The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 61

Cai Yan shamefully buries his head in Liu Hao\'s arms and doesn\'t want to come out.

"Yan\'er, this size is very suitable for you. I\'ll give it to you. You must wear it."

Liu Hao chuckled in Cai Yan\'s ear and looked at the system description:

Ice cicada jade silk can only be used by women. Ice cicada jade silk is warm in winter and cool in summer. It is free from mortal dust and can effectively avoid diseases. When the charm value of a female role is more than 90, the charm value is increased by 1.

This baby looks beautiful, glittering and looming. It looks like an interesting underwear for later generations. It can only be used by women. The most important thing is the effect of getting sick. It is most suitable for Cai Yan, who is weak and delicate.

Cai Yan blushed and said angrily, "when Zixuan calms down Yingchuan, Yan\'er will wear it for you alone..."

"Ha ha, you are really my good Yan son!"

Liu Hao couldn\'t close his mouth with a smile. The scene of Cai Yan wearing this ice cicada jade silk dress had already appeared in his mind.

The intellectual classical temperament is mixed with the mysterious elegance of jade silk clothes.

Can play for a lifetime!

In March of spring, a carriage was slowly leaving Luoyang and driving in the direction of Hongnong.

This time, after passing through his home, Liu Hao was ready to explain some things, and then set off directly for Yingchuan county.

Liu Hao wears a dragon scale lock armour with extraordinary prestige.

Xiao Zhao Yu sat on his horse and leaned against the in his arms. He looked at the scenery swept on both sides and shouted excitedly.

Dianwei guards the side of the body, and several cavalries such as Hua Rong, Zhan Zhao and Zhao Heiniu lead their subordinates to postpone. Their main task is to transport Liu Hao\'s property in Luoyang.

Not long after he entered Luoyang City, he has become a real rich man by receiving gifts alone.

Gold and silver, money and grain, cloth, silk and satin and other precious goods are loaded with dozens of cars.

Liu Hao can rest assured that these materials are escorted by several experts such as Zhan Zhao.


After the barren mountains in front, Liu Hao\'s home is only dozens of miles away.

Liu Hao stared at the front, what a barren forest.

In the quiet mountains and forests, a group of people are discussing excitedly.

"Boss, I heard there are more than ten cars. Are they full of gold and silver?"

A stout man sat on a big stone on tiptoe, picking his feet.

"The news is right. This boy must be a big official. We are going to be rich today." another man shouted excitedly.

"Ha ha, the dog official must not know that he is dying." a thin man was overjoyed.

"Fool, keep your voice down and don\'t move. Wait for the beautiful little girl in the team. No one can rob labor and capital..."

The middle-aged man with the appearance of the leader flashed a trace of greed in the dead fish\'s eyes, took out his crotch and ordered with a grim smile: when they are halfway through, we will kill them from the mountain and beat them.


"My Lord, something is wrong. It seems that there is a tail behind it."

Hua Rong, dressed in white armor, pulled his horse forward and whispered.

Dianwei\'s face was cold. He clenched his halberd and said, "Lord, do you want me to kill them all?"

"Don\'t act rashly. There may be an ambush ahead!"

At this time, Liu Hao also found something wrong. Behind his team, he followed the three or four riders from a distance.

These people behaved strangely and didn\'t come forward. They followed a hundred steps away.

Liu Hao\'s speed increased by one point, and they also ran quickly. Liu Hao stopped here to have a rest, and they also stopped to have a rest.

These people are ragged in clothes and poor in weapons, but there is some hostility when they look at the motorcade on Liu Hao\'s side.

Zhao Heiniu also grinned and said, "Lord, I feel that these people smell of blood. They have seen blood. I\'m afraid they\'re not good."

"Yes, if they were my own people, they would have come up to explain their intentions. These people dare to make my idea. They really don\'t know how to write the dead word“

Liu Hao gave a cold hum and ordered with cold eyes: "these are the spies with the tip. There is no doubt that Dianwei, Zhanzhao, Huarong and Heiniu can\'t go back alive."


Before Zhan Zhao and Zhao Heiniu made any moves, Hua Rong laughed and said, "it\'s easy to take the lives of these thieves. Why do you need brother Dian, Heiniu and Zhan Zhao to do it, sir“

While talking, Hua Rong has taken down the cloud piercing and sun shooting God bow from his back. These three stone bows are close to Hua Rong\'s cheek and are pulled by Hua Rong.

The bow string was taut and stretched to the extreme. On the Black Sun shooting bow, there were three feather arrows aimed at the three thieves hundreds of steps away.

From bowing to archery.

The whole process is done at one go.

Hua Rong is known as Xiao Li Guang. Needless to say, this shooting technique is definitely the top of the top.

Liu Hao looked at Hua Rong with great interest. The eagle\'s eyes flashed, his fingers loosened and collapsed!

The three arrow shadows turned into meteors swept away by three points. The arrow feathers seemed to emit terrible black evil spirit.

Those people who watched hid away from Baibu. They thought they were safe and lack of vigilance. Where did they think Huarong was a marksman with Baibu wearing Yang.

At the moment when the arrow came out of the string, Hua Rong\'s force value had instantly increased by 3 points to 91.

This kind of force can definitely be called the first-class general in the world. Can it be stopped by such a few bandits?

Only three puffs were heard. The three feather arrows had completely disappeared into the three men\'s forehead and nailed them to death on the horse\'s back.

"Good arrow method!"

Zhao Heiniu straightened his eyes, went up and brought the three men\'s horses. He shouted excitedly, "general Hua has a great archery. He fired three arrows at once and hit all of them."

"The skill of carving insects and insects is not worth mentioning. At the end of the day, there is still a Lianzhu divine shooting method that hasn\'t been used."

Hua Rong smiled and said, "thank you for the divine bow given by the Lord. This bow has the right strength and will be very handy at the end."

"Hua Rong is really a marksman without a trace!"

Liu Hao nodded with great satisfaction. He shot the sun god bow through the clouds and gave it to Hua Rong. It was the right master.

I just don\'t know Hua Rong met old Huang Zhong, who won and who lost.,,.