The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 60

Liu Hao was shocked!

What Haotian God, Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, are emperors like gods in ancient times!

What does the father-in-law mean by taking such a watch for himself?

Has he seen my ambition to become the supreme overlord??


"Carry it in, all carry it in, what are you doing tardily!"

Zhao Heiniu\'s voice was very loud. With that ferocious expression, it looked very ferocious.

But the servants in Liu Hao\'s house happily carried boxes of gifts into CAI\'s house.

It is also a happy thing for them that the master successfully proposed marriage to Cai Fu.

At this time, Liu Hao was already in the peach forest in the backyard of CAI\'s house.

Cai Yong, the father-in-law, came after all. He knew that Liu Hao and Cai Yan were left alone.

"Miss, my uncle is coming, hee hee!"

"My uncle is so handsome, but my lady is also a national beauty..."

"What do you know, this is called hero with beauty..."

Cai Yan is usually very nice to the people. At this time, the people are also happy for her.

My uncle has a slender figure and a beautiful face. He takes away an unspeakable intoxicating temperament.

The man from the Wei family who came to ask for a marriage that day looked like a disaster,

His speech was short of breath. Compared with my uncle, it was a world away.

"See you, uncle."

The servant girls were too involved in the discussion. They didn\'t react until Liu Hao came to them. One by one, they got up and bowed.

"Why don\'t you step back first."

Liu Hao was also very speechless. He waved his hand at will and waved the servant girls back.

Three women play a play. These women get together. They don\'t know how much fun. Fortunately, Cai Yan is quiet and elegant, and won\'t make trouble with them.


Cai Yan whispered softly. Liu Hao was stunned and immediately realized that Cai Yan was calling his new calligraphy.

"After not coming to me for so long, I thought... I thought you had forgotten me..."


It\'s unbelievable that the most talented woman in the world speaks with a sad face.

Besides, it took Liu Hao only half a month to Luoyang.

Looking at the snow like cheeks and a layer of red clouds on the skin of the snow neck, Liu Hao was distracted.

Sitting directly beside Cai Yan, holding Cai Yan\'s shoulder, he gently said, "how can I forget Yan\'er\'s sister? Every moment of every day, every blink of an eye, my mind is Yan\'er\'s beautiful face."

Facing Cai Wenji, Liu Hao used his killer mace impolitely.

After a series of epoch-making sweet words, Cai Yan\'s beautiful eyes glowed and her cheeks were slightly red.

Liu Hao\'s body leaned over at the same time, and took the opportunity to move in again. They snuggled closely, and their posture was warm.

This is the secret of picking up girls. Take the opportunity to make skin contact!

How can Cai Yan resist the old driver\'s means and feel that half of his body has been soft.

Liu Hao\'s hands were below his beautiful back, and his hand speed was amazing. He captured the side of the mountain.

Cai Yan pressed Liu Hao\'s hands, twisted his body uneasily, and said angrily, "it\'s really sweet words, and his hands are uneasy... Again, I\'ll be angry."

"Alas, I\'m sorry to be the prefect of Yingchuan this time. There are hundreds of thousands of yellow scarf thieves. There are a large number of people. I don\'t know if I can come back..."

Facing the tight defense, Liu Hao had to look up to the sky and sigh. He was very lonely.

A woman\'s heart is soft, especially in front of her sweetheart.

Cai Yan immediately panicked when he heard the speech. He leaned in Liu Hao\'s arms and said in a trembling voice, "don\'t talk nonsense. God bless you, you can\'t have anything..."

She hesitated and finally looked up in Liu Hao\'s ear and said, "if you must want it, elder martial sister can give it to you."

Gently finish saying this sentence, it seems that she has exhausted her whole body strength and lies soft in Liu Hao\'s arms, pink.

Liu Hao took hold of his slender waist and was moved in his heart: if his wife is like this, what can his husband ask for?

If Cai Yan is directly brought to justice in CAI\'s house, he is likely to be chased by his father-in-law with a crutch for three blocks.

Liu Hao is not someone who can\'t move his legs when he sees a woman. Moreover, they are equivalent to being engaged. Cai Yan is already CAI in the bowl.

"Yan\'er looks down on me too much. In my opinion, these yellow scarf thieves in Yingchuan county are local chickens and dogs. Don\'t say 100000 or millions can be defeated at one blow."

Liu Hao said proudly.

The combat effectiveness of yellow scarf thieves really can\'t be on the table.

Huang Fusong, Zhu Yu, Lu Zhi, led troops to fight. Every one can fight ten.

If you can\'t even solve the yellow scarf thieves scattered in Yingchuan County, what are you trying to dominate the world? Just go home and raise pigs.

"Hum, you\'re not as old as me. You call me sister."

Cai Yan, after all, is a talented woman. At this time, she has returned to her senses and patted Liu Hao\'s mischievous hand with a cold face.

Women in this era are covered up in their generous clothes. Even drivers like Liu Hao are blind. Cai Yan is actually very talented.

Cai Yan refused again, blushing, puffing up his pink fist and hammering it on Liu Hao\'s chest.

It was another frolic, and their feelings warmed up invisibly.

A prompt voice came from the system: "Cai Yan is loyal and unswerving. He is not married. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the worship value of 2000 and the current worship value of 8365."

Ha ha, unexpectedly, I came to Cai\'s house to propose marriage, flirted with my sister, and mixed several thousand worship values. It seems that it\'s not far from the next diamond call.

Liu Hao hugged Cai Yan tightly and smelled the fragrance from her. It was very pleasant.

When I thought of the system, I suddenly had an idea. I groped in my arms and directly found an ice cicada jade silk clothes, saying, "by the way, I still have a baby for Yan\'er."

"What is this?"

Cai Yan asked curiously. When he took a look, his cheeks turned red.,,.