The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 69

Liu Hao didn\'t even look at them. He sneered and said, "Uncle Cao, these three people, you see how to deal with them."

"These three people are all yellow scarf thieves. The Lord is kind enough not to kill them, but now he doesn\'t want to serve. It can be seen that they feed unfamiliar white eyed wolves and have the face to stay in the house as moths?"

Cao Zhengchun Yin measured the tunnel: "don\'t worry, Lord. I heard that these three people are infected with violent diseases and will die suddenly in a few days."

His voice was so cold that the killing was over.

Liu Hao just didn\'t hear it and wasn\'t ready to ask.

As the saying goes, kindness does not control soldiers, benevolence does not control power.

What is the way of kings?

I would rather bear the world than the world!

If we don\'t get rid of these three black sheep today, the rest of us really think we have a good day.

These dirty jobs are tiring. Let Cao Zhengchun do them!

Liu Hao cleaned up his soldiers and entrusted everything in the house.

Before leaving, he had another secret discussion with Cao Zhengchun.

The content of their secret discussion was absolutely chilling.

Cao Zhengchun said with concern: "Lord, there are tens of thousands of thieves in Yingchuan county. I\'ll pack my clothes and help Lord kill more thieves!"

Liu Hao was holding Zhizhu and smiled calmly; "Cao Bo, although there are many thieves in Yingchuan Prefecture, they are all mobs and vulnerable. You don\'t have to worry. In addition, there are arrangements. The most important thing is the things over there."

Shichang Shi and he Jin had a confluence. Because Liu Hao was involved, it had been a long time.

But it can\'t drag on indefinitely.

The distance between the two sides is only one fuse!

Liu Hao concluded that within three months, the two sides will have a firefight!

At that time, his chance to Liu Zixuan will come!

"The Lord is wise and has his own plan..."

Cao Zhengchun bowed and said, "well, the old slave will send the Lord to Yingchuan and immediately do what the Lord told him, that is, he is willing to break the old slave to pieces!"

Tut tut!

Broken to pieces, you can see the power of loyalty to break through the limit.

In other words, even if Liu Hao told him to die immediately, Cao Zhengchun didn\'t hesitate to do so.

Liu Hao wouldn\'t have entrusted such an important matter to anyone who could be trusted.

Liu Hao was very satisfied and said with a light smile: "I can rest assured that I leave this top secret matter to Cao bo..."

Cao Zhengchun shuddered when Liu Hao asked out his plans and layout in Luoyang one by one.

Shengxu emperor\'s Dragon cutting formula, as an imperial level skill, interacts with the Heart Sutra of the Royal daughter of the Yellow Emperor. It seems that something has changed.

It has been invisible, affecting Liu Hao\'s temperament.

At this time, Liu Hao had a faint Imperial Majesty than before.

Cao Zhengchun looked up at Liu Hao and saw that he was natural and unrestrained. There seemed to be a golden dragon behind him, which was about to rise in the air.

The confidence that everything was under control made Cao Zhengchun\'s eyes warm and excited:

"Swallow Zhang rang! Take the emperor! Control the Empress Dowager!"

"The Lord is planning such a big event. It\'s really a hero in the world!"


A few days later, Liu Hao left a few dead men and handed over all the affairs in Chuang Tzu to Zhan Lao.

He led Dianwei, Huarong generals, Zhao Yu, Zhan Yun and other women in the team, with more than 300 people marching towards Yingchuan county.

"Brother, I want to ride a horse, not a car“

Xiaoyu pouts her mouth and acts coquettish.

The frame of the Three Kingdoms period can\'t compare with the cars of later generations. It\'s bumpy. In addition, Xiaoyu is lively and likes riding. Liu Hao doesn\'t intend to kill her nature.

Well, the girl on horseback has strong waist and hip strength

No, Xiaoyu is Zhao Yun\'s sister. She may inherit Zhao Yun\'s talent.

If you have a chance in the future, should you create a female cavalry corps, which will also be a beautiful scenery at that time?

"Brother, what are you thinking? You laugh like a fox“

Xiao Zhao Yu rode to Liu Hao\'s side and said with a smile.

Liu Hao couldn\'t help rubbing her hair, but his mind turned. When he went to Yingchuan, he must fight everywhere. His talents were obviously insufficient.

If only Zhao Yun were here!

Not far away, not nearly thirsty!

From the time of crossing to the present, Liu Hao also met Dianwei, a super general. Zhan Zhao and Hua Rong were won by the system lottery.

"System, check me how much worship value there is at present?"

"Ding, the current worship value of the host is 13256."

"Exchange directly for a diamond level legend exchange card."

The ten thousand points of worship saved hard evaporated in an instant, but Liu Hao had a card in his mind that haunted the bright light of diamonds.

"How many attributes can diamond level cards summon?"

Liu Hao forgot the rules of the system.

"The corresponding attribute value of the characters drawn from platinum legendary cards will be 80-90. There is no limit to whether the generals are counselors or martial arts experts."

"The characters drawn from diamond level legendary cards will correspond to talents with attribute values between 90-95, and the king level will correspond to talents with attributes between 95-100."

Liu Hao\'s mind swayed.

Zhan Zhao is just a rare talent who opened a novice gift bag under the outbreak of personality. This time, he is a rare top talent. At least, he is a first-class talent with an attribute point of more than 90, and even hopes to impact the peak value of 95!

If your ability reaches 95, you are not an ordinary person.

At least he is a peerless general and an unparalleled counselor. For Liu Hao now, it is a timely help!

"I really want to see what people can be summoned this time“

Liu Hao rubbed his hands and said excitedly, "start drawing, peerless generals, Yue Fei, Li Jing... All come to my bowl!".,,.