The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2700

The people\'s eyes fell on the young Dynasty\'s right prime minister. Liu Hao glanced away and saw Zhang Liang\'s confident face. He smiled and said, "let\'s hear what the ovary has to offer."

Zhang Liang brushed his sleeves and arched his hands at the crowd. He said in a loud voice, "now that Hangu pass has been broken, our army has taken the lead. I think your majesty can take the world in three steps. Long Tun Jiang Shan 1

After a pause, Zhang Liang continued: "the three armies of the state of Qin mourned the death battle, which delayed Xiangyu\'s capture of Hangu pass for half a day. Jiangdong\'s soldiers also paid thousands of lives.

Liu Hao didn\'t go to the battle of Hangu pass in person. Just looking at the war report, he could imagine what a terrible battle it was. Fortunately, the overall situation has been decided, and the whole imperial throat is now in the hands of the Han Dynasty.

"By the way, I almost forgot the treasure exploded by Zhang Han..."

On the way, Liu Hao was idle and bored. He suddenly remembered that there seemed to be many treasure boxes in his hands that had not been opened.

During the attack on Hangu pass, a wave of Qin army generals were harvested, and many diamond rated treasure boxes fell. Wei Xuan and Zhang Han, two famous generals of the Qin Empire, also contributed two hidden treasure boxes rated by the emperor, but unfortunately they failed to reveal the spring and autumn talisman.

"It\'s time to open the treasure chest again..."

Liu Hao rubbed his hands and directly entered the crazy treasure chest opening mode.

Now, unlike in the past, liuhaogui is the leader of the imperial court. Even the most sacred artifacts are often seen. He has seen the treasures rated by the emperor for a long time, but what he enjoys is the process of uncovering the unknown rewards, not the result.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host, who opened the treasure chest of diamond rating and obtained the thunderbolt mace: it weighs 89 Jin and the holder\'s force +31

"Congratulations to the host, who opened the diamond rated treasure chest and obtained the bright light armor: heavy armor, no sabres and weapons, and the wearer\'s force +21


"Congratulations to the host, he opened the treasure chest of the king\'s rating and obtained the golden tiger spirit helmet: made of red gold, carved tiger spirit, deterred the three armies, suppressed morale, wearer\'s force +2, command +2, and morale increased by an additional 20%1

Liu Hao just glanced at a pile of scattered weapons and armors, which he added to the storage space.

Although it is not the best product, it can be used for rewarding meritorious officials after being tempered in the thunder pool.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host, who opened the hidden treasure chest of emperor rating and obtained the secret spirit of the ring 1

Secret spirit: the head of the shadow. The secret spirit is like a maggot attached to a bone and a shadow following.

The wearer needs more than 90 points of force, more than 90 points of command, and no more than 120 points of single attribute!

You can obtain the special attribute that increases the marching speed of the security department by an additional 50%. When you move at night, you can increase the marching speed by an additional 100%!