The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 70

"Drawing in progress, please wait... A total of five characters will be given for the host to choose this diamond card."

I only heard a cold voice in my ear. Liu Hao hid in the secluded forest and couldn\'t wait to know the result.

"Extraction completeā€œ

"The first person - Chang Yuchun, the founding General of the Ming Dynasty, can lead 100000 people across the world. He is called Chang 100000 in the army. Force 90, intelligence 71, politics 45, command 90."

"Hold the grass, this is good!"

The first is to get off to a good start. The force value and command are double 90 talents. Liu Hao was excited.

Chang Yuchun is Zhu Yuanzhang\'s right-hand man. He helped him build a whole Ming Dynasty from scratch. Even among the Three Kingdoms, such talents will never lose Zhang Liao and other famous generals!

"The second character, Pan Jinlian, has thick temples, heavy light, squint, beautiful face, eyebrows, bending without shaking and trembling... Force 6, intelligence 16, politics 11, command 1, charm 91."

Liu Hao\'s eyes almost fell out. At this time, his mind was almost full of an expression, black question mark face.

What the hell!

On the glittering diamond card, Pan Jinlian\'s appearance can be seen at a glance. As expected, she is beautiful, gorgeous and moving.

Although Liu Hao\'s Heart Sutra of the Royal daughter of the Yellow Emperor requires a charming woman.

But at this stage, the most important thing is to draw powerful civil ministers and generals, or peerless experts, to help fight the country!

Liu Hao almost did not hesitate to eliminate Pan Jinlian.

At this time, he found a problem that the system did not separate the types, which means that the characters extracted are likely to be special types of talents.

"Forget it. At least it\'s always spring. Don\'t consider this first."

Liu Hao comforted himself that the system has given the options for the remaining three characters.

"The third person, he Yu, the foreman and Minister of military aircraft under Qianlong, is 66 in force, 91 in intelligence, 93 in politics and 67 in command."

"The fourth figure, Niu Gao, a general under Yue Fei, is good at using double maces, weighing 57 kg, 90 force, 43 intelligence, 40 politics and 78 command."

There are two in a row, and Liu Hao compares them secretly.

He he doesn\'t think about it. This guy is a famous corrupt official. Did he ask him to come out and plunder the people\'s money?

Niugao\'s force value is OK, but the command is too low.

In short, these two are not as good as spring, and Liu Hao is gradually a little disappointed.

The reason why the lucky draw is called lucky draw is that it all depends on luck, and there may not be good results. At this time, the fifth character finally surfaced:

"The fifth character, 800000 forbidden army spear and stick coach, leopard head Lin Chong, force 95, intelligence 67, politics 68, command 88."

"Force is worth 95. It\'s exploding!"

Liu Hao\'s spirit was shocked, and finally another powerful figure appeared. Lin Chong\'s force value reached 95. He could fight hundreds of rounds against second master Zhang feiguan.

"Get rid of Pan Jinlian, get rid of He Yu, and start choosing directly. You can get a good general anyway."

"Ding, it\'s calling. Please wait..."

"The summoning object of the legend card has been selected. Congratulations to the host for winning the water margin general leopard head Lin Chong. This lucky draw has ended. Please let the host know."

"Wow, ha ha, leopard head Lin Chong..."

Liu Hao clenched his fist and waved it fiercely.

However, his eyes widened, he looked left and right for a while, and he didn\'t find a figure. He was about to ask the system for an explanation.

Suddenly a strong voice came from behind and startled him: Lin Chong, a grass-roots citizen, is a person from Chen Liu. I heard that the governor of Yingchuan was recruiting soldiers, so he came to take him in. Please take him in.

"Well, who\'s calling me?"

Liu Hao turned around and saw a big man with an iron ridge snake spear on his back. He was kneeling on the ground.

This eight foot man is about thirty years old. He is born with leopard head and eyes, swallow chin and tiger beard. His two arms are exposed outside. His muscles are thick and Qiu solid. His arms are thicker than the thighs of ordinary men. He is full of the feeling of power explosion!

"Strong man, please get up."

Liu Hao hurried up to help him, only to find that he didn\'t even move a minute. He was secretly surprised:

"Although there is no internal strength, Lin Chong is worthy of being a super general with a force value of 95. His arms have at least a kilo of strength, and he doesn\'t lose much to Dianwei..."


Liu Hao\'s eyes coagulated and suddenly found a strange thing.


Why is Lin Chong still following a woman with her head down?

Lin Chong shouted to the woman, "zhenniang, come and see your excellency."

Zhen Niang

Liu Hao suddenly realized that he seemed to think of the female role in the water margin, that is, the lady Lin who was molested by Gao ya, and the fuse that forced Lin to rush to Liangshan.

I just don\'t know. What\'s the relationship between zhenniang and Lin Chong now?

I saw the woman wearing a plain white dress, raised her head, and just exposed a small section of snow like skin under her neck. Looking at her quiet action, she was like a flower shining on the water, and her slender waist was like a wind supporting a willow. As expected, she was beautiful and dusty.

Zhen Niang saluted softly and said, "little woman Zhang zhenniang, meet the prefect!"

"Don\'t be polite. Please get up quickly. Can Mr. Lin introduce himself?"

Liu Hao felt that Zhang zhenniang\'s beautiful eyes were full of light. He seemed to be looking at himself. He immediately coughed and looked away.

"Lin Chong is Chen Liu, and Zhen Niang is Chong\'s younger martial sister. Our parents died when we were young, and our whole family died in the party official. Since childhood, we have followed our master to practice martial arts and military tactics on the mountain, and we have dabbled a little."

"Not long ago, the yellow scarf was in chaos. Shifu ordered us to go down the mountain to join the army and help the Han Dynasty. It is said that today\'s prefect is a Han Dynasty clan. He is going to sweep away the bandits in Yingchuan. Lin Chong has come to join the army."

Liu Hao nodded and thought:

"It seems that every disorderly character has a new memory. These three countries are really strange. Maybe we can see the interesting scene of Guan Gong fighting Qin Qiong...".,,.