The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2543

"Such a mighty monarch has the heart of governing the world and loving the people. The farmers choose to take refuge in the Han Dynasty. It would be a good thing if they could help the Han Emperor end the troubled times and save all the people in the world from fire and water as soon as possible..."

"You... Can\'t stop a sword, and the emperor hasn\'t done his best!!?"

The six finger black Xia was shocked: "the twenty-four array of dize is running. It can trap and kill experts all over the world. It was broken by one person!?"

"Is there such a person in the world?"

The six finger black Xia and Tian Guang are similar in age and are both leaders of the school. They cherish each other and can be said to be close friends.

Tian Guang\'s martial arts are also between Bozhong and him. Even Tian Guang can\'t stop the sword of the Han Emperor. If it was him, it would be the same result.

"Before coming to the state of Han, I once heard a rumor that the emperor of Han came down to earth during the war between Wei and Han, and broke the ten thousand armor of the Wei army with one knife. This must be exaggerated, but it is also true that thousands of armor are broken. Such immortal figures do not know who can stop the rise of the emperor of Han in the world?"

"There\'s another man."

"If the eastern emperor doesn\'t come out, the Han emperor is invincible."

While drinking, the two old brothers discussed Liu Hao\'s strength, and suddenly called out the name of the Eastern Emperor.

"Go back and persuade YAN Dan. It\'s best not to be an enemy of the Han Dynasty. The emperor of the Han Dynasty is already an immortal God among people, which can\'t be easily calculated by others. His horror is definitely beyond imagination."

"I\'ll bring that to you."

The six finger black man nodded solemnly, and finally sighed as if he couldn\'t believe it: "there are such people in the world. The emperor of the Han Dynasty is really the dragon among people."



In youth, the shuttle was thrown, the sun and moon flew arrows, and three days passed between the fingers.

Today is the Great Han military parade.

Hundreds of thousands of heroes and fierce soldiers gathered in the school yard outside Daliang city.

Wu Qi, the secret service officer and soldier, was wearing heavy and powerful armor and holding a long sword at his waist in one hand. He stood on the high commanding platform, his eyes burning with gold and looked into the distance.

"The Han Emperor arrived!"

Suddenly, a cry came from afar.

The tower like generals celebrated the ceremony and drove the noble real dragon chariot into the school yard slowly.

"Long live the Han Emperor, long live your majesty!"

"Long live Han, long live your majesty!"


Where the imperial chariot passed, the fierce soldiers on both sides knelt down one after another as if the tide was falling, and the crazy cry shook the four fields and eight wastelands.

"Everybody, get flat."

The dignified and deep voice came from the Royal chariot. Liu Hao wore twelve diaos and crowns on his head, a robe embroidered with purple dragon and gun, and embroidered with sun, moon and stars on his shoulders. He walked out of the Royal chariot and ascended the king\'s commanding platform.

Wu Qi, the special service officer and soldier, pushed Jinshan mountain and fell down on Yuzhu. He knelt down on one knee, hugged his fist and said respectfully, "long live the emperor of the Han Dynasty, 30000 soldiers of the Han Dynasty and 70000 soldiers of the white armour, all here!"

The famous general is white headed, but like a thin tiger, he still has a powerful momentum that can not be underestimated.

Liu Hao looked under the general with satisfaction, reached out and patted Wu Qi\'s shoulder. "This war should be the most critical step of the Han Dynasty\'s strategy. The secret service army has full control of the war."

After handing over the command of the war to Wu Qi, Liu Hao turned sideways and asked, "the crown prince thinks how the Han army looks now?"

"Wu Qi really deserves to be the second sage of the strategist!"

YAN Dan couldn\'t help but look at it with awe in his heart.

Wu Qi, who led Wei Wu\'s soldiers to kill, was like a lost dog. Now he has trained this Han Wu\'s soldiers.

Looking down from a commanding position, the soldiers of Han Dynasty clanked one by one with iron armor and holding a long halberd, which was full of iron and blood. The eyes looking at Liu Hao were full of respect from the bottom of their hearts and burning heat.

YAN Dan said, "it\'s no wonder that your majesty can destroy Xinluo and sheguo one after another with such a strong military front. Dan was very impressed."

There are many brave warriors in the wild goose country, but we can\'t find such a powerful division.

How can Yandan not be surprised?

Liu Hao said with a smile: "now that we have formed an alliance with Yan state, we can attack and defend the state of Qi and help each other. The two countries work together to divide the land together."

YAN Dan said solemnly, "the wild goose country should do its best to hold the northern wing of the Qi army for your majesty. I wish your majesty to open a gap in the front battlefield and break the Qi country in World War I."

Liu Hao stood on the king\'s commanding platform with his hands down and under the flag of the iron blood red dragon of the great man.

The cold breeze blew, making his sideburns flutter with the wind, and the iron blood red dragon flag also sounded.

A hundred thousand troops stood in awe.

All the soldiers in the Han Dynasty were strong and strong with thick waist and round arms. Everyone was covered with heavy iron armor, one with shield, the other with long spear, and carrying a light crossbow machine.

Tens of thousands of people have formed an odd shaped array, which can attack and defend, advance and retreat as one.

"In just three months, Han Wu soldiers have such military appearance, and the secret service officers and soldiers have made great contributions..."

With Liu Hao\'s critical eyes, they couldn\'t help nodding and praising.

Wu Qi\'s military training is really a set.

At present, the sharpness of Han Wu soldiers is not much different from that of Han Huben Tianzi camp.

As long as we have experienced the honing of several blood and fire wars, the aura of the Han Wu Legion will be promoted, and we will certainly become an Invincible Iron and blood master!

Tian Guang was a little regretful and sighed: "after all, the time is still short. Otherwise, dize 24 array can operate more skillfully. If it is used in the battle array, it can trap the enemy invisible."

"It\'s good to be able to do this in a short time... Next, the general will make the princes all over the world shudder at the reputation of Han Wuzu!"

Wu Qi\'s eyes are like hawks and falcons, his white beard flutters, and his pride is growing in his chest.

He raised the of the long sword in his hand and shouted, "Han Wu soldiers, the blockers are invincible and invincible!"

"The blockers are invincible and invincible!"

"The blockers are invincible and invincible!"

The soldiers of the three services of the Han Dynasty began to raise their long swords and roar loudly.

The voice of 100000 tiger and wolf soldiers is more spectacular than that of ten thousand thunder. YAN Dan\'s face is bloodless and his scalp is numb!

He is the crown prince of a country and has a deep understanding of the high class of Yan country.

Yandi is located in the north. Although there are many generous and heroic men, there are no special service officials in the country, and Wang Xi of Yan is not enterprising. Therefore, the military capacity of the Yan country is far inferior to that of the Han Dynasty.