The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 82

"Sir, are you all right?"

Cao Zhengchun looked suddenly tight.

At this time, they have almost reached the boundary of Yingchuan county. They are about to separate. Liu Hao is instructing Cao Zhengchun to do something.

"It\'s all right. Sneeze."

Liu Hao smiled and said, "Wei Zhongdao will be at your disposal. Cao Bo, you can arrange the affairs of Wei. Remember, thieves often kill and loot in this world..."

"Old slave, take orders!"

Cao Zhengchun Yin measured the tunnel: "this guy dares to plot against the Lord... It\'s inevitable to die. When the old slave arrives in Luoyang, he will arrange everything properly, hehe..."


Yuzhou is the central hinterland of the thirteen states of the Han Dynasty.

It is divided into six counties: Yingchuan, Runan, Liang, Pei, Chen and Lu.

Yingchuan county is the most important of the six counties in Yuzhou.

After taking over a group of bandits in Funiu Mountain and trudging for days, Liu Hao, Xun Yu and Lin Chong finally entered Yuzhou and soon reached Yingchuan county.

Yingchuan County governs 17 counties with fertile land, prosperous economy and a population of 1.2 million. It was the richest place except the capital before the yellow scarf uprising.

Liu Hao was granted the title of Yingchuan prefect, largely because of Empress Dowager he.

He yusilang is eager. Of course, he doesn\'t want his beloved man to stay away from him. If Liu Hao goes to Luoyang, it\'s only a few days\' journey, not too far.

Unfortunately, at this time, Liu Hao\'s mood is not romantic, but more and more heavy.

Along the way, the farther away from Luoyang, you can see the plain wasteland thousands of miles, and the villages are sparsely populated.

The original prosperous Yingchuan county has greatly damaged its vitality.

On the way, I met many people who fled. Some were unable to pay the heavy taxes of the imperial court, while others were forced by the riots of yellow scarf thieves.

Many people died directly beside the road without food. Their bones were white and the tragedy was shocking.

"Wen Ruo, I\'m afraid the situation in Yingchuan county is not very optimistic."

Liu Hao saw all this through the carriage and couldn\'t help feeling.

Even the prosperous Yingchuan county has become such a bird. It can be imagined that the great man\'s world has collapsed to what extent.

But he Jin and Shi Changshi are still dead. No wonder Xun Yu is discouraged and resigns and goes home.

Xun Wei looked very sad and said, "Lord, there is a poem in Luoyang. He thought it was very reasonable. Prosperity makes the people suffer, death makes the people suffer more!"

"Alas, the people are in exile, and the world will be in chaos. Be brave and fight everywhere!"

Liu Hao sighed.

At this time, it is the time of employment. There are Dianwei, Lin Chong, Hua Rong, Zhou Cang, Liao Hua and other generals under his command. It is barely enough to wipe out Yingchuan County, but you have to hold down the rivers and mountains.

Xun Yu is the only one with powerful advisers. A large part of the burden of internal affairs will be on his shoulders.

Liu Hao doesn\'t want his military division to work too hard and become ill.

Yes, Cao Cao seems to be from Qiao County, peiguo. Some of his talents are from Yingchuan.

If he hollows out all the talents that originally belonged to him, Cao ahui\'s expression must be very interesting.

Looking at Liu Hao\'s thoughtful expression, Xun Yu said with a light smile: "Yu has a strategy to solve the Lord\'s emergency“

"Lord, since you are the prefect of Yingchuan County, there is another thing you can\'t miss. In Yingchuan County, many talents are idle and can be used. Why not recruit them."

It\'s so comfortable to communicate with smart people without much hint. Xun Yu already understood Liu Hao\'s idea.

"There is also this matter. The talent of the person recommended by the military master must be extraordinary, and I will put him in important position."

Liu Hao was so happy that Cao ahui got a Xun Yu in the Three Kingdoms. As a result, he recommended a lot of capable officials and counselors.

Now all I have to do is go my own way and let Cao Cao have no way to go!

"Lord, there are Xunyou, Guo Jia, Chen Qun and Zhong Yao in Yingchuan. They are all heroes for a time. Xunyou and Guo Jia are good at strategy, and Chen Qun and Zhong Yao are proficient in internal affairs. These talents are more than ten times better than Yu."

Liu Hao didn\'t pay attention to Xun Yu\'s self modesty and asked casually, "Wen Ruo, Xun you seems to be your nephew?"

"Hehe, Gongda (Xun you\'s calligraphy) is several years older than Yu. According to generations, Gongda is indeed a nephew of the Yu family. However, if you don\'t avoid relatives, Gongda can really be of great use."

"I see. Is Xun you in Yingchuan now?" Liu Hao asked eagerly.

The Xun family is very powerful in Yingchuan county. Uncle Xun Yu\'s generation is called the eight dragons of the Xun family, and his descendants have a large number of outstanding people.

Xun Yu and Xun you assisted Cao Cao to achieve the cause of overlord.

If we can attract the talents of the Xun family at once, it will be similar to Liu Bei\'s lying dragon and Phoenix chicks.

Take off instantly.

"Gongda became an official in the imperial court and worshipped the minister. He was still in Luoyang at this time."

Xun Yu\'s answer called Liu Haosheng regret.

It turned out that Xun you was also an official in Luoyang. He missed it at that time. Now he is really out of reach.

"Is Guo Jia still there? Where\'s Guo Jia?"

If you can\'t attract Xun you, Guo Jia is not bad. Liu Hao gives full play to his perseverance and asks again.

"Guo Jia\'s filial piety is from Yingchuan Yangzhai. The Lord is interested in him. I\'ll write a letter and send it to his house to persuade him to vote for the Lord."

Xun Yu looked at Liu Hao\'s eager look, smiled and said in his heart; The Lord is really thirsty for talents. I met the wise lord.

Liu Hao forcibly suppressed his joy, rejected Xun Yu\'s suggestion, and said coldly, "such a great talent, I naturally want to invite it myself. I can\'t neglect it."

Ancient monarchs with respect for celebrities can add points to a great extent.

This is also learned from Liu Bei and Cao Cao. One always uses tears to win over others, and the other likes to rush to win over people regardless of manners.

"Lin Chong, Hua Rong!"

"The end will be here. What\'s the Lord\'s order?" Lin Chong and Hua Rong agreed.

"Order you two and general Zhou Cang and Liao Hua to lead the new army to March directly towards Yingchuan county government office. I have other important things to do with the military division!"

Liu Hao waved and ordered.,,.