The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 59

Cai\'s backyard, in the peach blossom forest.

Several servant girls were around Cai Yan and chattering.

"Miss, miss, have you heard that the servants of Liu Taishou\'s family seem to be packing up. It seems that they are leaving Luoyang."

"What should I do, miss? Lord Liu has become so successful that he won\'t forget her?"

"Shall I send a letter for Miss Liu?"

The hurried mood of the servant girls seemed to be contagious, and Cai Yan was ashamed and anxious.

The most talented woman in the world, met her lover and looked like a little woman.

In fact, Cai Yan was really worried. Although he made an agreement with Liu Hao that day, Liu Hao was too busy to take the next step.

"Younger martial brother has just been granted the title of Yingchuan prefect by the imperial court. I don\'t have time for children and women."

Cai Yan\'s heart has been completely tied to Liu Hao and considered for him.

The servant girl outside the peach forest ran in breathlessly and said intermittently, "miss. Liu. Lord Liu is coming towards the Cai family."

"I seem to have brought a lot of gifts... Have you come to propose marriage?"

Cai Yan\'s heart pounded like a deer.

As the saying goes, if a woman pleases herself,

Cai Yan also hurriedly took out the bronze mirror and took a picture.

The woman in the mirror has bright eyes, bright teeth, icy flesh and jade bones, and a smile. She has been extremely beautiful.

The servant girls looked at their mistress and couldn\'t help feeling ashamed. They all bowed their heads.

Cai Yan was still afraid that there was something wrong with his appearance, so he arranged his appearance again:

He also glanced at the green silk beside his ears and said sweetly: "younger martial brother, he still has me in his heart..."

Of course, Liu Hao likes Cai Yan very much.

Such an intellectual temperament perfect beauty, I\'m afraid no man in the world will not like it.

"Zhao Heiniu, you stand outside the door with your gifts. I\'ll go first to find out."


Zhao heiniuting straightened his chest and stood outside the gate of CAI\'s house.

Yes, Liu Hao came here today to propose marriage to Cai Yong.

In ancient times, many women married and had children at the age of 12 or 13. Cai Yan is 18 this year. It\'s time to marry.

Liu Hao meets Cai Yan directly.

Compared with his master, he actually wanted to call Cai Yong\'s father-in-law.

But everything has to go in order, and old drivers have to buy tickets to drive.

It\'s insane to call someone\'s father-in-law when you enter the door.

"When you get to Yingchuan, do a good job!"

Cai Yong helped up Liu Hao, a talented man. The more he looked at him, the more satisfied he was.

Liu Hao\'s performance gave him too many surprises.

He used an ancient poem to suppress Confucianism!

He created a wonderful music, which can be called shaking the past and shining the present!

He is young and is already a prefect!

Looking at Liu Hao, Cai Yong seemed to see a dormant dragon in shallow water, about to fly away.

In the corner of his eye, Yu Guang observed that Cai Yong looked happy, and Liu Hao opened his mouth: "master Cai, I\'m leaving for Yingchuan tomorrow. I\'m here to say goodbye and..."

But before he finished, Cai Yong interrupted.

Cai Yong nodded and said, "it\'s rare for you to have this heart. The second thing, what do you want to say."

Liu Hao said firmly, "the second thing is to propose marriage to master CAI. Yan\'er and I are happy with each other and beg master for perfection."


Cai Yong\'s eyelids jumped and suddenly turned his head and said, "Yan\'er, come out."

Behind the screen, a beautiful lady turned out, with a long body and red cheeks.

Liu Hao\'s eyes straightened. It turned out that his beautiful Yan\'er had been hiding behind the screen!

At this time, Liu Hao gave full play to the characteristics of thick skin and continued: "my heart for Yan\'er can be seen by the sun and the moon..."

Cai Yong waved his hand and said kindly, "Yan\'er, you\'ve heard it. Are you willing to marry Liu Hao?"

"Well... But it\'s up to my father..."

Cai Yan responded with a reply. He immediately lowered his head and almost buried himself in the fengluan of Tingli.

Parents\' orders, media burning words.

In ancient times, marriage was basically designated by parents.

"After that, Yan\'er will give it to you."

Cai Yong patted Liu Hao on the shoulder, and his eyes were slightly moist.

Obviously, he has agreed to Liu Hao\'s proposal.

Liu Hao was overjoyed and wished he could take away the beauty Cai Yan and kiss her!

However, with his strong willpower, he finally restrained himself and said:

"Master Cai, please rest assured that I will protect Yan\'er from any injustice."

Look at Cai Yan again. In a hurry, he hid in the back hall.

Cai Yong snorted and said, "is it still called master now?"

"Your father-in-law is here. Please accept my son-in-law\'s worship!"

Liu Hao understood and bowed down, feeling happy.

Cai Yong nodded and agreed that the marriage between himself and Cai Yan would be basically settled. There was no need to worry about who would pry the corner.

The only thing left was to choose an auspicious day to officially marry Cai Yan.

"By the way, you are now the governor of Yingchuan. Do you have any words?"

Cai Yong suddenly asked.

Liu Hao also thought of the headache. He shook his head helplessly and said, "my parents died when my disciple was young and haven\'t had time to pick up words for me."

Cai Yong nodded and looked at Liu Hao thoughtfully.

Liu Hao had an idea and bowed down and said, "father-in-law studies heaven and man. Let\'s get one for his son-in-law today."

This flattery just hit Cai Yong\'s itch.

Cai Yong was really very useful. He stroked his short beard under his chin and said with a light smile: "well, if I read it correctly, the" Haozi "in your name must respect the Haotian emperor. In that case... The calligraphy is taken as Zixuan, how about it?"

"The word Xuan also means the Xuan of Xuanyuan. The emperor of the Han Dynasty originally came from Yanhuang orthodoxy. What do you think?"

Zixuan, Zixuan, that sounds good.

The father-in-law is worthy of being a famous scholar all over the world, and Liu Hao is also very satisfied with his calligraphy.

Inadvertently, he looked up and saw Cai Yong\'s meaningful smile on the corner of his mouth. Liu Hao was shocked and his heart pounded.,,.