The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2645

In a moment, Bai Qi made a bold move and killed Tian Hu with the momentum of thunder!

The twenty-four arrays of farmlands are displayed in infinite numbers, just like the surging tide of the Yangtze River, cleaning up the world, but Bai Qi turns into the pillar of heaven and the sea god needle!

No matter how fast the tide is, he stands still. His fist, palm, finger and sword are as powerful as a tiger. Where the killing machine is fierce, the spirit cries and howls!

Fight situ Wanli again!

Two leaders have been lost in succession. The operation of dize 24 array in the farmhouse has gradually stagnated, but Baiqi is still violent and fierce. Stepping on the array alone has set off a shocking wave

The dust of this war has not settled for a long time!

The military accounts have long been cracked, and the ground is full of potholes, with countless deep pits.

Xin Sheng, the young general of the Qin army who got the letter and newspaper, led 3000 gold fire cavalry to rush to the rescue.

The generals, who were brave enough to kill the soldiers, were as brave as the gods, but they couldn\'t help but sigh: "the generals, who are brave enough to kill the soldiers, are all over the place!"


The subordinates of the Qin army responded boldly and began to tidy up the battlefield.

"Tut tut! General Xin Sheng has gone astray. Where is this a person of unknown origin!"

"Farmhouse! This white head is the chivalrous Kui Tianguang of the farmhouse!"

"Hiss! And Tian Meng and Tian Hu of the farmhouse, who are the leaders of the farmhouse, stamp their feet, and the whole Jianghu will be shocked!"

A netted spy recognized the identity of the farmers when sorting out the battlefield. He couldn\'t help but be surprised.

Among the various countries, the national strength of Qin and Han Dynasties is the most prosperous.

Far away from the Jianghu, all schools of thought are in full bloom in the world, but they are known to the world as farmers and Mohists.

The Xia Kui and the leader of the sixth Hall of the farmhouse are naturally great figures in the Jianghu. Now these great figures are not here. It can be seen how fierce the battle was just now!

After cleaning up the bodies of all the farm disciples, the Qin army was shocked: "the secret service officers and soldiers are invincible and kill unparalleled. Who else can compete with them in today\'s world?"



The moon is as cool as water, and the stars fall.

Liu Hao is sitting opposite the East King of yin and Yang family, watching the stars and the moon.

Liu Hao is about to face the full interception of the yin-yang family and may face a powerful terrorist in the fairyland world. Liu Hao is observing the operation mode of the Qi of the first strange woman of the yin-yang family through the Dragon pupil of the Heavenly Emperor, so as to figure out the secret of the yin-yang family\'s cultivation.

Dongjun obviously also knows Liu Hao\'s intention. In addition to being helpless, he has a sense of shame that Liu Hao looks at him all over his body

"Yin Yang family has endless mysteries. Without decades of precipitation, it doesn\'t have a point."

The Emperor Yan\'s concubine Dai frowned slightly and said softly, "Your Majesty has extraordinary talent and talent. If you can worship under the Eastern Emperor\'s gate, your achievements in yin-yang techniques in the future will be unlimited, and there may not be no hope to impact the supreme realm of longevity..."

So far, imperial concubine Yan, the eastern monarch, can\'t forget that night. Liu Hao triggered the amazing vision of the stars shining in the blue sky.

In addition to Liu Hao, only one person has ever triggered this legendary vision of heaven and earth.

The Eastern Emperor!

The leader of Yin Yang family is mysterious and powerful, which is like the supreme existence of heaven and man!

Liu Hao smiled calmly, wrote down the real strength operation mode of the East Jun Yan imperial concubine, and asked, "if I fight with the East emperor, what do you think of the victory or defeat?"

Imperial concubine Yan, the eastern monarch, said in a deep voice, "although your majesty has inherited the great fortune of heaven and earth, the Eastern Emperor has been detached from the common customs and entered the supreme realm as early as decades ago. In recent decades, he has sat in the death pass, and his strength has improved greatly. He has become an immortal God that ordinary people can\'t imagine. Your majesty should know that it is by no means wise men to be enemies with such figures."

Seeing the solemn look on her beautiful face, Liu Hao felt narrow-minded and joked, "what if I win?"

"How is this... Possible?"

Dongjun choked and shook his head. His little face was full of disbelief.

Liu Hao didn\'t explain much, but a slight arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The origin of the Eastern Emperor\'s identity is mysterious. Even the Taoist Tianzong beimingzi is secretive about it and praises it as the best expert in the world

"Sooner or later, there will be a war with it."

Liu Hao raised his head and glanced at the starry sky. At this time, the western star was blazing. It seemed that there was the Lord of the stars. He was orthodox in photographing the stars and sitting in the West.

He was suddenly blessed with a feeling that the Eastern Emperor was looking up at the starry sky and silently observing the law of the operation of heaven as an outsider.

Both of them had their own thoughts, and immediately fell into a quiet atmosphere.

Before long, a burst of light footsteps broke the silence.

"Hmm? Weizhuang was injured!"

Liu Hao\'s mind moved slightly, and within a hundred feet, he didn\'t notice anything.

Wei zhuangyun turned around and swept in. A faint smell of blood diffused in the air.

"The farm business has failed!"

Liu Hao\'s mind turned. Before Weizhuang stepped into the hospital, he had roughly calculated the general direction of things.

Looking at the system panel again, the names of farmers are indeed gray, showing the state of death.

"Your Majesty, watch out for Tu Baiqi. His strength is unfathomable. When he takes the shot, his killing intention is fierce and condenses the essence, just like a sea of corpses, violent and fierce, which can affect people\'s spirit!"

Weizhuang also suffered a lot of internal injuries. He wiped a trace of blood from the corners of his mouth and looked dignified.

"System, query the properties of white start."

Liu Hao started to query Baiqi\'s attributes with his mind communication system. He was surprised at the moment.

Imperial secret service officer Bai Qi - force 96, intelligence 87,... 75, commander 108, xuanbing 123!

Stunt 1: kill God: Baiqi will permanently gain the promotion of basic force + 1, command + 1 and xuanbing + 1 for every 100000 enemies killed!

Lingwei: Imperial stunt officer, Lingwei 2!

All soldiers under Baiqi\'s command, force + 2, combat power increased by 5% and marching speed increased by 5%!

All white enemies will be threatened by killing God. They have a 50% chance to produce the psychological effect of fear and shock!

Stunt 3: subdue the enemy: if the commander of the enemy\'s main general is lower than Baiqi, his immediate commander will be limited. The commander of the enemy\'s main general is - 4, and the enemy\'s morale will be gradually reduced, up to 40% of the enemy\'s morale!
