The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2698


Xiang Yu roared like a dragon and stepped on the battlements with one heavy step. The solid wall was crushed by him, just like a golden winged ROC bird killing in the air, and rushed into the crowd of the Qin army guarding the city.

"Go to hell!! 1

The fierce soldiers of the Qin army guarding the city were like a formidable enemy. More than a dozen fierce soldiers with long weapons stood up with heavy iron weapons weighing more than ten kilograms, and stabbed Xiang Yu who came in the air.

A forest of iron weapons!

Xiang Yu fell into the air, and the overlord weapon in his palm fell into the air. The overwhelming force of the weapon covered the top and pressed down. It was so majestic that it swept the weapon forest in front of him in an instant.

Overlord\'s fierce force is beyond the reach of human power!?

The dozen fierce soldiers of the Qin army were like being run over by the dragon and elephant tyrants. They didn\'t even have time to resist. They were directly crushed by Xiangyu\'s divine power, and their muscles and bones were broken countless.

Xiangyu first reached the city of Hangu pass through the cloud tower, just like a dragon entering the sea and a fierce tiger returning to the mountain. The overlord weapons were maneuvering around, and no one could stop them. The Qin army, which was closely guarding the city, was scattered.

Wherever the overlord\'s weapons passed, the defenders were all over the place. The people of the Qin army guarding the city seemed to be falling on the ground like wheat in autumn. There was no way to count the death or injury.

"Overlord is invincible 1

"Overlord is invincible 1

More and more Jiangdong\'s children climbed from the cloud tower to the city of Hangu pass. They shouted loud and clear slogans, followed behind Xiangyu, and began to climb to the city and attack the Qin army.

"Hiss! This guy... How could he be so brave!!"

Zhang Han observed the situation at the city head. He picked up his sword eyebrow and took a breath.

Zhang Han also shuddered at the sight of Xiangyu throwing two Qin army generals out of the city with a weapon for more than ten meters, throwing them heavily, and finally falling outside the city!

So brave and powerful, it can be called an enemy of ten thousand people!

After climbing the city first, the killing continues!

In Xiangyu\'s palm, the overlord weapon seemed to turn into a ferocious, dark and crazy dragon. With the sound of the bleak and desolate bugle of wanton killing on the head of Hangu pass, the soldiers and ants of Jiangdong\'s children mounted the cloud tower and bravely attacked this imperial pass.

Zhang Han\'s subordinate shadow guards finally set out.

This imperial trump card forbidden guard army is powerful and brave. It is not difficult to defeat ten with one enemy. Its combat power is so strong that it is incredible. Therefore, before the death battle, Wei Liao also asked Zhang Han to take the shadow guards back to Hangu pass, because this is the most fundamental strength of the Empire and can not afford to lose!

As soon as the shadow guards came out, they immediately stabilized the declining situation.

Jiangdong\'s soldiers in the cloud tower mounted the city and broke through the angry eyes of the Qin army\'s Xiang Yu. They were awestruck. They grabbed a shadow guard\'s chain flying blade with their arms in good luck. They pulled the shadow guard over and tore it into two pieces!

In the flying rain, Xiang Yu stepped out with a tiger step and walked as fast as he could, straight to Zhang Han.

"Please, general... Hurry back. Xiangyuyong can\'t be 1

"The last general is willing to die for the general 1

The Deputy generals around Zhang Han saw the ferocity of Xiang Yu\'s attack and jumped up in surprise

What is the Gestapo man?

This is

Since Xiang Yu ascended to the city, he has dashed through Hangu pass. The enemy who did not pass a move under his hand, the overlord\'s weapons, all of which were clean second kills!

Zhang Han laughed with his sword and said, "the old Tai Wei has the pride to lead the army to kill the dragon. Is it true that Zhang Han is a fearless rat who is afraid of the enemy? It would be useless to kill Xiang Yu today

After being instructed by Wei Xuan on the Bank of Jinshui River, Zhang Han\'s state of mind changed strangely and became more calm and steady. He had the demeanor of a great commander who did not change his face in anticipation of Mount Tai\'s collapse.

"Shadow guards, kill Xiangyu 1

Kill! Kill! Kill!!

Faced with Xiangyu\'s frenzied attack, Zhang Han did not retreat but moved forward. He fought against Xiangyu with his sword. The Qin army sent out the valiant generals together. Thousands of shadow guards under his command also rushed to kill Xiangyu recklessly.


The overlord\'s weapons were sweeping like a dragon, sweeping away the weapons of the encircled Qin army\'s valiant generals, sending out several fierce sounds of metal and iron, which immediately rang through the sky, and the fierce anti shock force rolled back like a raging wave. The Qin army\'s valiant generals felt numb in their arms at the same time, as if they had been hit by the fast-moving imperial black dragon chariot. Their arms were weak, their chest blood was churning, and their feet were pedaling towards the rear, Knocked over our own guard


Zhang Han took this weapon like a dragon. The tiger\'s mouth shook and bled. His mind was cold!

This Xiang Yu, his arms are more than the power of dragons and tigers!?

"Puff puff puff 1

At this moment, there were several muffled sounds. Several Qin army valiant generals were chased by Xiangyu and swept across their backs. They immediately turned over and fell to the ground. They couldn\'t die any more

One after the other, a whole seventeen strong generals of the Qin army were selected. The last weapon did not disperse, and Zhang Han was shaken back.

Xiangyu took back the overlord\'s weapon and pointed to the sky.

A wisp of red blood slowly slid down the sharp edge of Feng Han\'s weapon, and was like a bunch of cherry red tassels. A gust of wind blew past, waving the overlord cloak behind Xiang Yu, hunting and rolling in the air, majestic like the reincarnation of the God of war!

At this moment, all the shadow guards were cold.

After a brave attack, the distance between Zhang Han and Zhang Han was finally narrowed to the range of the overlord\'s weapon strike.

"It\'s very nice of you to accept my weapon, but that\'s all..."

Xiangyu grinned coldly. The overlord\'s weapon tip turned upside down. The righteous martyr decided to assassinate Zhang Han.

"What if I receive thousands of weapons? I want to die

Zhang Han also made a real fire. Tens of thousands of people stuck to the Xiongguan pass, but Xiang Yu suddenly went to Hangu pass. The shadow guards could not stop him!?

Jiangdong\'s soldiers attacked the city. In fact, they didn\'t rely on the equipment in the past. Xiangyu ascended the cloud tower and flew to the city. It was quite humiliating for Xiangyu to trample on his face

The sound of the dragon\'s chant reached from far to near. The overlord\'s weapon cracked the air and killed him. Zhang Han could no longer think about it. He was terrified. He wielded 12 points of real strength and parried with a horizontal sword.


The shadow of the overlord\'s weapons overlapped and the overlord\'s divine power surged in. Zhang Han could not bear the overlord\'s powerful force. He was knocked down and plowed with his feet. He retreated ten meters again. Two deep gullies appeared on the ground and knocked down a lot of Qin soldiers.

Overlord blood rage!