The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 76

Liu Hao received a lot of people, and the effect was very remarkable.

Wei Zhongdao on the ground was as pale as death, shrinking his body and shaking his heart.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host. Lin Chong\'s loyalty has increased to 95."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host. Zhang zhenniang\'s loyalty has been raised to 90."


"Ding Dong, the host is frightening. The Dragon cutting formula of the holy virtual emperor is upgraded. It is currently the second level and will reward 3 freely distributed attribute points."

A series of wonderful system prompts sounded one after another.

The worship value has been increased a lot. Needless to say, the unexpected joy is that the Dragon cutting formula of Shengxu emperor has been successfully upgraded.

"I see. This skill is about harvesting the loyalty of your subordinates and upgrading them!"

Liu Hao was overjoyed.

This force has no white clothes. It can be said that it has not only attracted the hearts of the people, but also won a reward.

It\'s getting dark. Liao Hua has ordered people to camp and look for firewood. He\'s ready to eat first.

Liu Hao entered the tent and ordered Dianwei to watch the door, ready to study his attribute panel.

How to add these three new attribute points.

Liu Hao, force 77, intelligence 72, politics 63, command 68, charm 103.

Needless to say, Lin Chong can defeat hundreds with one, which shows its importance. Without intelligence, he has a simple mind and developed limbs. However, the role of intelligence is not obvious now. As for politics and command, it may be used in the future, but it still has nothing to do with Liu Hao at present.

Charm value is a hidden attribute, which is not displayed by ordinary people, that is, it is not very prominent. Only famous beauties in history can have it. Liu Hao\'s charm value is as high as more than 100, which can be said to be like demons.

It\'s similar to cultivating the Taoist heart demons described by master Huang. Seeing an ordinary woman, you can have a strange resonance with her at the spiritual level. It\'s really a good tool for picking up girls at home.

The popularity of women is also faster. In the show just now, Lin Chong added five points of loyalty, while Zhang zhenniang added ten points, which is an effective explanation.

"Why don\'t you try it all on charm?"

Liu Hao has a whim. The reward of attribute points is common, but it is very rare to freely distribute attribute points. If the charm is improved a little, what will happen?

He tried to add a little charm first. He saw the system prompt: "the current Charm Value of the host has reached 103, and the charm value is full. Please improve your ability or get rare treasures before upgrading."

It\'s full

"It seems that 100 points is the full value limit. Can you use treasures to improve it“

Liu Hao wondered, and the system replied, "yes."

"Forget it, there are several magic skills to protect the body, but the upgrade is a little slow. You\'d better add force first."

After several prompts in a row, Liu Hao\'s force value increased by three points. Now his attribute is finally much stronger.

Liu Hao, force 80 (freedom attribute + 3), intelligence 72, politics 63, command 68, charm 103.

"Lord, I will suddenly think of another thing."

After adding attribute points, Liu Hao pushes open the gate of the camp and finds Liao Hua waiting nearby.

"General Liao, what\'s important?"

Liu Hao looked at him and said strangely, "if there is, it doesn\'t hurt to say."

Liu Hao patted Liao Hua on the shoulder. His gentle appearance moved him almost to tears. Liao Hua said, "Lord, not far from here, there is also a group of yellow scarf rogues in Funiu Mountain, Yangcheng County, Yingchuan county. The leader has always been friendly with the last general. Now Lord, with the power of thunder, wants to wipe out the thieves in Yingchuan county. Liao Hua is willing to be a pioneer to persuade him to surrender for the Lord."

"Oh, what\'s the name of the leader and how many people are under him?"

Liu Hao asked faintly.

"One of the mountain bandits who made friends with the last general is named Zhou Cang. He is also a young general under Zhang Jiao, the heavenly general. His martial arts are much better than others. His subordinates also have more than 3000 soldiers. It would be a good thing to persuade him to vote for the Lord."

"Guan Erye\'s knife carrying general?"

Liao Hua really has a mind. Liu Hao is very excited about this proposal.

It\'s also a yellow scarf thief. It\'s still a little different.

Liao Hua\'s yellow scarf thieves are all the elite of the original yellow scarf army. If Zhou Cang\'s men are also elite of this level, Liu Hao can say that it takes no effort to get thousands of strong soldiers on the ground.

At that time, there will be grain and soldiers, and fierce generals such as Lin Chong and Huarong will sweep Yingchuan county. Who else can stop them?

Liu Hao said with a smile, "in that case, general Liao would still write a letter and give it to Zhou Cang. As long as he is willing to surrender, the prefect will treat him well when he is employing people."

Liao Hua got off his horse in a hurry and bowed down and said, "the Lord is confidentially to someone. Is Liao Hua a person who doesn\'t know how to repay his kindness? Let\'s go and say to lower Zhou Cang?"

Funiu Mountain, Yangcheng County.

Liao Hua finally meets Zhou Cang in the stronghold.

It can be seen that Zhou cangzheng made a big deal and held a banquet in the Juyi hall.

"Eh, Lao Zhou, who is this?"

Liao Hua glanced and suddenly found a young scholar in the corner who was outstanding, so he asked curiously.

"Well, it\'s said that it\'s a senior official of the imperial court. His family is rich. It\'s in Yingchuan county. Pei yuanshao wants to win some benefits from him."

Zhou Cang Weng said in a voice, "what can I do for you?"

Liao Hua said solemnly, "Lao Zhou, I came today to ask you to go to my Lord, Yingchuan Liu Taishou!"

"What? Are you crazy about asking me to surrender to the army?"

Zhou Cang was surprised and said, "we are yellow scarf thieves! The army is very cunning. You must cut off your head and mine together when you cheat me into surrender!"

Looking at Zhou Cang\'s look of fear like a tiger, Liao Hua sighed and said, "before surrender, I thought the same as old Zhou you, but the Lord is kind and generous. He is a hero in the world. I don\'t care about my past. Now I\'m a partial general under the governor of Yingchuan."

Zhou Cang stared and couldn\'t believe it. "Are you an officer or a general? Won\'t you come to deceive me?".,,.