The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 75

"You... Dare you!?"

His fingers connected with his heart. Wei Zhong lost his wisdom in pain and howled like killing pigs: "Liao Hua, kill them all, I\'ll pay two thousand gold!"

"Dare, how dare?!"

Cao Zhengchun smiled darkly, glanced at Liao Hua and said, "it\'s not surprising to hear that the yellow scarf bandits have revived recently, breaking into the houses of rich families and looting property. Do you think so, general Liao?"

"This... What a big appetite. If you swallow all Wei\'s property, it\'s enough to pull up a team of tens of thousands of people."

Liao Hua swallowed his saliva and whispered.

Liao Hua did a lot of work in robbing families and houses and rich businessmen on the road. He also knew something about the family background of the current world Hao family Wei.

In his heart, he had a certain awe of Cao Zhengchun, who was vicious. At the same time, he was even more afraid to have two hearts for Liu haohuai.

"Ding, Liao Hua\'s loyalty to the host is improved and his worship value is increased by 200."

Liu Hao received the system prompt sound, turned and shouted Liao Hua, who was in place: "general Liao, come here."

Liao Hua\'s appeasement is indispensable for closing up the old part of the yellow scarf thief.

"The last general is coming!"

Liao Hua ignores Wei Zhongdao\'s wailing and howling, and goes directly to find Liu Hao, ready to collect the whole remnant army.

The ground was deserted, full of red blood mixed with soil, and many stumps and broken arms, emitting a pungent smell.

War, of course, kills.

Liu Hao still feels heartache. According to Liao Hua, these are the horse infantry soldiers in the elite camp under general Tiangong.

Zhang Jiao uprising swept over Kyushu, claiming to have a million troops

In fact, most of them are old and weak women and children. With a yellow scarf tied to their head, they can be regarded as a member of the yellow scarf Army

Liao Hua\'s team is different.

They are one of the few elite soldiers with combat effectiveness in the yellow scarf army, mostly composed of strong young people.

At that time, there were only about 100000 people. Now Liao Hua has reduced Liu Hao. Except that a small part of them fled and disappeared, most of the remaining people naturally surrendered.

Looking at these young men sitting quietly on the ground, Liu Hao nodded with satisfaction.

The discipline of these people can\'t be compared with the Iron Army of later generations, but they don\'t know where they are higher than the ordinary miscellaneous army.

No wonder Lin Chong kept his formation and didn\'t flee immediately.

"253 people were killed in the battle, dozens escaped, and 932 people remained, of which 67 were slightly injured..."

Liao Hua\'s mouth is astringent.

These are his brothers and brothers. There were more than a thousand people on the same scale and their combat effectiveness was good. It was more than enough to be a mountain king. Unexpectedly, they kicked on the iron plate. They thought of Lin Chong and Liao Hua, who were like tigers. The wounds of shoulder blades and guns hurt faintly.

"Look at your looks, I think you haven\'t had a full meal for a long time?"

Liu Hao looked at all these people and asked Liao Hua. Liao Hua nodded, "in recent years, there have been successive droughts. Most of these brothers are farmers. They just don\'t have enough food and heavy taxes, so they revolted with the heavenly general."

"Now I\'m a bandit. I don\'t rob the people in the village. I only rob rich businessmen. In this world, it\'s rare to meet fat sheep, so I don\'t have any food input..."

"Cao Bo, how much grain do we have?"

Liu Hao frowned and asked.

"Lord, don\'t worry. There are tens of thousands of stones of food for these people for a year and a half."

Cao Zhengchun has completely replaced him as a housekeeper and part-time bodyguard. Liu Hao nodded, turned on his horse and shouted, "do you want to have a full meal?"

The hungry but bright eyes below all stared at Liu Hao and shouted, "I want to!"

"Alas, if you can be happy and stable, who would like to be displaced?"

Seeing their hungry but hopeful eyes, Liu Hao suddenly came up with such a sentence in his mind.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there were tyrants who only cared about pleasure, and eunuchs and relatives who ruled against each other.

It didn\'t care about the life and death of the living people at the bottom, which forced the people to rebel, followed the horn to wave the flag and shout, and brought down the giant Han Dynasty alive.

"Do you want to live?"

Liu Hao\'s opening remarks directly grabbed the hearts of the yellow scarf thieves.


Survival is fundamental.

Yellow scarf thieves, they don\'t want to die. No one wants to die!

"I\'m the imperial court\'s official of Yingchuan. You are all my soldiers. From now on, you are no longer mountain bandits, but the officers and soldiers of the Han Dynasty!"

Liu Hao\'s infectious voice made the eyes of many yellow napkin thieves shine.

Become an army?

Is that something you dare not think of?

Liu Hao held up his long sword and roared, "follow me, you don\'t need to live in hiding anymore!"

"Follow me, you will have a full meal!"

Liu Haoyang raised his arm and shouted.

"In the future, you can even marry a beautiful woman as your daughter-in-law and sleep in your arms!"

Really... Become an army!?

Will there be food!?

Can you still marry a daughter-in-law!?

What happened in front of them seemed like a dream. The yellow scarf thieves swallowed their saliva and indulged in the dream blueprint depicted by Liu Hao.

"I can bring these to you! Are you willing to bleed and fight for me?"

Until then, Liao Hua, their leader, fell to the ground excitedly and shouted, "why don\'t you dare? Liao Hua is willing to die for the Lord!"

"Why don\'t you dare?"

"We are willing to die for the Lord and the public!"

These hundreds of young people, without hesitation, knelt down and shouted in their mouth. Where the blood was stirring, the roar was like thunder and shook the sky!

"The capital of the Lord, the capital of the Lord..."

Father Cao picked a corner of his eye and showed a knowing smile.

"This is the Lord in my mind!"

Lin Chong also showed a bright light in the tiger\'s eyes.

Between zhenniang\'s beautiful eyes, there were colorful ripples. Looking at Liu Hao, she seemed to be curious.,,.