The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 78

"Ding, as Zhou Cang\'s loyalty to the host has been increased to the highest, an additional 1000 worship values will be rewarded to the host“


Zhou Cang\'s loyalty has reached full value so soon?

Liu Hao is also drunk.

It was the first time he met someone whose loyalty was automatically full as soon as he defected.

Is this the legendary iron head with one tendon and Leng head green?

Such talents, please give me a dozen!

"Lord, Pei yuanshao, the second leader of the mountain, is the brother of the last general. The last general is willing to go up the mountain and say to him“

Zhou Cang stood up and volunteered to go to Funiu Mountain to lower his old department.

Liu Hao asked with concern: "general Zhou, if Pei yuanshao doesn\'t want to surrender, don\'t tear the skin. At that time, a group of thieves will rush up and hurt general Zhou, but it\'s not good."

"Lord, don\'t worry. Pei yuanshao has followed me since the yellow scarf. The brothers in the stockade have followed me for many years. I told them to surrender. It\'s safe."

Zhou Cang was very moved and patted the Hun chamber to promise Liu Hao.

On Funiu Mountain.

Pei yuanshao is drinking muggy wine with his brothers in the stockade.

"Damn it, it\'s really evil. My eldest brother is very brave. Today, he can\'t even hold ten guns from the officer and general."

"Second leader, what should we do now? That Han will have the courage of thousands of people. Even brother Zhou is not an opponent. How can we beat him?"

"Yes, Liu Taishou has that kind of strong general under him. We are definitely not opponents!"

"A group of counsellors are afraid of an egg! Brother Zhou is still in their hands. After we have eaten and drunk enough, we will immediately order all the people and horses to kick the camp and save brother. We will succeed by surprise!"

Pei yuanshao poured a bowl of wine into his throat and threw it to the ground. The Yaks in the gathering hall applauded one after another.

In the corner, a young scribe was tied up, sat upright on the ground, shook his head and sneered: "Liu Zixuan is a hero in the world. He must have been prepared long ago. It\'s the best policy for you to surrender as soon as possible!"

"What the fuck are you talking about? Do you want to die?"

Pei yuanshao was furious when he heard the voice. He was about to attack. A powerful voice came from the door: "which one wants to die?"

I saw a strong man stride into the door, not who Zhou Cang is!

"Big... Big brother, I\'m ordering troops to go down the mountain and rob the camp to save you. Why did you come back by yourself?"

The bandits were stunned. Pei yuanshao also stared at Zhou Cang and walked in from the gate of the stockade.

"Bastard, how dare you move such a mind!"

Zhou Cang was angry and angry. He slapped Pei yuanshao and beat him directly. The thieves in the Juyi hall were also confused.

Big collar... What is this?

Pei yuanshao covered his face and said silently, "brother, I want to save you. Why do you hit me?"

"Yes, brother, we\'re going to finish this wine and order Qi people and horses to sneak attack the army and save you. Why did you come back by yourself?"

"Oh, brother, you almost made a big mistake“

”The Lord is a royal servant with outstanding talents. Instead of investigating the origin of a yellow scarf, he granted me the official position of school captain. He is as kind as a mountain. If you rob the camp, I have to die to thank you. "

Zhou Cang held his head high and looked at Pei yuanshao with a disdainful face.

"Brother, don\'t..."

The bandits looked at each other. Pei yuanshao, the second leader, had some brains. He figured out Zhou Cang\'s intention and asked carefully, "brother, you didn\'t come to ask the brothers to surrender."

The two brothers did not really do evil, but were forced by the times.

Among the Three Kingdoms, they were also bandits. As a result, Guan Yu passed by and made them loyal younger brothers.

"Nonsense, hurry to pack up the money and food with the brothers in the stockade and go down the mountain with me to vote for the Lord. Since then, the brothers are all officers and soldiers. It\'s better to follow the Lord than to become a bandit!"

Liu Hao paced down the mountain.

After waiting for half an hour, there was no movement on the mountain.

Zhao Heiniu was restless and said anxiously, "Lord, this guy has been gone for so long. Is he gone forever? I knew I would cut him down“

"General Zhao, don\'t worry. I have confidence in Zhou Cang."

Liu Hao is full of confidence.

If all the loyal men can run, the sun can rise from the West.

"Lord, look, general Zhou is leading people down“

Hua Rong can walk through the Yang with hundreds of steps. Her eyesight is really excellent. Even in the dark night, she can see the movement on the mountain.

Liu Hao, of course, did not hesitate to let his eyes brighten and saw a fire dragon shining on Funiu Mountain, stretching down the mountain.

It\'s done!

Liu Hao clenched his fist and waved it hard!

"Congratulations, Lord. You have won thousands of strong soldiers without effort!"

Lin Chong was so excited that he hugged his fist and congratulated him.

General Liao Huazhu also congratulated one after another.

In troubled times, the population is sparse and the source of troops is difficult to find!

This time, you can get thousands of strong for nothing.

As long as they are well tempered and brainwashed, they will be the elite soldiers who can fight for Liu Hao in the near future!

"The end will be lucky to live up to his life. It makes the brothers surrender!"

"Sin general Pei yuanshao, meet the governor of Yingchuan!"

Pei yuanshao took off his clothes and was tied up by his brother Zhou Cang. He kicked him impolitely and fell to his knees with a terrible howl.

"Get up, please."

Liu Hao came forward and helped them up. He looked at the young and strong one by one happily, and was overjoyed.


Glancing at the place, I suddenly found a tall and thin scribe in the crowd. Why does this figure look familiar?

Zhou cangshun looked with Liu Hao\'s eyes and found the scholar in the mountain bandit\'s escort team. He was embarrassed; "Lord, this is the meat ticket I caught at the foot of Funiu Mountain a few days ago. It seems to be an official in the imperial court."

Pei Yuanqing scratched his head and said with a smile: "Hey, brother, this gentleman just told me to surrender..."

Where do we not meet in life!

This young scribe is Xun Yu who resigned and went home!

Xun Wenruo!

Today, I not only swallowed thousands of young soldiers, but also earned a military division in vain!

Make a lot of money.,,.