The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2544

At this time, YAN Dan was not the only one who was shocked.

Imperial concubine Yan, the eastern monarch of yin and Yang family, also saw the concussion of her mind and said in awe: "the front of the soldiers of Han Wu will never be under the armour piercing army of the Qin Empire!"

Yin Yang family has some unspeakable secret connection with the Qin Empire. Imperial concubine Yan, the eastern monarch, is the daughter of the Eastern Emperor. Naturally, she has seen the big scene with him.

Looking at the momentum of Han Wu\'s death today, it has never been weaker than the Qin army.

"Fei Yan girl, what do you think of my army?"

Liu Hao looked away at the majesty of Han Wu\'s soldiers and asked calmly.

Fei Yan is the name of Dongjun. Since she was captured in the imperial palace that day and night, the proud daughter of yin and Yang family has become a prisoner of Liu Hao.


Yan imperial concubine Ao Jiao wrinkled Qiong\'s nose and said, "what\'s strange? According to the yin-yang astrology, the emperor star shines high on Gaoyang City, and the state of Qin has a division of millions of tigers and wolves. Once you start, it\'s the power of thunder, and it\'s not difficult for a horse to step on the seven countries. Your guard is not an opponent at all..."

"Then you may be disappointed."

Liu Hao smiled. He had absolute confidence in Wu Qi and Han Wu\'s death.

YAN Dan, who was standing on the side, was shocked, and his eyes couldn\'t help falling on the East Jun Yan imperial concubine.

Mysterious and elegant, extraordinary and vulgar.

He had never met such a perfect woman.

The woman, standing on the side of Liu Hao, had a feeling of perfect combination.

Yandan felt a slight wave in her heart, and was a little melancholy at the moment:

"So her name is... Fei Yan."


Outside the city of Daliang.

The people of Wei have been surrounded.

Everyone crowded beside the official road and looked up at the school yard in the distance.

Everyone\'s eyes are full of reverence from the bottom of their hearts and burning heat.

"Big Han Tianwei, who can stop such a defense?"

"Wu Qi, the secret service officer, is on the commanding officer\'s stage. The Qin dog I killed in Wei Wu\'s pawn was terrified. Today, the secret service officer is reused by the Han Emperor and trained into a Han Wu\'s pawn. Who can be the enemy in the world?"

"The emperor of the Han Dynasty is a real hero. He knows people and makes good use of them. Han Fei and Zhang Liang are all people who seek the country. Wu Qi, a special service officer and army, is a peerless marshal."

"The key is that the emperor of the Han Dynasty is really generous to the people. I really hope he will rule the world and the people will have a good life."

"I saw the emperor of the Han Dynasty. There are such handsome men in the world. The emperor of the Han Dynasty will not marry in this life!"

"Long live the Han Emperor, long live your majesty!"

"Long live the Han Emperor, long live your majesty!"


The crowd was excited.

Wei Di has been silent for too long. Liu Hao held this military parade, which made everyone see the military power of the great man and inspired the people of the whole country.

Liu Hao reaped a large wave of worship value in the crazy voice of the crowd.

"Prepare to send troops."

Liu Hao\'s face was calm, turned sideways to Wei Wuji and said, "please give it to xinlingjun for the mission to the state of LAN."

"My Lord, yes!"

Wei Wuji clung to his fist and backed away.

The bleak and desolate horn sounded suddenly!

On the commanding officer\'s stage, Wu Qi\'s white beard rustled, pulled out his sword and said, "if you don\'t break the state of Qi today, I\'d like to see you!"

On this day, Wu Qi, the special service officer and army, led the Han Wu troops and 100000 Han troops to attack the state of Qi in the East.

On this day, under the escort of Baifeng and crow, Wei Wuji, the xinlingjun, drove fast to the LAN state.

On the same day, outside Gaoyang city of the state of Qin.

A noble carriage was heading south.

Changping Jun sat upright in his chair, through the curtain of the window, and finally looked back at the majestic Gaoyang city.

In the eyes that had been plain without any waves, suddenly the fine awn burst and became sharp.

"As soon as today goes, the Dragon enters the sea!"

"In the future... When I integrate the Kuo Dynasty hall, I will certainly raise the great Chu soldiers, compete for the world and level Gaoyang city!"



Linzi, king Qi palace.

Since Tian Ji and Sun Bin\'s secret service operations against the state of Sheung achieved rich results, the whole court of the state of Qi has been celebrating with praise.

Some even touted the king of Qi Xiang as the overlord of the future princes, and it\'s nothing to sweep all countries.

The king of Qi Xiang was also carried away and really regarded himself as the overlord of the future. For months, the king of Qi palace has been singing and dancing endlessly.

Tonight, the palace is brightly lit. King Qi Xiang summoned a group of close officials to give a banquet in the palace.


The shrill cry resounded through the silent night in Linzi.

King Qi Xiang sat high on the throne and watched a beautiful dancer\'s song and dance performance. He was suddenly disturbed and naturally unhappy.

"Damn it! Dare to disturb the king\'s interest!"

The Qi army scouts were sweating, kneeling on the ground and said in a trembling voice: "tell the king that the Han army sent troops in the starry night and broke the city one after another along the Jishui river. Now the army is pressing the border and is only more than 30 miles away from Lu county. Please make a decision quickly!"


The bronze wine bottle in king Qi Xiang\'s hand fell on the table, the wine splashed everywhere, and the skirt of his clothes was wet.

The singing and dancing stopped immediately in the whole wide hall.

The courtiers accompanying king Qi Xiang are a little confused

Just now, I was intoxicated with the moving dancing posture of the dancer and daydreamed of the rise of the state of Qi. I was suddenly beaten back to my original shape

The king of Qi Xiang finally calmed his heart. His voice was still a little trembling and asked, "you... Aiqing, what should I do?"


One after another looked at the nose, the nose and the heart. They were so frightened that they didn\'t even dare to go out of the atmosphere.

make fun of!

The Great Han attacked and destroyed the two countries. Now it is at the height of the sun. Who dares to wipe his front? Wang Yixiang\'s brain is out. He sent himself to the front line to intercept the Han Army\'s front. Didn\'t he lose his life in vain?


The king of Qi Xiang slapped the table heavily, swept all the cups in front of him to the ground, and scolded angrily, "they are all waste!"

At this time, the Minister of the state of Qi finally stood out and said timidly, "I think this matter is extremely urgent. I can quickly summon general Tian Ji to discuss in the palace and discuss countermeasures..."

Tian Ji performed extremely well in the war of attacking the state of Qi. Now he is a hot secret service officer in the state of Qi.

The king of Qi Xiang seemed to have caught a life-saving straw. His eyes showed his fine awn and hurriedly said, "in that case, pass it on to general Tian Ji."