yellow Emperor integrates heaven and man, and Taoism is natural.

After Liu Hao became the first layer, the five senses were strengthened several times, and he could naturally observe the subtle changes of the surrounding situation.

"Heroes, stay!"

Liu Hao\'s heart moved and shouted in a direction in the crowd.


The young Ranger stepped down and his eyes collided with Liu Hao.

The death of Wang Zhong is already a major event in Yingchuan.

"Come on, my Lord. Wang Zhong\'s sister is the concubine of Kong Fu, the assassin of Yuzhou Prefecture. Killing him is tantamount to a great feud with Kong Fu“

"The assassin is in Qiao County. I\'m wrong. I\'m going to lead troops to attack you!"

The onlookers were afraid of getting into trouble. Although they dared not intervene, they reminded Liu Hao and dispersed one after another.

"It doesn\'t matter. I\'ll see what Kong Hui dares to do to me!"

Liu Hao glanced at the long sword around the young Ranger\'s waist, and a meaningful smile hung from the corners of his mouth.

"My Lord, it\'s me?"

The young Ranger stopped and said faintly.

Liu Hao said with a smile, "the sword of a strong man is in the scabbard, but the killing machine has penetrated the scabbard. If I don\'t do it, will you kill Wang Zhong“

"If you don\'t do it, you must call the dog officer in the fish and meat village to splash blood five steps and lie down on the spot“

The young Ranger squinted and smiled faintly.

"What a five step blood splashing, lying on the spot!"

Liu Hao smiled and said, "the brave man is brave and brave. I don\'t know his name?"

At this time, he suddenly had a hunch that the young Ranger had the courage to assassinate Wang Zhong under the crowd. I\'m afraid it\'s not ordinary people.

"If you don\'t change your surname, sit down and don\'t change your name, I\'m Xu Shu in Yingchuan!"

The young Ranger saluted Liu Hao with a fist.

"Is it Xu Shu, Xu Yuanzhi, who is called Zhang Liang in the world?"

Liu Hao\'s eyes were full of strange light, staring at the young man in front of him.

At this time, Xu Shu was about twenty-five or six years old. He was tall and tall. He was wearing blue clothes and robes, and his whole body exuded an atmosphere of elegance and valor.

He should become famous a few years later. However, the name of Xu Shu is like thunder to Liu Hao.

Among the Three Kingdoms, it was Liu Bei who recruited Xu Shu to give advice for him that ended his running career for many years and officially took off.

Xu Shu is a real master of both literature and martial arts. In the Three Kingdoms, it is said that he once killed people in the city and left. Is it Wang Zhong who killed him?

"I\'m Liu Hao, the governor of Yingchuan. I\'ve heard a lot about Yuan Zhi. When I see him today, I\'m sure he\'s a man without a reputation!"

Liu Hao smiled in his heart and walked forward quickly, holding Xu Shu\'s hands tightly for fear that he might run away.

"He De, he can\'t make the prefect pay so much attention to him."

Xu Shu was very moved and guessed Liu Hao\'s identity at the same time.

Han clan, Emperor\'s family, Emperor\'s uncle.

In Luoyang City, Liu Zixuan, a famous poet in Luoyang, wrote a poem in seven steps.

This series of auras, through the vigorous publicity of several disciples of Confucianism, have long made most scholars in the world remember Liu Hao\'s name.

"Now Yingchuan bandits are rampant, and abandoned bones can be seen everywhere on the road. Yuan Zhi is a great talent in the world. Why not go out of the mountain to help a certain person. There is no room for Yingchuan Princess Bo."

Liu Hao suddenly saluted. Xu Shu looked shocked. He hurried back to help Liu Hao and sighed: "he has little talent and learning. How can he afford such a big gift! It\'s easy for the prefect to wipe out Yingchuan with the help of Xun Yu and Xun Wen."

Xun Yu on the side also came to persuade: "Yuan Zhi, why be modest. If a great husband holds a world-renowned genius, he should be a country. How can he empty the old mountains and forests?"

After thinking about it for a while, Xu Shu finally stopped refusing and bowed in a respectful manner: "if you get the love of Minggong, Shu dares not to repay you with death!"

"Congratulations to the host. You have accepted Xu Shu. The reward worship value is 800."

"First look at Xu Shu\'s attributes!"

Liu Hao was so happy that his regret that he didn\'t find Guo Jia was swept away.

"Ding, you have a good eye for talents, and you have launched successfully“

Xu Shu, force 75, intelligence 94, politics 92, command 85.

Special effects, unparalleled loyalty and filial piety: when the mother is alive, intelligence is increased by 2, and when the loyalty to the Lord is full, command is increased by 3.


Liu Hao laughed wildly.

He remembered that among the Three Kingdoms, Xu Shu was the first filial son. He voted for Cao Cao because his mother was caught by Cao Cao, so he asked, "are there any relatives in Yuanzhi\'s family?"

"My father died early, only my mother was at home."

Xu Shu bowed his hands and wondered what the LORD had done to his family.

Xu Shu\'s mother is really a strange woman in the Three Kingdoms.

In his seventies and eighties, he has some thoughts of loyalty and patriotism.

From the very beginning, he persuaded Xu Shu to be loyal to the Han clan. He was almost as loyal as Yue Fei\'s mother. When Xu Shu was threatened by Cao Cao with his mother\'s life, he committed suicide directly. It was really loyal.

This directly led to the origin of Xu Shu\'s failure to make a plan and his heart in the Han Dynasty.

"Where is Zhan Zhao?"

Liu Hao said solemnly.

"The end will be here, please tell me!" Zhan Zhao hugged his fist.

"Now bandits are rampant, robbing villages..."

"The mother of Yuanzhi is no different from my mother. Send someone quickly to take the old lady to my house and enjoy the rest of the day."

It can be seen that Xu Shu\'s family is not too rich. Living in a village, there is indeed a certain danger.

Starting from the details, Liu Hao\'s words to win the hearts of the people really achieved remarkable results.

"Ding, Xu Shu\'s loyalty to the host has been greatly improved. The current loyalty is 99."

"Ding, Xun Yu\'s loyalty to the host has increased. His current loyalty is 100 (never betray)."

"Congratulations, the host has obtained 2500 worship value, and the current worship value is 4524!"

Xu Shu\'s complexion was complicated. He sighed: "in this life, I will meet the Lord Ming. The Lord is in heaven. Please accept a certain worship.".,,.