The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 74

In fact, Liao Hua\'s attributes are more than 70 in all four dimensions, which is very balanced. Of course, it can\'t be compared with the peerless fierce man, but it\'s also good.

There are no generals in Shu, and Liao Hua is the pioneer.

This sentence can be said to be familiar to future generations.

Among the Three Kingdoms, Liao Hua is also the core team of Liu Bei. He has not made too glorious achievements or made any major mistakes.

In the middle and late period, the talents of the older generation in the Three Kingdoms gradually withered, and Liao Hua has been regarded as a rare general in Shu.

Unexpectedly, I was so lucky to meet him today.

"For such a talent, we should appropriately give him a chance!"

Liu Hao gave the conditions and only waited for Liao Hua\'s reply.

Since Liao Hua can be a general of Shu, how can he be a fool? After thinking for a while, he felt that he had no choice. He immediately bowed down and said, "Liao Hua didn\'t know he had collided with the prefect. He deserved to die. He is willing to surrender and saddle the front and rear horses for the prefect!"

Finally received another little brother!

Liu Hao hurried forward and helped Liao Hua up. At this time, he put on another face and gently comforted him.

"General Liao is also a rare brave general who doesn\'t know each other. He went astray in those years. Now the imperial court is hiring people. Is general Liao willing to be Lieutenant Lin\'s deputy first?"

"But listen to the Lord!"

Liao Hua was overjoyed and hurriedly agreed to come down. Unexpectedly, Cao Zhengchun said coldly, "Lord, this man is a yellow scarf thief. Lord, how can you rest assured that he will be included in his command? What if he doesn\'t die, it\'s better to kill him directly and never suffer."

Liao Hua felt Cao Zhengchun\'s murderous spirit, and couldn\'t help shivering.

Liu Hao said earnestly: "Cao Bo, the yellow scarf thief is just the people who are bewitched by Zhang Jiao. Since general Liao can abandon evil and serve the imperial court, he is really good. I kill him today. Of course, I will be happy for a while. Where will anyone come to me in the future?"

"The Lord is really broad-minded, and the old slave admires him."

Cao Zhengchun was stunned, and his face showed some shame.

In ancient times, there was a story of thousands of gold buying horse bones. During the Warring States period, King Yan Zhao could use thousands of gold to buy the bones of thousands of Lima, which made countless horse sellers send horses to the state of Yan. Corresponding to Liu Hao\'s move, it also had the same effect.

Liao Hua, a yellow scarf thief, can be treated like this. In the future, this reputation will spread. Isn\'t there a steady stream of high-quality talents coming to join him?

Lin Chong thought through this festival and nodded his head. Now the leopard head is completely convinced that Liu Hao is a promising Lord.

"Ding, congratulations on the host leading the army to break 1320 yellow scarf random thieves. Hide the progress of the fourth stage of the task * *, and the stage reward worship value is 1320!"

"Congratulations to the host for accepting the yellow scarf general Liao Hua. The reward worship value is 600. Liao Hua is sincere to the host and the additional reward worship value is 500."


A series of prompt sounds came, and Liu Hao was surprised to find that his worship value had increased by another two thousand!

Being in a happy mood, Liao Hua was already ashamed and said, "at the end of the day, Lord Meng will forget his past grievances. In the future, Lord Meng will be devastated and die!"

"The last general was also blindfolded by lard. He was lured by the boy of Wei\'s family with a lot of money to surround and kill the Lord. I\'ll catch the boy and cut him thousands of times!"

He was about to get up, but found a faint voice behind him: "no!"


A thin man rolled on the ground several times, fell black and blue, and looked at the murderous Liu Hao people in horror.

It\'s Wei Zhongdao!

"This man is sneaky and wants to escape."

Zhenniang looks like a light wind and light clouds.

No wonder zhenniang\'s shadow disappeared just now. It turned out that she was going to catch this while both sides were in a fire and quietly ran away from Wei Zhongdao!

"Well done, zhenniang!"

Liu Haojia gave a reward. He stared at Wei Zhong Dao trembling on the ground and sneered: "son Wei, if the mountain doesn\'t turn, we\'ll meet again."

It is said that scholars kill without blood. Wei Zhongdao is dignified. Even Liu Hao didn\'t expect that he was so deep in the city.

Unexpectedly, he secretly colluded with the fallen yellow scarf thief to murder the Yingchuan prefect of the Great Han Zhaofeng on the road?!

"This man can\'t stay."

Wei Zhongdao didn\'t know that he was a dead man in Liu Hao\'s eyes. He pretended to be calm and smiled:

"Young master Liu, it\'s true that we don\'t meet each other anywhere in life. You hurt my cousin. It\'s fate that I fell into your hands today. Why don\'t you let me go and write off the misunderstanding between us?"

Liu Hao sneered in his heart. He really didn\'t know what to do. He said, "there is a clear distinction between you and me. There was no misunderstanding. Well, Cao Bo, I\'ll leave it to you."

"This man is the heir of Wei family. We must treat him well!"

Liu Hao accentuated his tone on the word "Hao Hao", and turned around and went with Lin Chong and others about preparing to incorporate the yellow scarf thief.

"I understand!"

Cao Zhengchun understood and sneered a few times.

The mountain wind is blowing, so cold!

Wei Zhong said with a dry smile, "I should give some money to Taishou Liu when he takes office. I have 600 gold and the right to be a brother."

He waved his hand in an ostentatious manner, hoping that Cao Zhengchun would believe his words and let him go.

It\'s a pity that Cao Zhengchun didn\'t worry about his image in front of his subordinates like Liu Hao. He kicked him over directly and said fiercely, "600 gold wants to buy your dog\'s life?"

Wei Zhongdao knew that the old man with Yin Qi could easily take his life. He was scared into a cold sweat and said in a trembling voice, "six hundred gold is not enough, eight hundred gold?"

Eight hundred gold is not a small amount.

Father Cao smiled and said, "I\'ve heard that the Wei family in Hedong has accumulated for generations and has strong strength. Is your weight as the successor of the next family leader only worth 800 gold?"

Wei Zhongdao listened to the harsh laughter and said with fear: "then... How much do you want?"

Father Cao raised his sword and directly cut off a finger of Wei Zhongdao. He laughed loudly: "Whoever dares to offend my Lord, there is no amnesty!"

"Of course, take everything you have... To atone for it!".,,.