The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 64

"Lord, I\'m afraid these thieves have evil intentions."

Hua Rong frowned.

"Whoever dares to betray will die."

Liu Hao said faintly.

Words contain endless killing opportunities.

Dianwei said with a grim smile, "I only listen to the Lord. If the LORD says not to kill, then don\'t kill. Who dares to betray, I\'ll screw their heads off one by one!"

"If I betray the Lord, I can\'t wait to die!"

The newly surrendered yellow scarf thieves knelt down one after another, shaking their bodies.

"Now Dong Zhuo looks at Luoyang like a tiger, which is a big trouble in the Han Dynasty. In the future, if the world is in chaos and the heroes compete for the Central Plains, they need to fight for me."

Gave a stick, of course, to give another jujube, Liu Hao said faintly.

Cao Zhengchun bowed down and said, "the Lord is wise, benevolent and farsighted, which will spare their lives, but the old slave will beat them and make them know how to be grateful!"

Liu Hao did not stop this.

The way to resist is to give both grace and power.

I think these bandits, who were also good citizens of various states a few years ago, were mostly helpless when they were involved in the Yellow turban chaos. Liu Hao didn\'t mind giving them a chance when he was employing people at this time.

However, these young soldiers who have experienced this battle can also be regarded as veterans who have experienced the battle. If they encounter the battle again, they will not flee like just now.

"The yellow scarf army swept through Kyushu and claimed millions of people. As a result, it was defeated by the famous general Huang Fusong with one enemy and ten, and 100000 troops. It\'s not unreasonable. Such discipline is placed in the battle, proper pig teammates."

Liu Hao secretly wondered where to find a general who was good at military training.

Although I have read the chapter of Xuanwu soldiers, I also belong to the half hanging level. Zhan Zhao has excellent martial arts, but I don\'t understand the military affairs. Hua Rong doesn\'t know what to do.

Alas, in the final analysis, there are too few people who can use them.

The mood of finding a diamond level legend card in the system is more and more urgent.

"Ding, the system is upgraded automatically, opening up loyalty. Loyalty promotion can increase worship value."

"Note: the full loyalty value is 100. Once someone\'s loyalty to the host reaches 100, he will never betray, and there will be additional worship value reward."

"Eh, full loyalty can add worship value?"

Liu Hao turned to Cao Zhengchun and used his insight to know English.

At present, Cao Zhengchun\'s loyalty is 100!

Yes, indeed loyal!

Liu Hao nodded with satisfaction.

"At present, Huarong\'s loyalty is 98."

"At present, Zhao Heiniu\'s loyalty is 98."

"Mom, my acting skills and have soared to the limit. The loyalty of these two people is not full?"

The great cause has not yet succeeded. It seems that I still need to work hard.

Liu Hao sighed to himself.

"Lord, there are indeed many treasures on the mountain."

Zhan Zhao had sent someone down, and the herald agent whispered, "Lord Zhan said that, roughly speaking, there is not much money, but there is a lot of grain, at least more than 10000 stones."

"OK, ten thousand stones! It seems that these bandits have done a lot of robbing merchants. They don\'t stay at all. All of them will be taken away for military funds!"

Liu Hao waved his big hand and made a decision.

Ten thousand stones can supply ten thousand troops for more than a month.

It\'s a surprise that these hundreds of people can receive the goods.

In troubled times, the value of money is not as high as that of food. Even once there was inflation, money can\'t buy food.

Liu Hao has not yet arrived in Yingchuan. He has tens of thousands of stones of grain in his hand, which has also laid a good foundation for the future.

Zhan Zhao stayed on the mountain, monitored the group of yellow scarf thieves, took off the grain one by one, loaded it on the car, and then burned the stronghold.

After finishing the assembly, Liu Hao turned over and mounted the horse and waved his arm towards the front:

"Speed up and have a good meal after Hongnong!"

The group of yellow scarf thieves have become the low-level big soldiers under Liu Hao. Many people have doubts and ask their colleagues:

"Do we... Have something to eat?"

"Of course, what\'s the future of being a mountain bandit? The Lord is the prefect of a county. If you follow the Lord, you can eat enough. We will be officers and soldiers in the future."

Liu Hao\'s former men. Start brainwashing new people.


"It\'s still fake!"

"Alas, Lord, it is a great grace to spare our lives. I can be kind to us. I will repay death for such a kind Lord!"

"Yes, if you don\'t report your death, you\'ll be a man in vain!"

Dozens of cars meandered along and finally arrived at Liu Hao\'s home in Hongnong county.

Along the way, the system prompts that the worship value is growing slowly.

Liu Hao frowned and thought something was wrong. He asked, "system, are you wrong? How did you add dozens of points to the worship value?"

"There is no mistake. The current system bug has been fixed. People with attributes less than 60 will not bring worship value to the host. Please know about it."

"System bug fix?"

Liu Hao was stunned. His original fantasy person contributed some worship value, but it was a bug?

It\'s unreasonable to think about it.

There are more than millions of people in the world?

If everyone has a good opinion of Liu Hao and contributes a little, Liu Hao can get millions of worship value with his bare hands.

Liu Hao was dissatisfied and protested to the system:

"The system is too cunning. I can\'t get worship from the common people in the future. I must make compensation!"

"In order to compensate the host, the system will provide an additional random lucky draw with full lucky value. This lucky draw will not consume worship value."

Lucky draw?

Last time I used the lucky potion and smoked it three times in a row. I got a lot of babies. This time I\'m full of luck. I don\'t know what I can get.

"Do you want to start extraction?"


Liu Hao waited for the result with great expectation.

Xuanguang shook, and a huge white jade wheel appeared in his mind, rotating rapidly.

I don\'t know how long it took, and finally stopped slowly.

Where the pointer points, there is a brilliant golden yellow light.


Liu haozui has become an O-shape. He feels the mysterious pattern of golden emperor light in his mind.

Emperor level.,,.