The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 84

Guo Yonghan ran said, "it\'s an unfortunate time for you to find filial piety... Filial piety. He went out to study a few days ago."

"What, where have you been? How long have you been walking?"

Guo Yong was startled by the eager Liu Hao and said, "according to fengxiao, he went to Hebei to visit celebrities. It seems that he has been gone for more than half a month..."

Liu Hao was disappointed!

There are countless celebrities in Hebei. It is also common for Guo Jia to study and visit friends, but Hebei is far from Yingchuan!

After walking for more than half a month, it\'s too late to catch up now!

When Liu Hao was frustrated, he suddenly remembered something:

In history, Guo Jia did go to Hebei to study, as if he had been an aide to Yuan Shao for some time.

No, did my ghost Guo Jia just miss it!?

It can be said that people are fickle. Happiness begets sorrow!

Liu Hao wants to cry without tears.

Just solicited Xun Yu, but immediately missed Guo Jia.

"Lord, don\'t worry about it. It can be seen that the time to attract him is not yet.

If Guo Jia knows that the Lord is so thirsty for talents, he will certainly come to serve the Lord. "

Xun Yu saw Liu Hao\'s worry and comforted: "Hebei is the foundation of the yuan family, and all the officials are students of the yuan family. However, although Yuan Shao has a great name, he is just a false name, which can\'t be compared with the Lord."

"Yuan Benchu is always good at planning. He depends on his family background to buy people\'s hearts, but he can\'t use people. After all, it\'s difficult to achieve a great cause. Filial piety won\'t fail to see this!"

"I\'ll fix a book now. It\'s painful. But in March, Guo Jia is bound to return from Hebei. At that time, he will be the guest of the Lord!"

"Since the prefect wants to attract filial piety, it\'s his blessing. I\'ll fix a letter and call him back to help the prefect achieve great things!"

Guo Yong still has some exquisite means. In the face of his boss, he patted his chest and promised.

"I hope it can be as Wen Ruo and Xu county magistrate said!"

Listening to their comfort, Liu Hao finally calmed down a lot: Guo Jia is as intelligent as a demon. How can he take advantage of Yuan Shao\'s goods?

But I\'m also angry. In the Three Kingdoms, just Yuan Shao. He has good reincarnation skills!

You don\'t have to do anything. You have the glorious family background of four generations and three princes as the support.

Under such advertisements, I don\'t know how many generals are attracted by this gimmick and work under his command.

Yuan Shao was directly ahead of others on the starting line of striving for hegemony in the world.

"Hum, when I exchange some diamond legend cards, I\'ll brush my reputation well. I\'ll get a lot of unparalleled advisers and peerless generals in the future. I\'ll crush you to death!"

Liu Hao soon calmed down and figured out his future path.

Virtually, Yuan Shao got an innocent shot.

"My Lord, I\'m responsible for filial piety. But I still have many important things to tell you."

Guo Yong bowed and said.

Well, Guo Yong seems to be the magistrate of Xu county. It\'s good for him to popularize science about the situation in Yingchuan County!

Liu Hao nodded and said, "let\'s talk while walking..."

Guo Yong nodded quickly. Several people walked on the street of Yangzhai county. Before long, they saw a sudden explosion in the front market.

Dianwei directly pressed the double halberd and blocked Liu Hao\'s body.

"What\'s going on“

Liu Hao frowned and asked.

A personal bodyguard came forward to find out and reported: "Lord, it seems that there are businessmen making trouble in the street ahead."

The world is bustling, all for profit.

The way of doing business, of course, is to go to rich places to make profits.

In today\'s Han world, the most prosperous except Luoyang is Xuzhou, Yangzhou and Yingchuan county.

These places are the places where businessmen come and go most.

"It\'s nothing strange that businessmen make trouble."

The heavily guarded soldiers and bodyguards looked relaxed one after another.

Guo Yong looked very active and said softly, "Sir, the fat member seems to be the brother-in-law of Kong Fu, the governor of Yuzhou."

"Hum, you have to sell today. If you don\'t, you have to sell!"

Among the crowd, a fat man of about 300 Jin was pointing with high toes and high spirits.

Several businessmen across the street, holding several horses, looked sad.

Kong Fu, the governor of Yuzhou, is nominally Liu Hao\'s superior, but he has been defeated by yellow scarf thieves for several times in Yuzhou, which has been a great loss of prestige, and the court\'s trust in him has gradually lost.

In officialdom, anyone with a clear eye can see that Liu Hao, the governor of Yingchuan, is to divide Kong\'s power.

The merchants holding the horses shouted, "it\'s unreasonable. You have to buy and sell in broad daylight. Is there any royal law?"

"You say the king\'s law?"

The fat man was richly dressed, pointed to himself and hummed, "in Yingchuan County, my Wang Zhong is the king\'s law!"

"Hey, hey, you horses are obviously stolen from the government stables. You dare to sell them on the street."

The people around him were silent. No one dared to refute him.

The imperial court\'s control over all regions is weakening day by day. The governor of all regions is actually almost equivalent to a warlord.

Liu Hao\'s face sank and looked coldly at the proud and arrogant fat man.

The fat man also took several squires, all arrogant people, and roared with laughter: "you don\'t inquire about us, Lord Wang. What\'s our identity?"

"Those who are sensible will sell all your horses to us, Lord Wang!"

"Otherwise, you\'re afraid you won\'t get out of Yingchuan County!"

The men who sell horses are also good natured. Listening to these threats, they blushed angrily and shouted, "even if I sue the government, I won\'t sell you horses!"

"Not for sale?"

The soldiers and squires around the fat man roared with laughter and said, "Hey, you two outsiders, you really don\'t know how to live or die“

"Master Wang Zhong\'s brother-in-law is the governor of Yuzhou in the Han Dynasty. Do you want to sue the government?"

"Uncle Kong took a fancy to your horse. That\'s your blessing."

You are Wang fa?

In Liu Hao\'s eyes, there was a trace of cold.,,.