The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 68

Liu Hao counted in his heart. In addition to He Yu, the sister of Luoyang city is only Cai Yan and the unforgettable Diao Chan.

Zhan Yun smiled and didn\'t care what Liu Hao was thinking.

Liu Hao finished her food, which is her greatest praise!

She thought happily: hee hee, my mother once said that she grabbed a man\'s stomach and grabbed his heart. It seems that there is still me in the master\'s heart.

Liu Hao painted a lot of worship values here.

When Liu Hao came out, Cao Zhengchun flashed out from a corner like a ghost.

"Hey, Lord, are you satisfied?"

After the fierce battle last night, Liu Hao even improved his five senses. Looking sideways, his eyes swept like electricity. Instead, Cao Zhengchun was slightly surprised: what\'s the matter? The Lord\'s perception is so sharp?

"Cao Bo\'s arrangement is very good. Jiuzhen and Qingying will be included in my room."

Liu Hao said impolitely.

He won\'t go with the brain cripple to advocate equality between men and women and abolish feudal slaves.

In ancient society, the emperor had countless concubines in three palaces and six courtyards. It was normal for people with status to have three wives and four concubines.

If you are in a high position, but only marry a wife, maybe people think you have more heart than strength

That would be embarrassing!

"By the way, Cao Bo, come back this time, fix up in Zhuangzi for two days, and leave for Yingchuan county the day after tomorrow."

"In such a hurry, Lord, don\'t you linger for two more days."

"The sooner the better. There are a lot of thieves in Yingchuan county. As a prefect, I must find a way to take office and eliminate the thieves as soon as possible."

Liu Hao shook his head.

For the follow-up hidden task, we should wipe out 30000 thieves within three months, otherwise the punishment will be too painful!

You can also take advantage of this opportunity to recruit talents in Yingchuan.

Liu Hao remembered clearly that Xun Yu, Guo Jia, Chen Qun and other talents were all from Yingchuan County!

The collapse of the imperial court of the Han Dynasty is just a matter of recent months.

Wise Chancellors and brave generals, and enhance their strength, that is awesome!

"By the way, Cao Bo, nothing has changed in the villa?"

"Lord, don\'t worry. There are old slaves and Zhan Lao watching. The reclamation of farmland has gradually been on the right track, and the refugees have begun to cultivate."

"The old slave felt that Chuang Tzu\'s guard was still too weak. He privately decided to recruit a group of young refugees as family soldiers."

Cao Zhengchun said respectfully.

"How many people?"

"With Zhuangzi\'s financial resources, the old slave recruited more than 200 people, all young men with sufficient strength."

"Well done!"

Liu Hao touched his palm and sighed: "it\'s still too little. With our current grain and grass savings, we can supply 10000 troops. Go and gather everyone in Chuang Tzu. Let\'s see how many soldiers we have now."

"Old slave, yes!"

Cao Zhengchun was about to take orders to count the number of soldiers. Suddenly, he thought of something and whispered, "Lord, do you want to go to Yingchuan this time?"

Liu Hao said faintly, "Cao Bo, you will stay in Luoyang. I will return to Luoyang sooner or later."

"There is another extremely important thing to do!"

It matters!

The Lord is so sincere to me?!

Cao Zhengchun\'s muddy old eyes burst into unspeakable brilliance. With a bang, he knelt down directly and cried:

"No matter the sword mountain or the sea of fire, as long as the Lord gives an order, the old slave dares to go“


Liu Hao heard a system prompt:

Cao Zhengchun\'s loyalty to the host has increased again from 100 to the limit. The reward worship value is 2000, and the current host worship value is 12086.

Liu Hao became a holy virtual emperor in practice. Cao Zhengchun\'s loyalty showed that it was not 100, but red.

What does that mean?

If you have 100 loyalty, you won\'t betray. What\'s the limit?

The system said: "the host\'s holy virtual emperor\'s Dragon cutting formula can greatly improve the loyalty of his subordinates. After integrating with the Yellow Emperor\'s Royal female Heart Sutra, it has an unknown hidden effect, and the loyalty of his subordinates can also break the limit!"

Liu Hao\'s eyes lit up.

No wonder, Liu Bang was a big bluff, luring so many schemers and generals to work for him. There was this reason!

I also have the Heart Sutra of the Royal daughter of the Yellow Emperor. Under the integration of the two phases, I am much more loser than Liu Bang!

"Cao Bo, please get up and go to see the refugees in Chuang Tzu first."

Liu Hao\'s hands were empty, and Cao Zhengchun had stood up.

Before long, all the people in Liu Hao\'s village had gathered together.

Liu Hao stood on the temporarily built platform with his hands on his back. He exuded a kind of impressive Imperial Majesty all over his body, which made people dare not look directly at him.

"Many of you are homeless and can\'t even afford to eat. Now you can live and work in peace and contentment."

The refugees in Qingzhou thought of these days in Liu\'s house, as if they were in a dream, and couldn\'t help but burst into tears.

"Some of you once wanted to take my life, but now they are all my soldiers!"

Liu Hao\'s voice was like a bell and a dragon\'s chant. Under the shaking platform, the original refugees trembled and knelt down one after another.

"Now, I need your strength to go to Yingchuan county to eliminate thieves. Anyone who is willing to follow me will stand in line. Those who are unwilling to go will live in the villa!"

Liu Hao\'s long sword pointed to the sky and sounded like a dragon.

"Dian Wei\'s life is the Lord\'s!"

Dianwei knelt down with a double halberd in his hand. He grinned with a kind of bloodthirsty smile.

"Zhan Zhao is willing to serve the Lord and die!"

"Wait, I\'m willing to follow the Lord to wipe out Yingchuan."

Hua Rong, Zhao Heiniu and others also knelt down together, shook their arms and shouted.

"The Lord is invincible. We are willing to die for the Lord!"

I don\'t know who led the refugees to kneel down one by one.

A roar gathered into a torrent and circled in the air in Liu Hao\'s manor.

The young men in Liu\'s house counted 367 people. Except for three timid people, all the other young men stood out and stood together.

"Dian Wei, Hua Rong, Zhan Zhao and Zhao Heiniu were appointed school captains..."

"Here!" Dianwei and others held their heads high!

After distributing the three hundred and sixty-four people, the remaining three finally spoke out uneasily:

"Lord, if we don\'t join us, we won\'t drive us away?".,,.