The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 83

Liu Hao directly ordered Lin Chong and Hua Rong to rectify the new army.

He took Dianwei and some close soldiers to find out the address of Guo Jia\'s home and went straight away.

As the saying goes, speed is important.

Now that I know Guo Jia\'s residence, I have to ask Liu Hao to deal with the trouble of government affairs properly before I go to solicit. I can\'t bear it at all.

Several ride like flying, Mercedes Benz, rolling smoke and dust.

However, in half a day, Liu Hao and others had arrived at Guo Jia\'s door.

Guo Jia was born in a poor family, not like Xun Yu.

There is no high gate courtyard at home, only a few houses and courtyards, and there are few ancient trees at the door.

Liu Hao was still a little excited when he thought of meeting Guo Jia, the talent of ghosts and gods, and asked nervously, "Wen Ruo, do you think Guo Jia... Will work for me?"

"The Lord is the emperor\'s servant. He is condescending and courteous. Would he not obey his filial piety?"

"But Lord, Guo Jia is just a poor student. Why do you value him so much?"

Xun Yu asked curiously.

Liu Hao\'s attitude is really strange.

It\'s not like recruiting poor students, it\'s like recruiting talents like Zhang Liang and Chen Ping.

At this time, Guo Jia was really a poor student with an unknown origin like him.

However, Liu Hao, as a transgressor, how can he not know the potential of ghosts?

Liu Hao tidied up his manners and sighed: "since Guo fengxiao can be recommended by Wen Ruo, it can be seen that he must be superior. I\'m afraid I\'ll come in a hurry and neglect the sages!"

"Ding, Xun Yu\'s loyalty to the host has increased. The current loyalty is 99 and the additional reward worship value is 800!"

Needless to see, he knew that Xun Yu was greatly shocked.

Another batch of worship value has been harvested!

Liu Hao smiled, deeply hiding his merit and reputation.

Life is like a play. It all depends on acting.

Even the resourceful Xun Yu didn\'t see the flaw. It can be seen that his acting skills are high.


Liu Hao knocked on the door. The door of the Guo family was still tightly closed without any reaction.

"What\'s the matter? Isn\'t Guo fengxiao at home?"

Liu Hao frowned slightly, and an ominous premonition suddenly appeared in his heart.

Dianwei and others were impatient, and the urn said, "the LORD came to visit him himself, but he was so rude. Should I kick the door directly?"

"Don\'t mess around..."

Liu Hao grabbed Dian Wei, who was about to move.

While talking, the door of the Guo family opened with a squeak.

"Brother, who are you?"

The door was opened by a five or six-year-old little Laurie, carved in pink and jade. She looked at Liu Hao with big eyes. She was smart and lovely, and her voice was milk.

"Little sister, what\'s your name? Is Guo Jia, the owner of the Guo family, at home?"

Liu Hao squatted down, put on a gentle posture and asked.

"Answer your brother\'s question and take you to buy sugar people!"

Liu Hao smiled and said that there was a kind of big gray wolf tempting Little Red Riding Hood.

This little Laurie named Guo Huan is much more afraid of strangers than Xiaoyu, but Liu Hao\'s charm value is as high as 103 points.

The powerful appeal is completely destructive to women under the age of 80. Little Guo Huan tilted her head and replied crisply, "my name is Guo Huan. Brother Guo Jia is not at home now!"

"Good, brother, take you to buy sugar people to eat..."

Liu Hao looked inside, but he didn\'t think that this little Lori was too clever or too mature.

He immediately became vigilant.

Her big eyes were filled with suspicious light. She stared at Liu Hao for a moment and suddenly shouted, "Dad! Dad! Come out, there is a handsome big brother outside the door who wants to abduct me!"

Liu Hao: "

Without a word, there was a sound of footsteps inside. A middle-aged man came out quickly, protected Laurie behind her, and asked with an alert look: "Guo Yong, the magistrate of Xiaxu County, is Guo Jiayuan\'s relative brother. Dare you ask... Hiss..."

The middle-aged man named Guo Yong saw the differences between Liu Hao at a glance.

Dian Wei was as big as a mountain, while Xun Yu was gentle and elegant.

No ordinary person!

What attracted his attention most was Liu Hao, who stood among the people. He looked like the stars and the moon. At a glance, he knew that he was the leader of several people. His bearing was like a prince and even more extraordinary.

"It turned out to be the magistrate of Guo county. I\'m Xun Yu of the Xun family. The Lord of a family, the newly appointed governor of Yingchuan, is also the servant of the emperor\'s office. This time, I specially invited Guo fengxiao to become an official."

Seeing that there was a misunderstanding, Xun Yu, a local snake, immediately stood up and explained his intention for Liu Hao.

"What, the governor of Yingchuan... Is so young!"

Guo Yong\'s expression was shocked and his heart was awe inspiring.

Such a young man with extraordinary bearing can call Xun\'s Junjie the Lord... It\'s not easy!

"Junior officer, I\'ll see the prefect!"

Guo Yonglian hurriedly saluted and took the little Guo Huan beside him to worship together. He said, "the little girl Guo Huan, the queen of calligraphy, is just too young to know the etiquette. She bumped into the Taishou adult. Please don\'t take it to heart!"


Insight knows talents, and use it successfully!

Guo Yong, force 62, intelligence 81, politics 74, command 42.

Guo Huan, force 21, intelligence 85, politics 83, command 17, charm 93.

Stunt, Phoenix girl\'s life style: when her mother gave birth to Guo Huan, she dreamed of a phoenix in her arms. For each ten-year-old increase in Guo Huan\'s age, intelligence + 1, politics + 1, charm + 1, and the upper limit is 4 points.


When Liu Hao saw the attributes and special skills of Guo Huan and little Lori, he was stagnant.

He finally remembered the origin of the queen Guo.

Cao Pi\'s daughter-in-law!

The queen of Wei in the Three Kingdoms! The woman who pushed Luo Shen down!

Now Guo Huan, still a little Lori of four or five years old, blinked a pair of bright big eyes and looked at Liu Hao curiously.

After a moment\'s absence, Liu Hao certainly wouldn\'t argue with such a five or six-year-old Laurie. He picked up Guo Yong and said, "please get up quickly, county magistrate Guo. Do you know where fengxiao is now?".,,.