The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 77

Liao Hua hurriedly said, "Lao Zhou, you and I are brotherhood. How could I lie to you? To tell you the truth, my lord Yingchuan\'s prefect Liu Hao has several strong generals, each of whom has the courage of thousands of people. It\'s easy to sweep Yingchuan county with these fierce generals. I\'m here today to give you a future of wealth and honor."

Future wealth is undoubtedly a strange word for yellow scarf thieves.

Zhou Cang doubted and said, "how many officers and soldiers can break up your more than 1000 brothers."

"There are about 300 people. Under the Lord\'s account, there is a fierce general named Lin Chong, who makes a snake spear weighing 78 kg. He rushes into the array and is unstoppable. Brother, I didn\'t move in his hand."

"Hum, how can you exaggerate!"

Zhou Cang snorted and said, "brother, go back first and see me avenge you tomorrow!"

Liao Hua returned in vain. The next day, Zhou Cang took Pei yuanshao and ordered more than 3000 brothers in the stronghold to fight down the mountain.

Liu Hao lined up and looked at Zhou Cang sitting on the horse in the distance. He smiled and said, "the thief will not accept it. Who will catch him for the prefect?"

Zhou Cang, force 81, intelligence 53, politics 32, command 61.

It\'s good. It\'s worthy of being the general who carries the knife of Lord Guan. The force value has reached 81 points.

Liao Hua was ashamed and hurriedly asked for orders: "Lord, Zhou Cang doesn\'t know what\'s good or bad. I see that the general is willing to catch him“

Hua Rong hurriedly said, "general Liao sits down a little. There is no one in Zhou Cang\'s eyes. Look, I told him to know how powerful he is“

The generals asked for war one after another, and Liu Hao was elated.

Their awesome generals are very powerful.

Sending Liao Hua out is not stable enough. In terms of force value, it is only fifty-five times higher than Zhou Cang, but sending Hua Rong out is absolutely stable.

Liu Hao had a quarrel in his heart. When he was about to give an order, Lin Chong pulled his horse out of the line, held a long gun and laughed loudly:

"My Lord, I have been awarded a reward by my Lord and haven\'t made great achievements. Today I\'m willing to fight for the Lord. If I lose this week\'s warehouse, I\'m willing to be dealt with by the military law“


The leopard head Lin Chong was heroic and enthusiastic. Of course, Liu Hao had no reason to refuse. He nodded and said, "so, general Lin would go to meet the yellow scarf thief head. It\'s best to catch him alive."

"The end will know!"

Lin Chong galloped his horse towards the front.

"Come and kill the nameless under a big knife."

Zhou Cang rode his horse to press the knife and shouted.

Lin chongbao stared round and said with a laugh, "are you Zhou Cang? Listen, this will be the commander of the Great Han Yingchuan County prefect, school captain Lin chongye“

"You look majestic and a hero. Why don\'t you surrender to the army and serve your country“

"Hum, are you dreaming of asking me to surrender“

Zhou Cang held his head high and shouted.

Lin Chong snorted coldly. The long gun in his hand turned into countless lights and stabbed Zhou Cang.

"Well done“

Zhou Cang also shouted angrily and danced wildly in the sky with a thick back broadsword weighing 30 or 40 kilograms.


Knife and gun!

A deafening explosion of gold and iron broke out!

People and horses on both sides roared one after another to help their generals.

The roars of thousands of people are mixed with the sound of horses, such as thunder and concussion.

In an instant, three shots have been taken.

The two horses crossed, Zhou Cang\'s fingers trembled, and the tiger\'s mouth had been cracked. He was shocked and speechless.

Lin Chong\'s marksmanship is unpredictable. The strength of each gun is at least a kilo.

After receiving the shot, both arms seemed to be broken.

Fourth shot.

Lin Chong shouted angrily, and turned his gun from stab to pick, and directly picked Zhou Cang\'s broadsword and flew to the sky!

When the two men staggered again, Lin Chong laughed, the ape arm relaxed, grabbed Zhou Cang\'s belt and lifted his more than 200 kg body completely.

"Brother Zhou!"

Pei yuanshao\'s eyes were about to crack. He quickly commanded the left and right and shouted, "hurry up and save Zhou Datou!"

in an uproar!

An uproar!

Under the command of Pei yuanshao, Fu Niushan attacked Lin Chong and wanted to get back Zhou Cang.

But Liu Hao had already prepared. Dianwei immediately led the left army to meet him. Hua Rong\'s right flank covered the fire. There was a scuffle between the two sides. Pei yuanshao had no choice but to withdraw his troops and return to the mountain.

Lin Chong threw Zhou Cang off his horse and said with a smile, "Lord, Chong fortunately didn\'t lose his life and caught the thief alive!"

Zhou Cang said nothing.

In the face of the knife carrying general, Liu Hao smiled and said, "general Zhou, are you convinced“

Zhou Cang, it\'s rare to be loyal and courageous.

Among the Three Kingdoms, Zhou Cang has been the sword carrying general of the martial Saint Guan Yu since he defected to the second Lord Guan. He has never betrayed his master in his life.

Even after Guan Yu was defeated and Maicheng was killed, Zhou Cang killed himself.

These loyal generals, Liu Hao, of course, love talents and want to bring him under his command.

Otherwise, Lin Chong would not be sent to fight with him.

Zhou Cang stuck his neck and said, "I\'m a defeated general. If I want to kill or cut, I\'ll do whatever I want. If I frown, I\'m not a hero“


I still expect you to recruit the vuliu mountain bandits for me. How can I be willing to kill you?

Liu Hao said secretly in his heart.

Liu Hao turned over and dismounted, untied the rope tied to Zhou Cang, and said with a smile: "when a man is in troubled times, he should make achievements with his sword and gun and save the people from suffering. General Zhou is loyal and brave. Are you willing to make a career with me?"

After hearing this, Zhou Cang looked complex. The muscles on his face wriggled with Blackbeard. The reaction in his heart was very fierce.

It is the dream of every general to make achievements and spread through the ages with a knife and gun in his hand.

Even Huarong, Lin Chong and others are also moved by one face.

"General Zhou, how are you thinking?"

Liu Hao patted Zhou Cang on the shoulder with relief.

"Cang is nothing but a man. He has only a bit of brute force. How can he be valued by the prefect? Adults don\'t abandon past grievances. Cang can only report back with his head in front of his horse!"

Zhou Cang was so excited that he fell to his knees and knocked his head hard.

The system sends a prompt: "congratulations on the host accepting Zhou Cang. Zhou Cang\'s loyalty to the host is currently 100.".,,.