The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 63

The sword light flashed brightly, the golden awn, the emperor\'s majesty mixed with the clear and fierce Fengming!

Across a distance of more than ten feet, through the head of the leader!

With a scream, Liu Hao nailed him to death on the horse\'s back!

The battle lasted only an hour, and the curtain was over.

On Liu Hao\'s side, several charging generals are fighting against hundreds with one enemy, and the soldiers are desperate, while the yellow scarf bandits are defeated with one blow.

After liquidation, Liu Haofang was not dead, but slightly injured more than ten.

On the other side of the bandits, more than 3560 people have died. Only dozens of people are left. They throw away their weapons and kneel down and surrender.

Most of the thieves were killed by Liu Hao, Dianwei, Huarong and Zhao Heiniu. A small number died under the young and strong random knives, while others trampled on each other.

It is natural to have a hand to do things in the field of battle, so that Liu Hao, who has been seeking the Phoenix from the end of a piece of Phoenix, has lost all his strength. But with the help of Joyoung\'s magic power, it is much better than the last one.

Zhao Yu held Liu Hao and painfully wiped the blood stains on Liu Hao. His bright big eyes wanted to cry. He asked with concern, "brother Liu Hao, are you okay?"


Liu Hao has recovered some of his strength, and the sound system of his ear has been constantly lifting, so that he can shout loudly and freely. "Joyoung\'s magic power is running naturally."

"Congratulations to the host for leading the army to kill 316 yellow scarf random thieves. The progress of the fourth stage of the hidden task * *. The stage reward worship value is 316. The rest rewards will be issued later."

"Congratulations to the host hero for protecting beauty. Zhao Yu\'s favor with the host has greatly increased."

"Congratulations to the host for killing the yellow scarf thief General Li Zhong. The reward worship value is 100."

"Congratulations on the host\'s heroic attack and the return of soldiers. The reward worship value is 54."

After a series of tips, Liu Hao found that his worship value had reached about 9800.

"It seems that we still earn more worship value from fighting. In the future, we should fight more and brush the worship value."

If Liu Hao thought about it, he began to figure out the rules of the system:

Except for tasks, there is an upper limit on the worship value obtained from celebrities, generals and beauties. The higher the attribute, the higher the status, the more worship value can be provided.

On the other hand, fighting and killing enemies also have rich worship value rewards, and the worship value provided by soldiers in the army can not be underestimated.

Each of them contributes little, even a little, but a little makes a lot.

In the future, if we lead a million troops and contribute a little, labor and capital will be day by day!

Liu Hao would have laughed if he hadn\'t been in front of his subordinates.

"Ding, congratulations to the host. If a system vulnerability is found, it will be urgently repaired!"

"If you find a system bug, will you have a mysterious reward?!"

Liu Hao looks confused and forced. What bug

Hua Rong found Liu Hao\'s expression shaking, wiped the blood on his face on the horse\'s back, and admired the tunnel: "Lord, the divine force is invincible. The last will admire it!"

This is not flattery, but Huarong\'s inner sense of identity.

This kind of brave Lord is a great inspiration to his subordinates.

Suddenly, a man took a picture of Malay news: Lord, it seems that there is a team coming to us in the distance, about a dozen people.

"Is there a second wave?"

Liu Hao\'s heart was cold. Zhan Zhao and Hua Rong also turned on their horses and looked up.

Dianwei grinned and said, "Lord, it\'s manager Cao."

"Lord, the old slave is late!"

Still far away, a sharp old voice suddenly sounded. The stabbing person\'s eardrum hurt. Hua Rong was surprised and said secretly that someone\'s powerful internal power!

Liu Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

"It\'s Cao Zhengchun!"

Of course, the news of Liu Hao\'s appointment as the governor of Yingchuan has reached his home. He also discussed with Cao Zhengchun about his plan to go to Yingchuan county through Hongnong from Luoyang first.

Cao Zhengchun was so anxious that he got rid of the people from Zhuangzi. He swept up directly from the horse\'s back, several leaped and fell directly in front of Liu Hao.

"Lord, don\'t hurt your golden body."

He saw that Liu Hao\'s armor was stained with a lot of blood. Although Feng Chen was a servant, he still looked nervous to check whether Liu Hao had any mistakes.

"It doesn\'t matter. Cao Bo is worried. These blood stains belong to these thieves. I haven\'t been hurt."

Liu Hao smiled.

"My Lord, I have found out."

At this time, Zhan Zhao, escorting a small thief and bandit, came forward and said, "according to the surrendered thief and bandit, their leader is called Li Zhong, the thief general who died in the hands of the Lord. He was a partial General of Zhang Liang in the yellow scarf army and became a bandit on this little bee mountain."

"Hum, it\'s impossible to kill the remaining evils of the yellow scarf. It\'s a worthy death to dare to plot against my Lord!"

Cao Zhengchun raised his eyebrows and flashed his evil spirit. He wished he could take the lives of the thieves who lived there immediately.

The bandit under Zhan Zhao felt dangerous and trembled with fear. He fell to his knees with a thump and kowtowed like garlic: "Sir, it\'s Li Datou who is lying in ambush in the horse trench. He was blinded by lard. The young people just obey orders. Please let me live."

Seeing that Cao Zhengchun was indifferent and his face became more and more murderous, the thief suddenly had an idea: "my Lord, I know where the big leader\'s stronghold money and grain are hidden. I\'d like to give it to my Lord in the hope of alleviating my crime."

Well, what else?

Liu Hao finally became interested and pondered for a moment. He found that he didn\'t look like lying. With a big hand, he ordered: "zhantong tie, several people go up with him to see what happened. If it\'s true, you\'ll be saved."

"Thank you, my Lord!"

The thief thanked him for his kindness and took Zhan Zhao up the mountain.

Cao Zhengchun glanced at the prisoners on the ground, frowned and said, "Lord, do you want the old slave to kill all these people?"

Liu Hao, sweating hard, quickly stopped. His whole face became ten serious and said in a deep voice: "no, it\'s the time to hire people. Moreover, the chief villains have been eliminated. These people are only accomplices. Now they have offered money and food in the stockade, so they will stay alive and take them back to be coolies!"

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, population was a big problem!

Where can I find these free young and strong labor force sent to the door.,,.