The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 62

I think Lao Huang Zhong should be a little better.

Huang Zhong, one of the five tiger generals, is a fierce man who can still kill Xia Houyuan at the age of 70. This force value is at least more than 95!

"It\'s almost worship value. You can change a diamond card. You can also draw a cow out at that time."

Liu Hao smiled and made another half sound. He saw a strange terrain in front. Outside the wilderness, there were two wooded mountains.

"Stop first and Zhan Zhao will go to investigate the situation."

At this time, it was getting dark. Liu Hao instinctively felt something wrong and raised his hand to stop the team.

This terrain is too suitable for ambush.

Everyone held their breath and put their hands on the weapons.

Not long ago, Zhan Zhao, who was on guard in the front, suddenly rushed to him and shouted, "Lord, no, there is an ambush in front!"

"Sure enough, how many people?"

Liu Hao was very calm and asked calmly. It meant that Taishan was expected to collapse without changing his face. Hua Rong held the long gun tightly and nodded respectfully.

"It\'s dark and I can\'t really see it, but it\'s roughly estimated that there are more than 300 people, with loose discipline, lying in ambush in the mountain depression."

Zhan Zhao said what he saw one by one, and Liu Hao immediately had a spectrum.

There are only more than 300 people, no horses and poor discipline. Basically, the remaining evils of yellow scarves fled into the mountains and became bandits.

In troubled times, there are countless thieves. It\'s not uncommon to meet a group in the wilderness.

"There are only these people. There\'s nothing to be afraid of. We have 800 white horses, which beat thousands of cavalry in Xianbei“

Zhao Heiniu didn\'t care. He held the thick back machete given to him by Liu Hao and looked eager: "Lord, just rush over and kill them all."

He is also a man who has seen the world, but his mind is too simple.

Baimayi is well-equipped and is the most elite cavalry in Youzhou and even in the world. Liu Hao has only dozens of people. Of course, he should be careful when dealing with thieves and bandits several times his own.


Liu Hao pulled out his sword and said solemnly, "General Zhao has commendable courage. Next, listen to my orders and attack together without mistakes."

"Yes, Lord!"

The crowd gripped the weapon and responded with a roar.

"Zhao Heiniu, you lead 15 people to the left, Hua Rong, and lead 15 people to the right. Dianwei, you follow me and take 10 people to advance for the Chinese army. Zhan Zhao and the remaining seven people protect the frame. All departments must listen to their respective generals and don\'t rush."

Liu Hao\'s young men are the property of their own family, and their loyalty can be guaranteed.

In addition, they are also instilled with a lot of combat knowledge in peacetime, that is, they have little combat experience.


Dozens of people roared and looked at the mountain depression in the distance. Their eyes were full of murderous spirit.

Liu Hao is still very satisfied with the mental outlook of these more than 30 people.

"Lord, let me take the Chinese army."

When Zhan Zhao heard that Liu Hao was going to rush into the array, he hurriedly advised him.

Zhao Yu also said anxiously, "brother Liu Hao, I want to kill the enemy with you."

Liu Hao said earnestly and sincerely: "I have made up my mind. This matter can no longer be discussed. There will be thousands of bloody battles ahead in the future. Now I\'m hiding in the back array. How can I convince the soldiers?"


With Liu Hao\'s powerful and cold roar, the tens of people under Liu Hao were inspired!

Led by Liu Hao, Hua Rong and Zhao Heiniu, they rushed towards the hillside like ghosts.

At this time, the bandits who were still huddled in the mountain depression to ambush were not aware of it.

Some of them were impatient and lay directly on the ground, snoring loudly. Some were still fighting with each other, and some sat on the ground and began to dream about how to spend the money.

Are you going to find a red card girl in the kiln in the county town?

I\'d better buy some girls to have fun

When they react, Liu Hao and others have quietly approached.


Liu Haoyun played the magic of Joyoung, a long scream, the Gong Guan meridians, the dragon scale armor, actually began to flash brilliant gold.

He was not soft hearted. When the long sword in his hand was shocked, he directly used the Feng QiuHuang sword.

The whole man jumped up from the horse like a phoenix flapping its wings. Countless cold sword lights were scattered in the air, and the ruthless harvest blocked the lives of the thieves in front.

"Lord, invincible!"


Seeing Liu Hao\'s heroic performance, the young men\'s blood boiled instantly, and they all moved forward bravely.

"Bastard, die!"

Dianwei held double halberds and slashed his arms angrily. Each halberd could take several lives.


Zhao Heiniu smiled grimly, waved a heavy back broadsword, cut off the head of a thief at once, and the blood gushed out, Lao Gao!

Hua Rong, with a cold face and a long gun in his hand, also turned into more than ten gun tips and directly killed several thieves who didn\'t respond in time!


In the face of the storm, the group of thieves in ambush were stunned!

The young master of the big family agreed to have no strength to bind the chicken?

What about the fat sheep team?

Why are they so fierce!

Liu Hao and Dianwei killed people without blinking an eye. It was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep and slaughtering them one-sided.

Yellow scarf thieves are a mob with incomplete weapons. Some take wooden sticks and have no discipline. As soon as they are impacted by the formation, they immediately disperse in panic.

Only a few thieves resisted and were immediately ruthlessly killed. Most of them spread their feet and ran to the depths of the mountain forest.

"Damn it, I was prepared to be Yin, but I was Yin."

The bandit leader wants to cry without tears.

This is a man in his thirties and forties. He hurriedly turned over and mounted his horse. A pair of dead fish cast a cruel light in their eyes. He waved a knife and shouted, "brothers, fight with them. We have an advantage in number and robbed their silver woman!"

It\'s a pity that he looked up to his restraint ability and couldn\'t even save his defeat by killing several of his own people.

Once the heart of the army breaks up, it can only wait for destruction.

"Still want to touch my woman? Die for me!"

Liu Hao gave a cold smile, and when the sun went to the pure Joyoung, he poured out his sword.

The light of the sword was like a dream and turned into a red phoenix.,,.