The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 65

"White smoke, white do not smoke, direct extraction!"

The prize pool began to turn, and Liu Hao was waiting for the result.

In the prize pool, the purple light suddenly flourished!

In the supreme overlord system, there are several levels of ratings: gold, platinum, diamond, king, emperor and God.

The Qi awn of the supreme god level is purple and gold.

The imperial goods are full of purple.

This awesome noble purple light is obviously an imperial item!

The reward for system bug repair actually draws something at the imperial level!?

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the imperial level skill" holy virtual Emperor Dragon cutting formula "!"

Note: this skill is inherited from the emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty. Please explore the specific effects by yourself.

A golden light flashed in his mind, and finally gathered into several lines of mysterious and profound characters, which poured into Liu Hao\'s mind.

Liu Hao\'s mind shook violently, and the whole person seemed to be completely unable to move.

Han Gaozu\'s skill?

Liu Hao\'s heart was filled with joy and his three outlooks were directly subverted.

Liu Bang didn\'t have the strength to bind chickens. What I read may be false history!?

"This lucky draw with the greatest value, can you beat it a little more?"

"Once I draw, I get the imperial level skill, or Liu Bang\'s skill. Can I have a few more?"

Liu Hao\'s mouth is dripping. If he can make a few more shots, he may win Xuanyuan holy sword and kill people all over the world!

"This is a unique reward to compensate the host for discovering bugs."

The cool voice of the system directly cut off Liu Hao\'s thoughts.

Liu Hao\'s eyes suddenly lit up and he had no time to think about anything else.

I saw a loud bang in my mind. The mysterious content in the holy virtual emperor\'s Dragon cutting formula turned into countless mysterious characters and instantly appeared in his mind!

Liu Hao has a solemn face. After practicing the Heart Sutra of the Royal daughter of the Yellow Emperor, his five senses have improved a lot.

There seemed to be a deep and dignified voice in his mind.

Like a fairy sound!

"I started in Surabaya, Peixian County,... Then I got a fairy dream and taught me a volume of the holy virtual emperor\'s Dragon cutting Sutra and the white dragon cutting in Mangdang Mountain... Now I have written all the Dragon cutting tips here. I only hope that future generations will have the fate of Liu\'s son, who can learn it, use the sword to cut the dragon and sweep the world."

Liu Bang\'s life, like movie scenes, came to Liu Hao\'s mind.

All the pictures flash away. The last huge sword column cuts into the sky and cuts a white dragon flying in the air into two parts. The picture is frightening.

When Liu Haoning looked at it, he directly saw several ancient dragons flying in his mind:

Emperor Shengxu\'s Dragon cutting formula!

These seven words contain countless mysterious martial arts and supreme principles!


Liu Hao seems to have an epiphany. Take a deep breath!

It turned out that Gaozu didn\'t kill a white snake, but a white dragon!

How magnificent was that era?

Emperor Shengxu, cut the dragon, cut everything!

"No wonder Liu Bang rose from a small gangster and defeated the overlord of Western Chu. He sat in the world and killed the dragon. Why should he be afraid of fighting with the overlord? With the help of Bing Xian Han Xin and others, this country is really hard to beat."

"If Liu Bang is really a waste hooligan, can Xiang Yu, whose eyes are taller than the sky, call him brother?"

Through the information transmitted by this mysterious character, Liu Hao knew it clearly in his heart. It seemed that he personally touched the scene of the Qin and Han war and appreciated the style of Gaozu and overlord in the past.

One person points at the sky with a horizontal halberd, which is unmatched.

One man cuts the dragon with his sword, which is unparalleled.

I don\'t know how long later, Liu Hao has completely entered the state of entering the mind wandering.

"Success or failure depends on it!"

According to the formula on the Dragon cutting formula, Liu Hao Ran Jiuyang Qi. Liu Hao suddenly felt that there were countless dragon shaped golden gas awns running wildly in his body\'s meridians, and his blood suddenly boiling, like burning flames.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly exuded a magnificent golden awn, like red inflammation.

"No, are you crazy“

Liu Hao was shocked and regretted it faintly.

He never thought that the domineering part of the Dragon cutting formula should not be easily tried to practice.

After all, Liu Bang was able to practice. It was mostly due to luck and fate.

At the time of crisis, Liu Hao gradually abandoned the miscellaneous ideas and settled again.

The Heart Sutra of the Royal daughter of the Yellow Emperor also began to play. A sweet and cool breath emerged in the meridians, neutralizing the burning feeling in the body.

Holes and orifices are arranged like bright stars.

Such a spectacle flashed away. I don\'t know how long later, Liu Hao was suddenly awakened by the system prompt:

The host has completed the first level of emperor level skill, the holy virtual emperor\'s Dragon cutting formula!

Note: the first level can greatly improve the host\'s understanding and help the host master other martial arts!

"Ding, Joyoung has been upgraded to the second level, the force +2."

"Ding, the host dragon elephant Prajna divine skill has been raised to the second level, force + 1."

"Ding, the host Phoenix courtship sword has been raised to the second level, force + 2."


The sound of a series of prompts started. Except that the Heart Sutra of the Royal daughter of the Yellow Emperor remained unchanged, all the other skills were raised one level!

Viewing the properties again, there has been a big change.

Liu Hao, force 76, intelligence 71, politics 62, command 67, charm 103.

"Eh, how do you feel that the attribute value is inexplicably stronger?" Liu Hao was secretly pleased.

"The four-dimensional attribute value will grow naturally with the protagonist\'s experience. Please know."

The system replied.

"Don\'t worry about him. Anyway, there is the holy virtual emperor\'s Dragon cutting formula. You can drive together. You don\'t have to worry about the complexity of skills!"

An inexplicable force ran through Liu Hao\'s meridians and surged in his body.

Now, Liu Hao has only one intuitive feeling about the holy virtual emperor\'s Dragon cutting formula derived from the immortal God:


How overbearing!

The extreme of kingcraft is the combination of yin and Yang, which is more terrible than the extreme of hegemony!

If a person with insufficient talent practices this skill, nine times out of ten he will burst his blood and die.

"The imperial level skill is really overbearing and can help me become stronger, but if I ask for further progress, the foundation still lies in the Heart Sutra of the Royal daughter of the Yellow Emperor!"

Liu Hao was also a little afraid. If he hadn\'t had the supreme god level skill, the Heart Sutra of the Royal daughter of the Yellow Emperor as a neutralization, his bad luck would be unpredictable!

"It seems that we still have to find a way to improve the level of the Heart Sutra of the Royal daughter of the Yellow Emperor!"

Liu Hao glanced at the progress bar of the Heart Sutra of the Royal daughter of the Yellow Emperor.,,.