The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2699

Overlord blood rage!

Xiangyu glared angrily. In his eyes, his divine light burst. A weapon rose again. Its sharp point looked like a ferocious dragon\'s head. The spirit and spirit of the weapon broke through the air and killed Zhang Han in front of him. As soon as the weapon strength was vomited, a blood hole was punctured in Zhang Han\'s chest! This weapon is really too fast!

Xiang Yu in the state of blood rage is incredibly powerful. Even the positive immortal is not inferior. Zhang Han\'s martial arts have been calculated, but there is still a short distance from the martial arts master. At this time, he just has a sense of resistance, and his response is not as good as


Zhang Han could no longer hold the long sword in his hand. The sound of clanging and falling to the ground was especially clear. Zhang Han looked down at the striking wound on his chest. The blood was like a fountain, surging out. His internal organs had been destroyed by the power of domineering weapons, and his heart vessels were all broken. Such a wound was difficult for the immortal to come down to earth

"I... Died at Hangu pass before I helped you to rise to the top of the world and to rise to the top..."

Before today, Zhang Han never thought he would die in the war. He took a last look at Hangu Xiongguan in the morning, and Zhang Han\'s magnificent body fell to the ground

The rising star of the Empire, the future secret service officer Zhang Han, fell!

"It\'s over, general Zhang Han... Died in the war! 1

"Hiss! Han General Xiang Yu was so terrible that general Zhang Han was killed by one weapon

"My God! This guy, who fights tens of thousands of people, is a fucking monster 1


Xiang Yu, who turned on the state of blood rage, emitted a dangerous and fiery divine light in his heavy pupil. The whole person seemed to be covered with a layer of red blood. His killing intention was violent, like a raging tide, and he wanted to crush the enemy completely!

Every time the overlord weapon moves, it will inevitably take away the lives of several soldiers of the Qin army. After Zhang Han died, the Qin army lost its commander and dispatcher, and immediately lost its backbone. The array has gradually collapsed.

Xiang Yu broke into the thousands of troops and fought vertically and horizontally. He was too brave to be brave. It was like entering a no man\'s land!

Ten thousand men are invincible, and so it is!

Eight thousand Jiangdong children are like wolves. They "congratulate the host of the Empire. Xiangyu commands Jiangdong children\'s soldiers to storm Hangu pass. After the first World War, they will be rewarded with 50000 points of worship and 100000 points of meritorious service. Xiangyu commands and dispatches the three armies, commanding +11


In the Jiulong Heavenly Emperor\'s chariot, the Great Han secret service party meeting was going on. Liu Hao suddenly heard a series of sounds of nature like system prompts, and felt a little happy

People sitting in the car, good news from heaven!

It\'s so comfortable to have so many strategists and generals. Hangu pass has won!!

This majestic pass is the most important military town of the Qin Empire. It is the gateway to Guanzhong and the throat of the Empire. Its strategic significance is extraordinary.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the state of Qin can stabilize the situation in Hangu pass, it can calmly dispatch and defend the towns. After a period of time, the war will fall into a protracted war, gradually break away from the front battlefield and evolve into a contest of basic national strength between the two countries. At that time, the state of Qin will have the absolute certainty of victory with the accumulated information of seven generations

However, now that the Hangu pass has been conquered, the situation is different.

The late strategy of the state of Qin failed. The Han Dynasty will turn passivity into initiative, make great strides, and even drive troops straight into the whole Guanzhong pass!!

"Your Majesty is flushed. It seems that something good is coming..."

Xiao He, who stood beside Liu Hao, observed his words and expressions and said softly.

Liu Hao felt his palm and said with a smile, "Aiqing was right. I just wandered thousands of miles. I saw that Hangu pass was bleeding all over the city. At the head of the city, there was a red dragon, holding the head of Qin General Zhang Han, flying into the sky..."

"How could there be such an adventure!"

All the officials in the Han Dynasty were stunned.

People know that when they reach the realm of land immortals, they have all kinds of incredible means. For example, ancient immortals can travel thousands of miles in an instant.

The system is Liu Hao\'s biggest secret, which can\'t be revealed. At present, the only perfect excuse is to prevaricate the past

When Guo Jia heard this, he looked slightly moved and said, "Congratulations, your majesty. This is a good omen! Seeing the red dragon in a dream means the red dragon flag of the Han Dynasty. At Hangu pass, Xiangyu must have broken Hangu pass for your majesty. This is a great victory 1

After following Liu Hao for a long time, Guojia is in an uproar about Liu Hao!!

There was an uproar among the chariots of the Kowloon Emperor!

The faces of all the officials of the Han Dynasty were excited. The eyes they looked at Liu Hao were full of respect from the bottom of their hearts and a spontaneous heat.

"As your majesty expected, Hangu pass won 1

"It\'s true that your majesty treated Xiangyu so well. The Xiang family, with the courage of Shaoyu, has conquered Hangu pass with 8000 people for thousands of years. Xiangyu\'s future achievements will never be lower than those of the five tigers and nine dragons special agent 1

"After the Hangu pass is laid down, the three-point and one-sided iron and steel defense line arranged by the state of Qin will collapse. 1

"You can go to Guanzhong, and you can destroy the millions of tiger and wolf warriors in the Qin State in Lishi fortress and the northern battlefield for the second time. The general trend is certain. 1


When the military newspaper of Hangu pass came, the officials of the Han Dynasty opened their chatterboxes and began to have a heated discussion.

Liu Hao raised his hand and said solemnly with an empty press: "you guys, now the gateway of the central Shaanxi plain Hangu pass is under control. What do you think of the next strategic deployment?"

After the fall of Hangu pass in Qin state, the balance of victory fell to the Han Dynasty.

However, the lion fights the rabbit with all his strength. Liu Hao doesn\'t want to lose in the event of a big advantage, so he asks people for their opinions.

Zhang Liang stepped out of the line, brushed his wide sleeves on both sides, bowed down, and said with a soft smile: "Your Majesty, I have a plan to destroy Qin 1