The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2542

Dan was shocked and didn\'t say anything in his heart.

It is said that the farmhouse is far away from the Jianghu, far away from the disputes between the court and the hall, and will never participate in the chaotic war of the princes?

On the hall of the Great Han Dynasty, there are not only the Xia Kui of the farmhouse, but also several hall leaders of the farmhouse. They all have familiar faces

However, Yandan\'s Qi Nourishing skill was good after all. He forcibly took back his fear, calmed down and bowed: "Yandan, I\'ve seen your Majesty the emperor of the Han Dynasty."

Liu Hao asked with great interest, "you are the crown prince of the wild goose country. You must have a very important thing to make an envoy today?"

YAN Dan arched his hand and said, "YAN Dan is here only to fulfill the wish of his Majesty the emperor of the Han Dynasty."


Liu Hao raised his eyebrows and said with an indifferent smile, "do you know what I want? How can I accomplish it?"

YAN Dan said with assurance: "to be a king, one\'s wish is nothing more than to help the world and govern all countries. Heroes like the emperor of the Han Dynasty must have broad ambitions."

Liu Hao raised his hand and said with a smile, "you don\'t have to hold me. Just tell me what you have to say. I want to know what makes the crown prince of a country travel thousands of miles on the runway above the Great Han Dynasty hall."

YAN Dan\'s face was solemn and said, "your majesty of the Han Emperor\'s insight is like a torch. YAN Dan admires it."

"Please look."

He took out a map from his sleeve and someone hung it in the hall.

On the map, countries are marked with different colors and flags.

YAN Dan walked back and forth for a few steps, seemed to be preparing his words, and suddenly said, "now in the Qin and Zhao countries, millions of troops are stationed in Changping. The situation is imminent. The emperor of the Han Dynasty has lost constraints in the West. It is a good opportunity given by heaven to forge ahead to the whole land!"

He pointed to the territory of the state of Qi and said, "the king of Qi Xiang is incompetent, but he steals half of the country of Xi. How can others snore and sleep beside the so-called couch? If the emperor of Han sends troops to levy Qi, the state of Yan is willing to rush for help and directly plunge into the state of Qi to Jixi... In this way, the power of the two countries can attack and destroy the state of Qi and divide its land, which can benefit each other."

At this point, Liu Hao suddenly understood the purpose of YAN Dan\'s coming, but he took a high look at him.

YAN Dan\'s intention is obvious: to persuade the Han Dynasty and the Yan state to join forces, the Han and Yan countries attacked the Qi State from two different angles.

This is also a soft pinch for persimmons.

Now, Qin and Zhao countries, with the millions of the troops in bloody battle in Changping, dare not take part in it with the YAN Dan\'s courage.

Otherwise, I\'m afraid I don\'t even know how to die

If you can\'t move Qin and Zhao, then you should put your mind on the relatively weak state of Qi.

The national strength of the state of Qi is long gone, and the great talents of Wang Zhi of Qi Xiang are sparse. If it faces the attack of the two countries, it is bound to be difficult to support.

"It\'s said that Prince Dan is a disciple of the great masters of Mohism. Mohism talks about non attack and universal love. YAN Dan proposed to mobilize troops to attack Qi. Didn\'t he violate the rules of Mohism?"

"When things are urgent, be in power."

YAN Dan\'s face remained unchanged, but his face was still calm. He said, "if the skin doesn\'t exist, how can Mao attach? If you stick to the rules, the wild goose country will be swallowed up by the troubled times sooner or later. At that time, YAN Dan will become the biggest sinner of the wild goose country. Only if you are strong enough can you really promote the thought of Mohism in the world..."

YAN Dan removed the identity of Mohism, and another identity is the crown prince of Yan state. All the rivers and mountains of a country are pressed on his shoulder.

Liu Hao nodded and said, "it\'s a big deal. Since the wild goose state sent you as an envoy, it can be seen that you are very sincere. Let me consider, come and arrange the residence of the prince."


In the middle of the night, Bai Feng stood up and took orders.


After the meeting of the Han Dynasty dispersed, the general plan for the use of troops in the state of Qi was finally finalized.

Wu Qi, the special service officer and army, reorganized 30000 Han soldiers and 70000 white Jia soldiers, making up a total of 100000. A military parade will be held three days later.

This time, Liu Hao invited Yandan, crown prince of Yanguo, to attend the military parade.

Prince YAN Dan, who has just reached a short-term alliance, has stayed in the post house in Daliang city these days.



Tian Fu Zhong.

This mansion was originally the residence of a prominent power in the state of Sheung.

In the process of shuffling the Imperial Hall of the state of Sheung, Liu Hao copied the noble home and later gave it to Kui Tianguang, the peasant Xia who raised the crowd.

At this time, the night is deep, and Tian Guang is still practicing his sword under the moon.

The light and spirit of the sword are myriad, arousing the dust flying on the ground and imposing.

After the first war with Liu Hao, Tian Guang was defeated, but he benefited a lot. There were faint signs of loosening in the realm of kendo.

Just then, on the courtyard wall, suddenly a dark shadow like an unclean thing swept down directly.

The man came very quickly and suddenly burst into Tian Guang\'s sword power. He fought with Tian Guang. The sound of clanking gold and iron was heard all the time.

"Brother Tian, your sword technique seems to be a little more fierce than the last time we met. Congratulations."

The man in black walked away and said with a smile.

Tian Guang also received the long sword and sighed, "six finger man, are you still so divine?"

The Jianghu is so big that Kui Tianguang, a peasant Xia, can only call him a man with six fingers.

This man is a giant of Mohism. He has six fingers on his left hand and likes a black cloak. All Jianghu people call him "six finger black Xia".

The six finger black Xia is in the same position as Tian Guang, and even has a winning record. At the beginning, the five elders of yin and Yang family fought together, and they didn\'t even get him.

"Frost, cold and dew are heavy. Come in and talk."

Tian Guang took his sword and led the six finger black man into the inner room.

The two old friends sat at separate seats, looked at each other, drank to each other and sighed.

The six finger black Xia put down his glass and asked, "brother Tian, you have changed a lot. The farmhouse has always been far away from the Jianghu. How can you participate in the competition of princes?"

Tian Guang said with a wry smile: "six finger man, the answer to this question, YAN Dan has answered it in the court today."

"Is there a finished egg under the pouring nest?"

"Today\'s troubled times are like a chess game. Everyone is a chess piece, and farmers are no exception..."

"Originally, I was entrusted by my old friend to issue the Shennong order to test the character of the emperor of Han Dynasty. If I were a generation of jackals, I would get rid of them as soon as possible. I didn\'t expect..."

The six finger black man said strangely: "how?"

Tian Guang shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I did it myself, but I couldn\'t resist the sword of the Han Emperor. The Han Emperor hasn\'t done my best. The farmers did their best and arranged the twenty-four dize formation, which was broken by the Han Emperor alone. The high martial arts of the Han emperor is the first person I\'ve seen in my life and I have to obey."