The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 67


Liu haogang wanted to make them feel free. Unexpectedly, the two women took off their robes.

Two smooth and graceful bodies were completely placed in front of Liu Hao.

"So active..."

Liu Hao was confused and didn\'t know what to say.

Wen Xiang nephrite was in his arms. It was really useful. At this time, a towering purple golden light lit up from Liu Hao\'s mud pill palace.

The bodies of Zhu Jiuzhen and Wu Qingying became more and more hot. They could not help twisting slightly and responded clumsily


With two more red plums on the white sheet of the cloud couch, Liu Hao\'s mind boomed, and the Heart Sutra of the Royal daughter of the Yellow Emperor turned slowly.

Yin and yang are harmonious, and the meridians are like thunder.

Between clouds and rain, Liu Hao has entered the realm of selflessness.

Finally, two strong vitality invisible to the naked eye emerged, scattered countless purple and gold rays, and penetrated into Liu Hao\'s acupoints.

"Ding, congratulations on the accomplishment of the Heart Sutra of the queen of the Yellow Emperor. Force + 1, intelligence + 1, politics + 1, command + 1, charm + 1."

Vaguely, Liu Hao seemed to hear the cold sound of the system. Liu Hao opened his eyes and found that he was leaning against a zhenshou on his left and right shoulders.

"Eh, it seems that the strength has increased a little?"

Liu Hao quietly got up from the cloud couch and found that his attribute panel had indeed changed.

Liu Hao, force 77, intelligence 72, politics 63, command 68, charm 104. (all attributes + 1)

The Heart Sutra of the Royal daughter of the Yellow Emperor is the first floor at present.

410 is displayed below.

"Ha ha, Huang Di\'s heart is awesome!"

At the same time, Liu Hao magically found that his whole person had been promoted.

I\'m full of energy. I didn\'t feel tired at all.

This divine level skill is really magical. It is indulgent and has no side effects.

Ordinary people walk seven times a night. The next day, they are afraid to become soft footed shrimps. They have a problem walking.

Liu Hao picked two girls at night and opened a few degrees. Instead, he was more and more energetic.

No wonder there were three thousand Royal daughters of the Yellow Emperor in the past. They soared day by day. They must have practiced the Heart Sutra of the Royal daughter of the Yellow Emperor to a very high level. Otherwise, he might have died.

Liu Hao secretly guessed in his heart.

"Ding, Zhu Jiuzhen\'s loyalty to the host has been increased to 100 (never betray), with a special reward of 1000 worship points."

"Ding, Wu Qingying\'s loyalty to the host has been increased to 100 (never betray), with a special reward of 1000 worship points."

"System, what is my current worship value?"

"The current value is 10086, please know."

What a 10086, take it home!

Liu Hao couldn\'t help but rejoice. He recalled the details of loyalty improvement and was ready to absorb some experience.

Zhu Jiuzhen and Wu Qingying competed for favor and used all kinds of flattering means, but made Liu Hao enjoy the happiness of the whole people.

Liu Hao also eats marrow and knows taste. He is strong and fierce. It seems that he will never be tired.

In this process, the two women were conquered not only in body but also in heart.

Liu Hao heran smiled a few times and pushed the door out.

"Master, Miss Zhan has prepared all the meals. It\'s in the front hall."

A little girl stood at the door and said with a red face.

Liu Hao almost drooled at the thought of Zhan Yun\'s cooking skills.

I\'ve been fighting hard all night and I\'m a little hungry.

After washing, he hurried to the front hall and found several dishes on the table.

Lean meat porridge, the aroma of meat and the sweet smell of millet are perfectly mixed together, which can arouse people\'s appetite and send out an extremely attractive fragrance.

The preserved deer in the side bowl has also been carefully treated, with crispy skin and meat floss and chewy strength.

The rest of the lamb legs and goose meat are delicious, with fresh and tender scallions sprinkled on them.

All are Liu Hao\'s favorites. Take a bite and give people the strongest and intuitive impact on the taste buds.

"Where\'s Zhanyun?"

Special skills cooking skills are not blowing. Liu Hao\'s forefinger moved. He started immediately and asked while eating.

"Thank you for remembering me. My soul has been hooked away by two foxes."

The beautiful cook Zhanyun said with a cold face, her hands crossed her waist, the mountains shaking.


Liu Hao immediately knew what was going on and explained, "it was too late last night. I\'m afraid to disturb sister Yun\'s rest."

"Yun Mei is a good cook. How can I forget Yun Mei? I miss you every moment during my stay in Luoyang."

People are shameless and invincible.

"Hum, I don\'t know which woman I\'m thinking about!"

Zhan Yun\'s facial skin is much thinner than Liu Hao\'s. He lifted a few words to Liu Hao. His cheeks were slightly red and his voice of resistance was low.

"My heart for sister Yun can be learned from the sky!"

Liu Hao coaxed again. She already had a smile on her mouth and said angrily, "how can I think of me as a humble cook in Luoyang city with so many sisters and sisters."

Speaking of later, there was already some bitterness.

Liu Hao praised: "sister Yun\'s craftsmanship is better than that of the imperial chef in the imperial palace. Without sister Yun around, I haven\'t had a good meal for several days."

He swept away the food on the table and belched with satisfaction.,,.