The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2646


After reading Baiqi\'s attribute, Liu Hao couldn\'t help shaking his face and holding the grass in his heart

Limited by the ZuLong gas transportation barrier, it was previously impossible to directly query the attributes of many famous ministers of the Qin state through the system. Now Baiqi has a direct war with the Han Dynasty, which can temporarily break through the ZuLong gas transportation barrier.

It\'s against the sky to have this attribute in vain!

In particular, the killing God attribute can improve its basic attributes by killing the enemy

More than 500000 people have died directly or indirectly in Bai Qi\'s hands in Lian mieyan and Zhao. If Bai Qi kills them again, an unprecedented super war machine will be born!

"The white man is so fierce that he says he wants to wash the world with blood. Please make the decision for the farmer!"

A pudgy middle-aged man fell to his knees, kowtowing like garlic, and the bluestone floor Banged!

This person is the Zhu family, the leader of the farmhouse Shennong hall. He is good at thousands of people, thousands of faces and acupoint control techniques. He is unique in the world.

Liu Hao glanced at him and asked solemnly, "what are the specific casualties of farmers in this service?"

The mask on the Zhu family\'s face was full of fear of defeat. He said: "the Xia Kui Tian Guang died in the war. Tian Hu, Tian Meng and situ Wanli, the leaders of the six rural halls, all died in the war. After this battle, the elite of the six rural halls were all killed and injured. The minister lost his true Qi for 30 years and inspired thousands of people to do thousands of magic skills. Only then did he and Chen Sheng, Wu Guang and others escape the day of birth..."

The listener is silent!


The plan of killing and killing Baiqi is really tragic!

The peasant family is the most powerful among the hundreds of families, but after this war, I\'m afraid the peasant family will fall down in the next few decades

"People in the sun kill, killing is amazing!"

All the officials of the Han Dynasty in the emperor\'s account looked awe inspiring.

Liu Hao said in a deep voice, "the farmers have suffered heavy losses, which makes people sigh, but it may not be a good thing."

The king of the Han Dynasty had an unparalleled front, attacked the world and had a smooth journey.

The assassination of the farmer\'s family can sound an alarm to the people, and let the Han people straighten out their mentality and face up to the enemy.

After all, the Qin Empire dominates the north and is definitely an important opponent worthy of facing up to!

"Your Majesty is right."

Lingcai Guo Jia said faintly and said in a deep voice, "the farmer\'s business has been defeated. The urgent task is to find the bodies of the farmers, bury them and comfort them."

Liu Hao and Guo jiajunchen had a full tacit understanding. They met at the moment and raised their hands solemnly, saying: "the Shangshutai intended to bury Tian Guang and other heroes and martyrs to comfort their families. The six rural halls are temporarily operated by Zhu family, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang..."

When the strength of the peasant family was greatly damaged, Liu Hao gave a heavy reward to show mercy and collect people\'s hearts by the way.


The atmosphere of the decisive battle between the two countries is becoming more and more tense.

Between the state of Qin and the Han Dynasty, small-scale exploratory attacks have begun to break out.

Famous generals such as imperial Lieutenant Wei Liaozi and Meng Wu\'s father and son have arrived at Lishi fortress. 300000 fierce warriors of the Qin Dynasty are facing off with famous generals of the Dynasty such as Yue Fei and Li Mu.

Xiang Yan, the secret service officer, led the general of the ancient Chu to command 150000 Jiangdong legions. Taking the bully Hou Xiang Yu as the vanguard, he led the vanguard of Jiangdong\'s children and killed 13 generals of the great Qin Dynasty. The soldiers of Jiangdong\'s children were unparalleled and forced into Hangu pass. Fan, the commander of the Qin army, took the strategy of strengthening the walls and clearing the fields in time. Without the military order of the king of Qin, he would not go to war easily!

Li Jing and Wu Qi, the two imperial secret service officers, refused to go north and fought against Wang Jian and Bai Qi, the imperial secret service officers.


Dark clouds accumulated over thistle city.

A dynasty mournful music played.

This strange air-cooled music filled Jicheng with a solemn and heavy atmosphere.

Kui Tianguang, a peasant Xia, was originally from Yandi. It was he who brought the farmhouse to a place that is detached from the Jianghu today. Today, Tian Guang died in the war for the dynasty. Liu Hao sent all the elite at night to rob his body and bury it in Yandi, which is also regarded as falling leaves and returning to its roots.

"I dare not forget the Revenge of Xia Kui!!"

As majestic as the iron tower, the nine foot strong Han Shengqi, with fiery red hair, clenched his teeth and said, "Shengqi vowed to kill Bai Qi in the future and avenge this blood for his peasant brothers!"

Wu Guang\'s face was gloomy and said solemnly: "today, I made an oath in front of the spirit of Xia Kui and others. If I don\'t repay this revenge, I will be in vain!"

This time, the six hall experts of the farmhouse did their best. The result was not only the death of Xia Kui Tian Guang, but also the fall of Tian Meng of Lieshan hall, Tian Hu of Chiyou hall, situ Wanli, the leader of four mountains hall, Gonggong hall and others!

Sheng Qi took over as the leader of Kui hall and Wu Guang took over as the leader of Siyue hall. Both of them are rising stars of the farmhouse and have excellent martial arts skills. In addition, the oldest Shennong hall leader Zhu family is presiding over major events, so there is no trouble in the farmhouse.

Tian Guang\'s funeral is a rare event in the Jianghu.

It is said that the emperor of the Han Dynasty will appear, so not only 100000 peasant children gather, but also the heroes of the North flock to Jicheng like a tide to pay tribute to this generation of heroes.

"Xia Kui is a good man. He will assassinate the imperial people for the sake of all the people in the world!"

"Unfortunately, success is on the verge of failure. Baiqi is a fierce beast in the world. Countless farm heroes have died in battle!"

"Elder, we farm children are only chivalrous and will avenge us in the future!"


The farmers talked about Tian Guang\'s decision to assassinate Bai Qi thousands of miles north. Everyone was fascinated by it.

This is a hot-blooded era.

Heroes are chivalrous. When they think of injustice, they can put life and death aside. The sword leaps thousands of miles and cuts off Qiu\'s head!

Baiqikeng killed 400000 soldiers of LAN state. After entering Yandi, there was another evil deed of longitudinal slaughter. In the hearts of the world, it had already been slaughtered by Yangmen and the common enemy of all people in the world!

Tian Guang died in the assassination of Baiqi, which is also a great honor for the farmer.

The farmers died generously, which made the world\'s anti Qin mood more and more high.

In front of the crowd, a little fat man in mourning clothes, with no sadness or anger on his face, was drooling, looking left and right, muttering: "sister, why are so many people here today? Don\'t we practice swords?"

What he called his sister was a teenage girl in plain white mourning clothes.

As the saying goes, women should be pretty and filial.

The little girl in pure filial piety dress is like a pure white lotus.

The snow is white and tender, the nose is beautiful, the two willow eyebrows are slightly heroic, and the eyes of autumn water are flowing, clear and bright, as if they can penetrate the hearts of the people.

She also has a beautiful name called Tian Yan.