The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 85

"Sir, calm down. Please drink with this gold."

These businessmen are still organic people after all.

One of the tall businessmen, seeing that the background opposite was strong and could not afford to provoke, immediately sent a few gold ingots, although his face was still ugly.

"You know the truth. What\'s your name?"

Wang Zhong narrowed his eyes, quietly took the gold bullion handed over by the black faced merchant and weighed the weight.

"The younger brother\'s name is Zhang Shiping. His brother\'s name is Su Shuang. Please forgive me!"

The tall businessman said with a fist.

"Hehe, Zhang Shiping? Well, you know, Mr. Kong, the governor of Yuzhou, is about to set up a cavalry recently. Your horses are just ready to come in handy."

Wang zhongpi smiled at the meat, but he didn\'t laugh; "I heard you brought hundreds of Wuhuan horses. I\'ve brought them all since then. I bought them all for a thousand dollars!"

"At this time, the market price of a fine horse is at least 100000 yuan... I want to buy a horse for 1000 yuan. This... This is a clear robbery!"

Guo Yong hissed.

In the big eyes of little Lori Guo Huan, she showed a look of contempt and said, "brother, he\'s a bad man!"

"My Lord, this... This price is really embarrassing. Our brother, we have to lose everything..."

Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang looked miserable.

"Embarrassment? No return?"

Wang Zhong\'s eyes looked greedy and said with a sneer: "your brother, it\'s clear that you are a bandit. You\'re so brave! You not only stole the government\'s war horse, but also the gold in the government\'s treasury. You stole it. You\'re really looking for death!"

Zhang Shiping, Su Shuang and others changed their faces.

"Know you\'re afraid?"

The squires and doglegs laughed with their shoulders in their arms.

When Wang Zhong smiled and wanted to put the gold into his sleeve, his arm was suddenly pressed.

Like an iron hoop, he can\'t move.

When his eyes turned, what appeared in Zhang Shiping\'s eyes was a handsome young man with extraordinary bearing. He was slender and straight, like a javelin.

He pressed Wang Zhong\'s arm with one hand and sneered, "I heard that you are the king\'s law?"

This young man is Liu Hao!

When he heard the names of Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang, he immediately stood up.

These two men are the famous God of wealth in the Three Kingdoms. How can they call this Wang Zhong a bad event.

"Who are you? Dare to stop me, and if you don\'t let me go, you will die without a burial place!"

Wang Zhong pulled out his arm, but he couldn\'t pull it out at all. He suddenly became angry.

His sister is the concubine of Kong Fu, an assassin of Yuzhou. Even if I am the brother-in-law of the assassin of Yuzhou, I am a bully in the whole of Yuzhou, not to mention Yingchuan county. No one dares to provoke him.

"You... How dare you!"

"It\'s killing me. I dare to provoke Lord Wang!"

"You\'re finished. You can\'t walk out of Yingchuan County today..."

Wang Zhong\'s henchmen were also stunned. They were used to bullying their master. They didn\'t expect that their master would be pulled.

In order to express their loyalty, they said some threatening words. Several people immediately rushed at Liu Hao.

"Hum, a group of local chickens and dogs dare to speak unkindly to my lord?"

Dian Wei snorted coldly and pulled away the crowd. He didn\'t even use his double halberds. Like catching a chicken, one hand directly broke the arms of several people at present.

"A bunch of waste, bucket!"

Liu Hao gradually worked hard. Wang Zhong felt that his arm was about to break, and his painful tears fell out. He cried miserably, "you leave your name. If I don\'t die today, I will kill all your family!"

"Brother, well done!"

In Guo Huan\'s big eyes, there was a trace of brilliance.

Liu Hao laughed and laughed, and Joyoung\'s magic power ran naturally. The golden mane was burning like a sword.

Stabbing Wang Zhong\'s fat face was pale without any blood.

"County magistrate Guo, according to the law of the imperial court of the Han Dynasty, what crime should I commit if I fish and flesh the people, forcibly seize other people\'s property and have no eyes for the imperial court“

"My Lord, the first one will be put in prison, and the second one... His crime should be punished“

Guo Yongting straightened his waist, said loudly, and his face was also a little solemn.

"Killing you is like killing pigs and dogs! Someone is the prefect of Yingchuan County, and Liu Hao is also!"

"Dianwei, do it for me!"

Liu Haoyun played the real spirit of Joyoung\'s great teaching, and made a low whistle to enlighten the deaf.


Dianwei, who was nine feet tall and looked like a majestic mountain, smiled grimly. He stepped forward with a tiger\'s step and directly lifted up Liang Feiyang\'s body of more than 300 kilograms with one hand.

Push through your arms and push hard.


Wang Zhong\'s neck was broken in response to the voice. Dian Wei directly broke it with his hand!

bleed like a pig.

"Wow, Wang Zhong, a dead fat pig, has harmed more than a dozen girls, fish and meat people, plundered people\'s fat and cream, and died well“

"The newly appointed prefect is the master of Qingtian, who makes decisions for the people“

"It\'s wise of the Taishou to kill the enemy decisively“

Wang Zhong usually robs people\'s women and bullies people.

Ordinary people dare to be angry but dare not speak. Now they are talking like a frying pan.

But as soon as he touched Liu Hao\'s eyes, he bowed his head unconsciously, and his heart was full of awe.

"You... Wait... Kong Yuzhou will not let you go!"

Wang Zhong\'s henchmen didn\'t even dare to say a cruel word, and ran away straight away.

"Lord, it\'s wonderful to kill one person today and win the hearts of Yingchuan County“

Xun Yu whispered in Liu Hao\'s ear, and Liu Hao couldn\'t help nodding.

What kind of thing is Kong Fu, who dares to threaten labor and capital?

"Xun Yu, Xun Wenruo, is actually this man\'s staff. This magnificent man has extraordinary spirit. He must be a peerless general and his subordinates. It seems that this man has the posture of a hero..."

Among the crowd, a young Ranger who originally wanted to kill Wang Zhong with a sword flashed a look of reward in his eyes.

"It seems that I don\'t need Xu Yuanzhi to do it!

After Wang Zhong\'s death, the killing opportunity faded like a tide. The young Ranger quietly put the long sword around his waist into the scabbard.,,.