The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2647

The girl Tian Yan took the little fat man by the arm and said, "ah Chi, don\'t practice sword today. Don\'t walk around."

"OK! Listen to your sister."

The little fat man had two swords on his back and a windmill on his back, which seemed childish, but he obviously listened to his sister\'s words and nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

"Pitifully, Tian Meng, the leader of the martyr mountain hall, died, leaving only a pair of brothers and sisters alone."

"Tian Yan is naturally weak and not good at martial arts. Tian CI has an extraordinary talent for practicing sword, but he has a problem in his brain."

"A fool, his achievements in this life are limited!"

The farm disciples clearly recognized the two siblings who were particularly conspicuous in the crowd.

Tian Yan took the hand given by God. His face was calm, his eyes were low, and he looked around without moving. His eyes were clear and wise, like seeing plants and trees.

Sending the peasant Xia Kui and the hall leaders to be buried in the tomb of Emperor Yan\'s six sages is the top priority of the peasant family. At this time, there are bursts of sadness and joy, and there are a sea of people on the field. The peasant disciples gather in twos and threes to pay tribute to the spiritual positions of the halls, and there are bursts of discussions. The relatives and families of the hall leaders are also crying loudly. All kinds of voices gather together, which suddenly makes it a little noisy

Just then, a cry of surprise came from the crowd: "Your Majesty the holy emperor has arrived!"

"Your Majesty the holy emperor has arrived!"

"Your Majesty the holy emperor has arrived!"


Hundreds of thousands of peasant disciples are boiling.

Everyone could not help but stand on tiptoe and look forward to something.

Step! Step! Step!!

Opening the way in the distance are the unparalleled Han soldiers, thousands of clanking iron armor, tiger and bear soldiers with long weapons and halberds, marching forward with neat and killing steps.

Yue Fei, the famous commander of the royal court, and Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang, Zhang Liang, five tigers and nine dragons secret service officers, among the seven great military divisions, all came by car in solemn and solemn uniforms.

On the Kowloon Emperor\'s car, Liu Hao, dressed in a human emperor\'s clothes, looks down on the world. He is as noble as the Heavenly Emperor of the fairy palace, overlooking the world.

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

There was a roar of hooray like a tsunami.

When the emperor\'s car passed, 100000 people knelt down.

This is the first time Tian Yan has seen the legendary emperor of Yingwu. In his autumn eyes, the color of surprise flashed, and the waves in his heart fluctuated, which was difficult to calm for a long time.

This is very different from the man Tian Yan met in the farmhouse.

Tian Yan knelt down with God\'s gift. Liu Haolong walked through the crowd and came to the spirit of Tian Guang and others. Long Xiu shook and solemnly saluted.

"As soon as you read that you despise life and death for the sake of the common people, it is chivalrous to lift your sword and go north!"

Liu Hao said solemnly, "the martyrs who died for my loyalty can enter the imperial soul tower for generations to see. I will kill Baiqi and lift my head to comfort the spirits of heroes in heaven in the future!"

All the farmers knelt down and shouted, "thank you for your kindness!"

"All flat."

Liu Hao waved his hand and said to the Zhu family, "Aiqing is responsible for handling many affairs of the size of the farm. Chen Sheng and Wu Guang are materials that can be made, and there are successors in the farm."

In the established track of historical development, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang are indeed the farmers who will carry the tripod in the future.

Later, the two men launched a peasant uprising against the state of Qin in daze Township, shouting what sentence will remain famous forever: "princes and generals, better have seed"!?

At this time, the two were still newborn calves. When they faced Liu Hao, they were in unspeakable awe.

Liu Haoyun took up the Dragon pupil of the Heavenly Emperor. His dignified and deep eyes swept the field. He had a panoramic view of the attributes of the farmers. Although there were many first-class talents, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were the most outstanding.

Suddenly, Liu Hao\'s eyes were frozen and a whisper was heard in his ear:

"Sister, who is this powerful big brother? Even uncle Zhu is very respectful to him!"

"Ah Chi, silence!"

Tian Yan\'s heart tightened, a layer of cold sweat came out from behind, and his small hand clenched his fat arm.

Before the holy emperor, his majesty is like heaven.

Even farmers like the Zhu family can only follow behind the holy emperor and dare not go out. The farmers are silent and respectful for fear of losing the rules and etiquette.

Shua Shua!

People\'s eyes were on sister Tian Yan, dazzling like a needle.

Tian Yan stood up with a stiff head, folded his slender waist, bowed down in front of Liu Hao, and said respectfully, "Tian Yan, the daughter of the people, paid a visit to her Majesty the holy emperor. Her brother was young and impolite, and collided with the holy driving. The daughter of the people begged to be punished on her behalf!"

"Your Majesty, this is the daughter of Tian Meng, the leader of the martyr mountain hall."

The Zhu family whispered in Liu Hao\'s ear.

"All flat."

Liu Hao looked at the sisters and brothers with great interest, and a slight arc appeared at the corners of his mouth.

Tian Yan - force 90, intelligence 93,... 76, command 82, charm 96!

Stunt 1, Yingzhi: every ten intelligence points of Tian Yan will provide him with a force bonus. There is no upper limit on this bonus!

Current Tian Yan\'s basic force + 9!

Stunt 2, female Guan Zhong: strategize and plan the layout!

Intelligence + 2 when Tian Yan plans the layout+ 2. Increase the success probability of the scheme by 30%!

Tian CI - force 97, intelligence 3,... 1, command 1!

Stunt 1, sword Kui: big fool shortcut, sword Kui Xiong!

Tian CI is naturally close to kendo. When using fencing against the enemy, the power of fencing will be increased by 10%!

Stunt 2, Rage: rage is like a lion and tiger, and courage is unstoppable!

If Tian CI is in a state of rage, his combat power will be increased by an additional 5-10%!

There are 100000 people in the farmhouse and a vast sea of people, but in Liu Hao\'s eyes, there are no more than these two people.

Even Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, who are destined to be independent, are not as good as this pair of siblings in Liu Hao\'s eyes.

Without him, genius!

Wu Guang and Chen Sheng are very strong, that is, they can be used to control the farmers in the future. They are the materials of the great commander!

However, Tian Yan and Tian Ci, the sisters and brothers, have great talents and can be called demons!

As long as they are given enough time to grow up and enough stage, the future of the two brothers and sisters is unlimited, and there is even hope to impact the realm of great masters!