The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 66

Current progress, conquer charming girl 210

A charming woman is one whose charm value is more than 90, which can be met but not sought.

Liu Hao has met only a few women.

Cai Yan is one. Diao Chan, a mysterious beauty, must not be missed!

What you eat in your mouth is the Empress Dowager.

Wait, Xiao Zhao Yu\'s charm value is also as high as 94. Little Lori has a delicate body, a soft waist and is easy to push. Is it

No, it\'s too animal

After a fierce ideological struggle, Liu Hao couldn\'t help but despise himself deeply and moved his mind to a little Laurie who was only twelve or thirteen years old.

By the way, and the beautiful cook in the house, Zhan Yun!

Zhan Zhao was born handsome. His sister Zhan Yun is even more graceful, with bright eyes and teeth. Her charm value reaches 91. Of course, she can be regarded as a great beauty.

Liu Hao was shocked when he thought of Zhan Yun\'s beautiful posture.

Counting these, there are not enough ten. There are still several candidates who can\'t think of it. It seems that I still want to recruit more beauties

Throughout the Three Kingdoms, there are absolutely many beautiful women, including big and small Qiao, Luo Shen, Xuzhou Mi Zhen

There are countless. Moreover, Liu Hao has the supreme overlord system in hand to summon Wanjie and ten beauties. There is still no pressure.

Benedict, Benedict, Benedict!

There was a knock outside the door, and Cao Zhengchun\'s slightly feminine voice also sounded.

"Lord, are you tired and rested?"

Liu Hao wondered why Cao Zhengchun came to him so late?

"I haven\'t slept yet. What\'s the matter with Cao Bo?"

When he opened the door, he found Cao Zhengchun bowing at the door.

Beside him stood two beautiful little women.

A melon face, beautiful face, slender waist and slender feet.

On the other hand, with a round oval face, the skin is white and greasy, and the willow waist shakes gently, showing a slim and graceful figure.

With a faint fragrance on their bodies, the two women saw Liu Hao push the door out, kneel down together, bow their heads and say, "I\'ll see your master!"


What\'s Cao Zhengchun doing?

Liu Hao was stunned. For a moment, he was not sure what he meant.

"Hei hei, the Lord has had a hard journey. The old slave is good at making suggestions. He found two beautiful maidservants to wash the dust and warm the bed for the Lord."

Cao Zhengchun showed a meaningful smile, bowed and said.

"Please have mercy on my master!"

The two women said crisply, but their cheeks were slightly red.

Looking at the delicate look of two women Jiao Di, Yan looks moving.

Liu Hao couldn\'t help swallowing a mouthful of water and said, "Cao Bo is really well intentioned. What\'s the origin of these two women? I haven\'t seen them in your house before?"

Although he was moved, he didn\'t have such a sperm in his head. He was ready to make clear the origin of the two women.

"The Lord is so meticulous that the old slave admires him."

Cao Zhengchun said, "these two slaves, one named Zhu Jiuzhen and the other named Wu Qingying, are from the north. After they were born in the gate, their relatives died in the yellow scarf rebellion and became homeless. They fled all the way to Hongnong county."

It was these two girls.

Liu Hao suddenly realized.

I triggered a hidden task in Luoyang. Aren\'t these two task rewards?

There are so many things that I almost forget this stubble.

Liu Hao is now giving them an insight into their talents:

Zhu Jiuzhen, force 63, intelligence 52, politics 12, command 1, charm 92.

Special skill, one Yang finger, family martial arts, learned fur, not proficient.

Wu Qingying, force 61, intelligence 32, politics 6, command 3, charm 90.

Stunt, scramble for favor: when competing for a man with Zhu Jiuzhen, charm will be increased by 1.

Liu Hao: "

The two women\'s charm values have passed the threshold of 90. They can be called a charming beauty.

Zhu Jiu is really good. Wu Qingying\'s skills are wonderful!

Dare to love is the entanglement of fate, which always haunts them and is destined to love and kill each other.

Liu Hao was speechless for a while.

"The old slave has found an old woman to check. The old slave bought more than a dozen girls. These two are the most beautiful among them. It\'s barely enough to be a warm couch girl for the Lord."

While Cao Zhengchun was talking, he was still observing his words and colors. He found that Liu Hao hesitated slightly. He thought he was dissatisfied. He hurriedly asked, "Lord, can\'t you see the beauty of these two women? The old slave immediately drove them away?"

"Master, please don\'t drive us away."

Zhu Jiuzhen and Wu Qingying trembled and burst into tears.

In troubled times, it is not easy to find a place to live.

If it hadn\'t been for the two women\'s martial arts, they would have been able to protect themselves by wandering from the north to Hongnong. They would have been eaten long ago, not even bones.

If Liu Hao didn\'t want them, he would have to be driven out by Cao Zhengchun and eventually be with the refugees.

"If you can get happiness and stability, who wants to be displaced?"

Liu Hao sighed, waved his hand and said, "forget it, Cao Bo has a heart, and I\'ll take them."

Cao Zhengchun coerces and lures them to sleep for Liu Hao. Zhu Jiuzhen and Wu Qingying may not be willing to see Liu Hao before they see him.

But after seeing Liu Hao today, the two women had long been in love.

Liu Hao has a handsome figure and a beautiful appearance. In addition, he has an indescribable charm, which makes people close.

Especially at the age of weak crown, he actually sat in the position of prefect of a county. It can be seen that he has a great future, which makes the two women more determined.

As long as you are favored by your master and have his flesh and blood, you can keep your position.

At this moment, Zhu Jiuzhen and Wu Qingying both had this idea in their hearts.

"Ding, Zhu Jiuzhen\'s loyalty to the host has increased to 88. The worship value of the host has increased by 300."

"Ding, Wu Qingying\'s loyalty to the host has been increased to 89. The worship value of the host has been increased by 300."

"Come in and make yourself at home."

Liu Hao was delighted and waved his hand at will.

"Yes, master!"

The two girls came in timidly and closed the door gently.,,.